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Annual Exam History Class VII (2014)

Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Sarpang Dzongkhag
Annual Examination 2014
History                                                                                                                                  Total Marks: 100
Class VII                                                                                                                                Writing Time: 2hours
Name:………………………………………………………………………………..Class………………Sec………………Roll no……………
Read the following Directions carefully
1.     Do not write during the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent on reading the questions.
2.     In this paper, there are three section, A, B, and C. all the questions are compulsory.
3.     Read the directions and questions carefully and write your answers in the space provided in the question booklet itself.
4.     Do not forget to write your name, class and section.

SECTION A (30 marks)
Answer all the questions.
Directions: Read the following questions carefully. For each question, choose the correct answer from the given alternative and write in the space provided.
1.     The term ‘Peling Terchham means…

A.     Folk Dances
B.     Treasure Dances
C.     Neljorpas Dance
D.     Black Hat Dances

Ans: __________________________________________________________
2.     Which of the following is the youngest son of Pema Lingpa

A.     Dawa Gyeltshen
B.     Drakpa Gyalpo
C.     Kunam
D.     Sangdag

Ans: __________________________________________________________
3.     Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal was recognized as the reincarnation of the famous Drukpa scholar Kyuenphen Pema Karpo. The reincarnation was challenged by

A.     Miphafam Chogyal
B.     Tsangpa Garay
C.     Pasksam Wangpo
D.     Pema Lingpa

4.     Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal’s greatness was written down in the…

A.     Nga Chudrugma
B.     Kathangdub
C.     Kuenzang Lami Zhalung
D.     Sampalhundrup

5.     The Term ‘Desi” was introduced by

A.     Phajo Drugom Zhimpo
B.     Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal
C.     Jigme Namgyal
D.     Umze Tenzin Drugyal


6.     Who was the grandson of Lam Drukpa Kuenley, who later became a Desi of Bhutan?

A.     Umze Tenzin Drugyal
B.     Tenzin Drukdra
C.     Chhogyal Minjur Penpa
D.     Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye

7.     The Dzongs were first built in Bhutan by…

A.     Terton Pema Lingpa
B.     Zhubdrung Ngawang namgyal
C.     Lam Gyalwa Lhanangpa
D.     Guru Rimpoche

8.     Thimphu was made as the capital of Bhutan in 1955 by…

A.     First Drukgyalpo
B.     Second drukgyalpo
C.     Third Drukgyalpo
D.     Forth Drukgyalpo

Use the following statement to answer question number 9)
Dzongs were used for all the following purpose during the time of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, EXCEPT

                                     I.          Use as granaries
                                   II.          Home for the monks
                                  III.          Site visit for the tourists
                                 IV.          Centers of Administration
                                   V.          Store-houses of National treasure

9.     Which one of the following combination is correct

A.     I, II, III and IV
B.     I, II, IV and V
C.     II, III, IV and V
D.     I, III, IV and V

10.  Bardo Thoedrol is a text, which was hidden by Guru Rimpoche and rediscovered later by…

A.     Terton Karma Lingpa
B.     Terton Pema Lingpa
C.     Terton Ugyen Lingpa
D.     Terton Dorji Lingpa

11.  Raksha Lango refers to

A.     Lord of death
B.     Black demon
C.     White God
D.     The Ox-headed justice minister

12.  All the following are True about the Guru Tshengye Chham, Except
A.     The Guru Tshengye Chham depicts eight main manifestations of Guru Rimpoche
B.     The Guru Tshengye Chham begins with the appearance of Guru Dorje Drolo
C.     The Guru Tshengye dancers wear knee length yellow skirt and ringa
D.     The Guru Tshengye dancers wear long beautiful brocade dress and mask

13.  The word ‘Duar’ means

A.     Door
B.     Step
C.     Plain
D.     Border


(Use the following statement to answer question number 14 and 15)
“The mission came to Bhutan through Buxa duar. They travelled to Tashichhoedzong and were well received by Desi Kinga Rinchen and other important officials…”)
14.  The mission mentioned above was led by…

A.     Alexander  Hamilton
B.     George Boggle
C.     Samuel Turner
D.     Kishan Kant

15.  What was the main purpose of sending this mission to Bhutan
A.     To congratulate the 18th Desi on his ascent to the throne
B.     To gather information on the state of affairs in Bhutan
C.     To establish trade link with Bhutan
D.     To cultivate potatoes in Bhutan

16.  Which of the following combination is correct about the regions governed by the Penlops in Bhutan?

A.     Paro, Dagana and Thimphu
B.     Paro, Trongsa and Punakha
C.     Trongsa, Punakha and wangduephodrang
D.     Paro, Dagana and Trongsa

17.  Captain Pemberton’s mission was opposed by the

A.     Daga Penlop
B.     Trongsa Penlop
C.     Paro penlop
D.     Thimphu Dzongpon

18.  Bhutan lost all the Assam Duars in the year…

A.     1838
B.     1839
C.     1840
D.     1841

(The diagram below is to be used with question number 19)

