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Class VII Eng II(2018)

Royal Government of Bhutan
Class VII                                Writing Time: 2 hrs.
Subject: English                           Full Mark: 100
PaperII (Reading and Literature)
Read the following Directions Carefully.
In this paper there are three sections, A, B, & C. Each section has two sets of questions. Set I and Set II. Set I comprises of question no 1a and 1b. Set II corresponds to question no 2 across all sections. You must attempt ONE SETof questions from EACHsection.
You must attempt THREE sets of questions in all. Your choice must include ONE SET II question (Question no.2) from any section.
Read the directions to each question carefully. Write ALL the answers in the answer sheet provided separately.
Do not forget to copy the section, set and question numbers correctly.
Section A: Short Story (35 Marks)
Direction: From the two sets of questions under this genre, choose one SET and write your responses on the answer sheet. Do not forget to copy the set and question numbers.
The questions are based on the story, “One Day A Stranger Came”.
SET I      35 Marks
Question 1 a: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answer and write its number (Letter A, B, C or D.) in your answer sheet.No need to copy the whole answer.(1X15 Marks)
1. This story was written by:

A.    KuenzangChoden
B.    Richard Pindell
C.     Naomi Waken       
D.    LeenaDhingra

2.In which season did the stranger make his first appearance?

A.    Spring    
B.    summer
C.    autumn
D.    winter

3. Who was Ivan’s wife?

A.    Sally
B.    Rosy   
C.    Helen
D.    Sonya

4. Thethings shared by the farmers were

A.    A barn and a farm house 

B.    A chicken run and a duck pond  
C.    A duck pond and the water
D.    A farm house and the water

5. The main characters in the story are

A.    Berland, Monland and Talland
B.    Rosy, John and Ivan
C.    John, Ivan and Giovanni
D.    Ivan, Giovanni and Sally

6. Which of the following statements about the three families is NOT true?

A.    They were farmers.
B.    They belonged to the same country
C.    They helped each other.  
D.    They were happy with their lives

7. When did the families help each other a lot?

A.    When they had more work.
B.    When the snow had melted.
C.    When the stranger came
D.    When bad luck came around

8. The main purpose of this story is to

A.    make people laugh         
B.    to make people angry
C.    teach some morals            
D.    to scare people

9.This story is an example of a

A.    Narrative essay
B.    horror story
C.    Folktale
D.    Novel

10. The stranger in this story stands for

A.    The Law of Karma
B.    The Government
C.    Innocent people
D.    Wicked people

11Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A.    The stranger wanted to separate the families.
B.    The stranger wanted to bring peace.
C.    The stranger wanted to collect tax from them
D.     The stranger was very pompous.
12.What was the main achievement of Sonya?

A.    She helped to  weed the garden
B.    She fell from the apple tree
C.    She brought the elders to their senses 
D.     She helped other children with their lessons

13. Which of the rules imposed by the stranger affected the children the most?

A.    Children should study separately.
B.    They should build fences
C.    Children should study lessons in winter.
D.    Ivan should collect taxes from his friends

14.Thebad  person in the story is:

A.    The author
B.    Sonya               
C.    the stranger
D.    Ivan

15This story has

A.    a sad ending    
B.    an unexpected ending   
C.    a happy ending      
D.    no ending

Question 1 b                                                                (20 marks)
Direction: Answer the following questions in your own words. Do not forget to write incomplete and correct sentences.
1: Describe the setting of the story        (2 Marks) 2:Who was the stranger and why did he impose such rules? (1+2 Marks)
3:What was the third rule imposed by the stranger? How did it affect them? (2+3 marks)
4:Do you like the ending of the story? Give two reasons for your answer.    (5 marks)
5: Write down three things that you learn from this story.(5 marks)                                                   
SET II              (35 Marks)
Question:2: Answer the following questions in about 50 words each.
1. What were the reactions of the friends and their families to the rules imposed by the stranger? Explain in detail?(3X2+1=7marks)
2. Identify at least three features of folktales found in this story.(3X2+1=7marks)
3. Before the stranger came,the families in the story lived like the people of our villages. Do you agree with this statement? Explain in detail.(3X2+1=7marks)
4. Imagine that you are one of the characters in the story. Describe in about fifty words, how your life changed after the stranger came.(7marks)                                                               
5. Draw a “Handy Story Map” for this story.(7 marks)

