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Bhutan History "Chapter ONE" -Set1...questions and Sample Answers

Bhutan History Chapter One
The importance of Pema Lingpa
Q1.  The father of Pema Lingpa was
a.     Choingpa
b.     Dondrup Zangpo
c.      Younten Jangchub
d.     Dorji Lingpa
Q2. Describe Pema Lingpa as an extraordinary child.
Q3. Pema Lingpa belonged to the family of……………….lams
Q4. Match the following items:
1.     skull
A.    Pema Dolma
2.     Dondrup Zangpo
B.     Bidung Choeje
3.     Kuenga Wangpo
C.     Lhodra
4.     Lhalung Monastery
D.    Mebartsho
E.     Dungkhar Choeje

Q5. Was the decision to keep Pema Lingpa with his grandfather a wise one? Justify your answer.
Q6. How would you feel if you were brought up by your grandparents?
Q7. How old was Pema Lingpa when he had a vision of Guru Rimpoche?
Q8. Explain the term ‘Mebartsho’
Q9. Draw the family tree of Pema Lingpa
Q10. How did Pema Lingpa strengthen the teaching of Lord Buddha?
Q11. Pema Lingpa is an important historical figure in the history of Bhutan. Justify your answer.
Q12. How, according to you would be the political life in Bhutan. If Pema Lingpa did not exist?

Sample Answer 
Q1. Dondrup Zangpo.

Q2. Pema Lingpa could build stupas, temples, religious thrones and erect prayer flags. He could even write on leaves, perform sacred dances and give sermons. The above traits describe that he was an unuseal child.
Q3. Nyingmapa
1.      skull
A. Pema Dolma
2.      Dondrup Zangpo
B.      Bidung Choeje
3.      Kuenga Wangpo
C.      Lhodra
4.      Lhalung Monastery
D.     Mebartsho
E.      Dungkhar Choeje

Q5. Yes, he learnt to be responsible, appreciate his grandfather and learnt a lot of valuable things from the older generation.
No, he did not get the personal love, could not enjoy his childhood days and learn to odd jobs.
Happy as they would tell us lots of folktales.
Teach us about preserving culture and tradition.
Make us realize the generation gap.
Gain lots of valuable lessons.
Q7. 25 years.
Q8. Mebartsho means ‘burning lake’
Q9. Refer to textbook page: 6
Q10. Pema Lingpa composed many religious texts and ritual, gave initiations and teaching and established monastreis.
Q11. Pema Lingpa discovered various ‘Ter’ that had been hidden by Guru Rimpoche, he was one of the tertons to spread Buddhism and he is the forefather of our royal family.
Q12. Bhutan would have been ruled by some other political figures in place of the present royal lineage.


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