19.  The box marked ‘X’ in the above diagram stands for

A.     The National Council
B.     The Royal Civil Service Commission
C.     The National Assembly
D.     The Royal Bhutan Army

20.  The present Prime minister of Bhutan is

A.     Lyonpo Thinley Jamtsho
B.     Lyonpo Thakur Sigh Powdyel
C.     Lyonpo Minbo Drukpa
D.     Lyonpo Tshering Tobgay

21.  What does the term ‘National Assembly stands for in Dzongkha

A.     Gyalyong Tshogde
B.     Lhangye Zhungtshog
C.     Gyalyong Thrimdun
D.     Gyalyong Tshogdu

22.  All the following are the reasons how Charlemagne put an end to the Dark Ages, Except

A.     Establishing Jury System
B.     Establishing Law and Order
C.     Encouraging Trade and Culture
D.     Opening Schools

23.  Charlemagne’s empire was divided into…………… in 843 A.D.

A.     One
B.     Two
C.     Three
D.     Four

24.  The guilds formed by the craftsmen were known as…

A.     Jugglers
B.     Craftsmen
C.     Merchant guilds
D.     Craft guilds

25.  What was the head of a University called during the medieval Times?

A.     Chancellor
B.     Director
C.     Principal
D.     Professor

26.  During the medieval times the feudal lords and knights were…

A.     Peace loving people
B.     War loving people
C.     Affectionate people
D.     Religious people

27.  The system of Trial by Jury was introduced in England by

A.     King John
B.     Edward I
C.     Simon de Montfort
D.     Henry II

28.  The famous document signed by John in 1215 A.D. came to be known as the

A.     Magna Charta
B.     Great Council
C.     Constitution
D.     Accord

29.  One of the causes of the Hundred Years war was that the French and the English had disagreement over the……

A.     Land demarcation
B.     Joan of Arc was captured by the English
C.     English Channel
D.     Crusades

30.  During the hundred years of war, France was saved from disaster by

A.     Richard-the Lionhearted
B.     Joan of Arc
C.     Moors
D.     Leonardo


SECTION B (38 Marks)
Answer all the questions
Question 1.  Complete the following (6 marks)
       I.          Pema Lingpa’s eldest son, Kuenga Wangpo settled in Kurtoe and started the family of_________________
     II.          Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal’s death remained a secret for over_______________ years.
    III.           ___________________was appointed as the first Druk Desi of Bhutan In 1651.
   IV.          The original name of Semtohka Dzong is_______________.
     V.          Once in the medieval times, a disease called the plague known as_______________distroyed almost one third of population in Europe.
   VI.          The desire to live together under the same government is called_______________
Question 2. Write TRUE and FALSE against each statement given below. (6marks)
       I.          Tungam Chham shows the terrifying form of Dorje Drakpo (           )
     II.          Anglo Bhutanese Treaty was signed between the Government of Bhutan and British India on 25th April, 1774. (            )
    III.          Silk was one of the items given by the Bhutanese as the form of compensation to the British (      )
   IV.          Indirect Democracy is the most suitable in countries where the population is less. (            )
     V.          Medieval town was a very exciting place to live in. (             )
   VI.          The Great Charter of Liberty of Englishmen was signed by King Henry II. (            )
Question 3. Match the following (6 marks)                                
Pema Thangying
Holy War
The place for higher studies
The law making body of the country
Biography of Guru Rimpoche
The Doctrine
The official in-charge of the horse

Question 4. Answer all the questions (2X10=20marks)
a.     Why did the Lam Kha Nga oppose Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal? Give TWO reasons.


b.     List down any TWO important persons responsible for assisting the Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in his day to day affairs.

c.      What are the TWO most important events which took place in the Punakha Dzong?

d.     Why is Zhana Chham performed in our country? Give Two reasons

e.     How did Cooch Behar become dependent on Bhutan?

f.       Write TWO examples of the form of compensation, paid by Bhutanese to the British after the war of 1828.

g.      Describe the form of government followed in Bhutan.

h.     What were the causes of the break-up of Charlemagne Empire after his death?

i.       Explain TWO responsibilities of a professor in medieval times.

j.       Bhutanese towns are like the Medieval Towns. Do you agree? List two reasons.

SECTION C (32 marks)
Answer all the questions
1.     Describe the life of people in Dzong during the 17th century. (5marks)

2.     Mask dances in our country plays very important role in the cultural life of the people. Write down the opportunities and benefits through such activities.(5marks)

3.     Pemberton’s mission to Bhutan arrived at wrong time. Do you agree? Justify your reasons. (4marks)

4.     List FOUR auspicious signs observed during the consecration ceremony of the Semtokha Dzong and the image of Lord Buddha. (4marks)

5.     What were the factors responsible for the rise and growth of nation-state in Europe? (4marks)


6.     Who is Joan of Arc? Why did the English burn her alive? (1+3=4marks)



7.     Explain how the constitutional bodies ensure Good Governance in the system. (3marks)

8.     The following diagram depicts the structure of Bhutanese Government. Fill in the remaining empty boxes given below. (3marks)


                                        TASHI DELEK                 
Happy Winter Vacation


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