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Class Test marks- Class VII (2016)- Chapter 0ne and Two

Class 7 Class Test Result ..2016 Name Sec 40% 100 Rank Remarks
1 Jamyang Tsozom D 38 95 1 Excellent
2 Jigme Choden D 38 95 1 Excellent
3 Shreya Subba C 38 95 1 Excellent
4 Karma Yangzom A 36 90 2 Excellent
5 Passang Tamang D 36 90 2 Excellent
6 Tashi Lhazom C 36 90 2 Excellent
7 Tshering Lhamo D 36 90 2 Excellent
8 Arpan Rana D 34 85 3 V.Good
9 Birkha Maya Rai C 34 85 3 V.Good
10 Dhan Maya Dhital C 34 85 3 V.Good
11 Gayatri Pradhan C 34 85 3 V.Good
12 Kinga Thinley C 34 85 3 V.Good
13 Manosh Lungeli E 34 85 3 V.Good
14 Namkha Tashi Yoezer D 34 85 3 V.Good
15 Pelden Wangchuk C 34 85 3 V.Good
16 Pema Tshering D 34 85 3 V.Good
17 Pobita Rana D 34 85 3 V.Good
18 Puja Kamar D 34 85 3 V.Good
19 Ram Singh Rai D 34 85 3 V.Good
20 Sumera Rai D 34 85 3 V.Good
21 Tashi Dema C 34 85 3 V.Good
22 Tshering Choki D 34 85 3 V.Good
23 Anan Rai C 32 80 4 V.Good
24 Ash Maya Alley D 32 80 4 V.Good
25 Bindika Subba E 32 80 4 V.Good
26 Binu Rai A 32 80 4 V.Good
27 Chhimi Seldon E 32 80 4 V.Good
28 David Majhi E 32 80 4 V.Good
29 Karma Yoezer Jugney E 32 80 4 V.Good
30 Kinzang Tshering A 32 80 4 V.Good
31 Laximi Mongar D 32 80 4 V.Good
32 Nima Dorji Tamang D 32 80 4 V.Good
33 Nima yoezer E 32 80 4 V.Good
34 Novin Pulami  B 32 80 4 V.Good
35 Palden Sangay Lhendup B 32 80 4 V.Good
36 Phuntsho Choden  B 32 80 4 V.Good
37 Phurba Gyeltshen  B 32 80 4 V.Good
38 Rabilal Rai  B 32 80 4 V.Good
39 Rinzin Choden C 32 80 4 V.Good
40 Sanjeet Rai C 32 80 4 V.Good
41 Sanjeet Subba D 32 80 4 V.Good
42 Santa Rai  B 32 80 4 V.Good
43 Saroj  Dhital B 32 80 4 V.Good
44 Tshering Dendup C 32 80 4 V.Good
45 Vijay Rai D 32 80 4 V.Good
46 Anjana Rai E 30 75 5 V.Good
47 Aruna Rai D 30 75 5 V.Good
48 Bandana Rai E 30 75 5 V.Good
49 Bishnu Rai E 30 75 5 V.Good
50 Devi Maya Mongar  B 30 75 5 V.Good
51 Dil kumari  Rai  B 30 75 5 V.Good
52 Hari Maya Dhital D 30 75 5 V.Good
53 Lhakpa Dorji Tamang E 30 75 5 V.Good
54 Madhan Rai E 30 75 5 V.Good
55 Nima Dolma Jimba B 30 75 5 V.Good
56 Pema Chuzek B 30 75 5 V.Good
57 Phurpa Wangmo A 30 75 5 V.Good
58 Purna Singh raika E 30 75 5 V.Good
59 Rasidul Ali B 30 75 5 V.Good
60 Rekha Khatiwara  B 30 75 5 V.Good
61 Sachin Rai D 30 75 5 V.Good
62 Sagit Khamen E 30 75 5 V.Good
63 Seema Rai C 30 75 5 V.Good
64 Shyam kr. Rai  B 30 75 5 V.Good
65 Tshering Choden C 30 75 5 V.Good
66 Tsheten Lham A 30 75 5 V.Good
67 Ugyen Dorji Sherpa C 30 75 5 V.Good
68 Ganga Rai D 30 75 5 V.Good
69 Reshma Rai A 30 75 5 V.Good
70 Arjun Mongar A 28 70 6 V.Good
71 Arjun Rai D 28 70 6 V.Good
72 Bishnu Gurung A 28 70 6 V.Good
73 Bobita Rai D 28 70 6 V.Good
74 Brideka Rai E 28 70 6 V.Good
75 Budhiraj Rai C 28 70 6 V.Good
76 Chimi Wangchuk E 28 70 6 V.Good
77 Devika Rai C 28 70 6 V.Good
78 Dil Maya Kamar E 28 70 6 V.Good
79 Indra Chhetri E 28 70 6 V.Good
80 Jamyang Lhazin  B 28 70 6 V.Good
81 Kuenzang Choden A 28 70 6 V.Good
82 Lalita Thapa  B 28 70 6 V.Good
83 Luxman Subba E 28 70 6 V.Good
