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Showing posts from April, 2016

Dzongs in Bhutan

ü    Importance of Dzongs ( Note: for students reference only )   The word dzong means ‘a fortress ’. ü   Dzongs have served and acted as an effective defence against any attack or invasion. ü   It is mostly built on the mountain overlooking and commanding the whole valley below. ü   It is often surrounded by watch towers and observation posts located in the hill sides. ü   History of the construction of dzongs in Bhutan can be categorized into three phases; ü   Pre-Zhabdrung dzongs ü   The Zhabdrung era dzongs ü   The post-Zhabdrung dzongs. ü   Dzongs were first built in Bhutan by Lam Gyalwa Lhanangpa in 12 th century. ü   Do Ngon dzong (Blue stone dzong) was built by him. ü   Pre-Zhabdrung dzongs were used as monasteries. ü   Dzongs played an important role in the history of Bhutan from zhabdrung’s time. ü   The reason is “ Dzongs not only acted as a helpful defence but also became the centres of religious and cultural activities and the seat of c

Class Test marks- Class VII (2016)- Chapter 0ne and Two

Class 7 Class Test Result ..2016 Name Sec 40% 100 Rank Remarks 1 Jamyang Tsozom D 38 95 1 Excellent 2 Jigme Choden D 38 95 1 Excellent 3 Shreya Subba C 38 95 1 Excellent 4 Karma Yangzom A 36 90 2 Excellent 5 Passang Tamang D 36 90 2 Excellent 6 Tashi Lhazom C 36 90 2 Excellent 7 Tshering Lhamo D 36 90 2 Excellent 8 Arpan Rana D 34 85 3 V.Good 9 Birkha Maya Rai C 34 85 3 V.Good 10 Dhan Maya Dhital C 34 85 3 V.Good 11 Gayatri Pradhan C 34 85 3 V.Good 12 Kinga Thinley C 34 85 3 V.Good 13 Manosh Lungeli E 34 85 3 V.Good 14 Namkha Tashi Yoezer D 34 85 3 V.Good 15 Pelden Wangchuk C 34 85 3