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Showing posts from April, 2022

WPS waste Club

  (WASTE WARRIORS) Waste Club Action Plan, 2022 Wangdue Primary school, Wangdue Goal: To create proper waste management society through building a cadre of young people equipped with knowledge, skills and values to manage waste. Objectives & responsibilities: • To make individual responsible with their own waste • To inculcate knowledge and skills on waste management • To instil the values on keeping our environment clean • To impart values on 4Rs • To innovate smart waste management practices Activity (What?) Objective (Why?) Strategy (How?) Start Date- End Date Responsibility Implementation Status Remarks 1 Awareness and the launch of waste warrior program club/ to the students To enable vibrant waste warriors in the school with the good turnout students joining waste club Ppt Presentation by the club masters May 7th Waste warrior coordinators 2 Registration of interested students in the program To maintain proper records of waste members NA Leaders and student coordinators