84 Modhan Guragai E 28 70 6 V.Good
85 Passang Dolma Lama A 28 70 6 V.Good
86 Pema Yoezer E 28 70 6 V.Good
87 Pramila Rai A 28 70 6 V.Good
88 Rajiv Limbu B 28 70 6 V.Good
89 Rigzang Tshrng Yangphel  B 28 70 6 V.Good
90 Sonam Dema Dorji C 28 70 6 V.Good
91 Sonam Wangchuk C 28 70 6 V.Good
92 Sonu Rai A 28 70 6 V.Good
93 Sujata Rai  B 28 70 6 V.Good
94 Susmita Rai A 28 70 6 V.Good
95 Tashi Tobgay D 28 70 6 V.Good
96 Tika Maya Kamar B 28 70 7 V.Good
97 Wangyel Phuntsho A 28 70 7 V.Good
98 Ashidul Ali E 26 65 7 Good
99 Chador Tenzin A 26 65 7 Good
100 Dawa Zangmo E 26 65 7 Good
101 Devika Rai  B 26 65 7 Good
102 Dilip Rai D 26 65 7 Good
103 Dorji Gomden  B 26 65 7 Good
104 Gaurav Ghalley D 26 65 7 Good
105 Kelden Wangmo D 26 65 7 Good
106 Khina Maya Allay  B 26 65 7 Good
107 Lachi Rai  B 26 65 7 Good
108 Nikita Sharma E 26 65 7 Good
109 Sabu Rai C 26 65 7 Good
110 Salim Ali D 26 65 7 Good
111 Sangay Choden A 26 65 7 Good
112 Sangay Phuntsho A 26 65 7 Good
113 Sonam Deki  B 26 65 7 Good
114 Sonam Dorji A 26 65 7 Good
115 Yammuna Chhetri A 26 65 7 Good
116 Bhimla Subba D 24 60 8 Good
117 Bishal Lama Tamang E 24 60 8 Good
118 Bishnu Maya Kamar E 24 60 8 Good
119 Chandra Prsd Khapangay  B 24 60 8 Good
120 Chimi Yangzom E 24 60 8 Good
121 Juna Rai E 24 60 8 Good
122 Passang Sangay Sherpa A 24 60 8 Good
123 Phurba Dolma E 24 60 8 Good
124 Prabhat Tamang C 24 60 8 Good
125 Punam Rana D 24 60 8 Good
126 Sajan rai E 24 60 8 Good
127 Suk MAYA Tamang A 24 60 8 Good
128 Sumita Rai  B 24 60 8 Good
129 Thanka Lham  B 24 60 8 Good
130 Tshering Yangchen 24 60 8 Good
131 Urmila Rai A 24 60 8 Good
132 Bal Bdr. Pulami  B 22 55 9 Good
133 Dhan Man Rai A 22 55 9 Good
134 Karma Namgay A 22 55 9 Good
135 Lalit Rai  B 22 55 9 Good
136 Leela Khulal C 22 55 9 Good
137 Nima Dorji C 22 55 9 Good
138 Pabitra Rai A 22 55 9 Good
139 Sonam Choden E 22 55 9 Good
140 Sonam Tobgay A 22 55 9 Good
141 Sudesh Powdel C 22 55 9 Good
142 Susmita Rai  B 22 55 9 Good
143 Tabita Rai A 22 55 9 Good
144 Tina Mongar C 22 55 9 Good
145 Tul Bdr. Mongar A 22 55 9 Good
146 Ugyen Dorji D 22 55 9 Good
147 Bishan Rai C 20 50 10 Good
148 Pardeep Rai C 20 50 10 Good
149 Sonam Dorji C 20 50 10 Good
150 Dil Maya Rai E 18 45 Work Hard
151 Lachi Maya Thara C 18 45 Work Hard
152 Neman Rai C 18 45 Work Hard
153 Nima Woezer B 18 45 Work Hard
154 Srijana rai C 18 45 Work Hard
155 Suk MAYA Rai A 18 45 Work Hard
156 Thinley Jamtsho C 18 45 Work Hard
157 Bikash Mongar A 16 40 Work Hard
158 Devika Mongar E 16 40 Work Hard
159 Dilip Thara D 16 40 Work Hard
160 Jamyang Lhandup A 16 40 Work Hard
161 Sital Mongar C 16 40 Work Hard
162 Sunita Rai D 16 40 Work Hard
163 Tashi Wangchuk A 16 40 Work Hard
164 Khira Maya Rana A 14 35 Work V. Hard
165 Hema kumari Allay A 12 30 Work V. Hard
166 Birkha Bdr.Rai B 0 0 Work V. Hard
167 Kailash Rai E 0 0 Work V. Hard
168 Migma Dolma Tamang  B 0 0 Work V. Hard
169 Sonam E 0 0 Work V. Hard

Mean Mark:  68.40%

Subject teacher
Non Academic


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