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Showing posts from August, 2022
  WANGDUE PRIMARY SCHOOL WANGDUE SHERING MID TERM EXAMINATION – 2021 Time: 1 hrs 30 minutes                              Subject: ICT                    Class IV                       Total Marks: 50 NAME: ……………………………………………………………………….……………..SECTION:……….ROLL NO:………… READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY ü   This paper consist of Three sections A, B, and C you need to write answers for ALL the Questions. ü   Do not write for first 15 minute because it’s a time for reading the questions. ü   You will be given 2 hours to write the answer for all the questions. ü   Once the examination starts you are not allowed to talk and move. *************************************************************************** Section A (Multiple choice, 15 marks) Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers. Choose the most correct answer and write down in the space given below.   1.       While connecting to a computer system, al