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WPS waste Club


Waste Club Action Plan, 2022
Wangdue Primary school, Wangdue

To create proper waste management society through building a cadre of young people equipped with knowledge, skills and values to manage waste.
Objectives & responsibilities:
• To make individual responsible with their own waste
• To inculcate knowledge and skills on waste management
• To instil the values on keeping our environment clean
• To impart values on 4Rs
• To innovate smart waste management practices
Objective (Why?)
Strategy (How?)
Start Date- End DateResponsibilityImplementation StatusRemarks
1Awareness and the launch of
waste warrior
program club/ to the students
To enable vibrant waste warriors in the
school with the good turnout students
joining waste club
Ppt Presentation by
the club masters
May 7th
Waste warrior coordinators
2Registration of interested
students in the program
To maintain proper records of waste membersNA
Leaders and student coordinators
3Advocacy on waste problems and negative
impact to mother earth
To create awareness to the students on the
negative impact of waste and how to prevent
mother earth from becoming ugly.
(Video lesson)
Mrs. Yeshi Wangmo/Tobgyel
4Segregation of wasteTo teach students the different types of waste
we produces and have proper segregation
of waste to sell
Hands on Practice in group

Eg: Set up bins for the different kinds of waste,
and make sure the right bins are used.
You should have clearly labelled bins for glass,
paper, plastic, cans and for organic waste.
May 21stWaste team
5Presentation on No plastic
Awareness on 4Rs ( Video lesson)
What can be made from plastic waste? ( Video)

To reduce the use of plastics and let
children take keen interest on 4Rs
(Video lesson)
May 28thMs Sonam Choden
6Creating one wonderful craft using
plastic waste in their group
To reduce plastic wasteExplore from Google/ Group activityJune 4th
June 11th
Waste Team
7Advocacy waste management

To spread the massive destruction by
waste and share that our
waste our responsibility.

(Video lesson)
June 18thMr Nima Tenzin
8Placing dustbins in the
appropriate place
To instill the values on keeping
our environment clean
Team workJune 25thWaste Team
9How to make paper Mache and
paper mache craft

Impart values on recycling waste(Video lesson)
July 2ndMr Nima Tenzin
10Creating one wonderful craft using
paper mache in their group
To reduce paper wastecreative craft projects, and
paper mache is one of my all time favorites
July 16th
July 23rd
Waste Team
Term Break
11Welcome back and review class
Mass cleaning around school campus
To create awareness to the
community around.
Team workSept 3rdWaste team
12Making of things using waste
To build creative thinking within
the kids using waste
Explore on 4Rs
Sept 10th
Sept 17th
Sept 24th
All members
13Presentation of individual waste productTo build creative skills and artistic skillsExplore on 4RsMs Sonam Choden
14ExhibitionTo build creative skills and artistic
skills and to promote 3Rs
ExplorationOct 1st
15Segregation of wastePromoting 3RsHands on Practice in group
Eg: Set up bins for the different kinds of waste,
and make sure the right bins are used.
You should have clearly
labelled bins for glass, paper, plastic,
cans and for organic waste.
Oct 8thWaste team
16GardeningTo inculcate the sense of love
towards environment.
Team workOct 15thWaste eam
17Advocacy on Climate Change
To spread the massive destruction by waste
and share that our waste our responsibility.
Vodeo Lesson
Oct 22ndMr Tobgyel
18Students presentation on effects
of climate change (group work)
To create awareness on cause
and effect of climate change
Presentation by student membersOct 29thMembers
19Field trip (ARDCL)To explore on waste management
knowledge and skills
Field tripNov 5thWaste Team
20Segregation of waste &
clearing waste shed
To create a waste friendly environmentHands on Practice in group
Eg: Set up bins for the different kinds of waste,
and make sure the right bins are used.
You should have clearly
labelled bins for glass, paper, plastic,
cans and for organic waste.
Nov 12thWaste team
21Club closing and award ceremonyTo review the biggest change the club
brought and appreciate and also motivate
every individual involved.
Team workNov 19thCoordinators
Waste warrior graduates
Mr Tobgyel
Mr Nima Tenzin
Mrs Yeshi wangmo
Ms Sonam Choden


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