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WPS- Class VI ICT Test-08/05/2023

Dear students, Please Open the link below to complete your ICT class test. You will be given only 20 minutes to complete this work. There are 15 multiple choice question. Each question carries one mark. All the best.

Online ICT Annual Examination for Class IV - 29/11/2022

  Click on the  link below and answer all the questions. If you are not able to open this link, contact your exam invigilator on duty.  Test completed .... Best of Luck.
  WANGDUE PRIMARY SCHOOL WANGDUE SHERING MID TERM EXAMINATION – 2021 Time: 1 hrs 30 minutes                              Subject: ICT                    Class IV                       Total Marks: 50 NAME: ……………………………………………………………………….……………..SECTION:……….ROLL NO:………… READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY ü   This paper consist of Three sections A, B, and C you need to write answers for ALL the Questions. ü   Do not write for first 15 minute because it’s a time for reading the questions. ü   You will be given 2 hours to write the answer for all the questions. ü   Once the examination starts you are not allowed to talk and move. *************************************************************************** Section A (Multiple choice, 15 marks) Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers. Choose the most correct answer and write down in the space given below.   1.       While connecting to a computer system, al