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Showing posts from April, 2019

Wangdue Primary School VISION MISSION

VISION: To promote graduates imbibed with GNH values. MISSION: To practice and inculcate CFC (Child Friendly School), through positive disciplining, democratic, environmental and cuktural values for striving GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS .

About Wangdue Pry. School

VISION: To promote graduates imbibed with GNH values. MISSION: To practice and inculcate CFC (Child Friendly School), through positive disciplining, democratic, environmental and cuktural values for striving GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS . GOALS: ·        Inculcate a sense of responsibility, initiative and resourcefulness. ·        Provide the life skills and knowledge required in life. ·        Inculcate the National Values of patriotism and service to the ‘Tsa Wa Sum’. ·        Instill the personal values of honesty, sincerity, punctuality, truthfulness, empathy, love and compassion. ·        Promote the rich culture and traditions. ·        Provide support services to students and teachers. ·        Promote continuous staff development programs. ·        Provide leadership skills to students and teachers. ·        Instill the deep values of ‘Tha Damtse and Ley Jumdey’. ·        Improve the standard and quality of teaching and learn