Direction: Read the essay given below carefully. From the two sets of questions on the text, choose ONE set and write your responses in your answer sheet.
Once, the Buddha was walking in a town with his disciple, Ananda. As they passed a fishmonger’s shop, the Buddha said to Ananda, “Touch the rope where the fish are hanging and then smell your fingers.” Ananda did as instructed and said, “It smells awful.” The Buddha said, “This is the same as mixing with people who are doing bad things. If we hang out with them, we will also end up doing things that harm ourselves and others around us.”
Later as they passed a sweet shop, the Buddha asked Ananda to touch the sweet wrapping paper and then smell his fingers. Ananda rubbed his fingers on the wrapper and exclaimed delightedly, “Now my fingers smell fresh and fragrant!” The Buddha said, “This is the same as making friends with those who are doing good things. If we hang out with good people, we will also become good.”
Although this teaching given by the Buddha to Ananda took place 2,500 years ago, the message is still relevant for us today. When we hang out with people who are abusing drugs or alcohol, stealing and getting involved in gang fights, we might think that we will never do something similar. We might think that nothing can break our strength of character and make us do things that are harmful. But just as a fish swimming against the current finally gets swept along by it, we too will be influenced by the habits of those we are with. As a result, we will lose our family, friends and education.
Rather than hang out with friends who are engaged in such type of risky behavior, we must speak with them frankly and honestly and act as cool and clean role models. If someone who is a drug or alcohol addict invites us to hang out with them, we can say something like, “I’d like to hang out with you but I just don’t want to get caught up in drugs and alcohol. I want to see the world and do great things. I want to be someone in life.” They might make fun of you but deep inside their heart, they will admire your courage and determination.
It is important to learn to say “NO” to risky habits and friends.  Creative activities like photography, mountain biking, drawing, weightlifting, martial arts, music or meditation help to engage our mind and body. This will not only keep us away from risky habits, it will also make us cool role models that others can look up to.
Set I     35 Marks
Question 1 a (15 marks)
Direction: Each question is followed by four responses. Choose the correct one and write its number (A, B, C or D) in your answer sheet.
1.     Who is the Buddha’s disciple?

A.    Ananda
B.    The reader

C.    The author
D.    A fishmonger

2.     What is a disciple?

A.    Ananda
B.    A friend
C.    A student
D.    A fishmonger

3.     What did the Buddha ask Ananda to do at first?

A.    To buy fish
B.    To smell his fingers
C.    To avoid bad company
D.    To touch the rope where the fish were hanging and to smell his fingers.

4.     What was Ananda’s reaction after touching the sweet wrappers?

A.    He was excited.
B.    He was disgusted.
C.    He said, “It smells awful.”
D.    He said, “Now my fingers smell fresh and fragrant.”

5.     Why do you think the Buddha askedAnanda to touch two different things?

A.    To explain the effect of bad deeds in our next life.
B.    To explain the effect of the company we keep.
C.    To explain the effect of bad company.
D.    To explain the effect of good company.

6.     Which paragraph of the essay tells us how to say “NO”?

A.    Paragraph 2
B.    Paragraph 3
C.    Paragraph 4
D.    Paragraph 5

       7. All the following are good responses to the invitation to hang out with someone who abuses   drugs or alcohol EXCEPT

A.    Say that you would love to hang out with him.
B.    Say that you don’t want to get caught up in drugs or alcohol.
C.    Say that you want to do something great in life.
D.    Say that you want to be someone in life.

8.     What would be an effective way to help friends who are doing drugs?

A.    By giving them food, clothing and shelter.
B.    By listening to their problems
C.    By feeling pity on them
D.    By acting as cool and clean role models

9.     Which of the following is NOT a creative activity to engage our mind and body?

A.    Gossiping
B.    Photography
C.    Weightlifting
D.    Meditation

10.  What would be a suitable title for the essay?

A.    Drug Addiction
B.    Keeping good company
C.    Lord Buddha’s life
D.    A Visit to the Fishmonger

11.  The essay tries to explain its central idea through a/an

A.              Story
B.              Example
C.              Quotation
D.              Speech

12.  Drug addicts lose all the following in their life EXCEPT

A.    Good friends
B.    Family support
C.    Proper education
D.    Bad friends

13.  The main idea of paragraph 3 is that

A.    We will never get influenced by bad company
B.    We will slowly get influenced by bad company.
C.    Fish swim against the current.
D.    A strong will power will never break.

14.  According to the essay, which of the following is NOT true?

A.    Bad friends influence us negatively.
B.    Creative activities engage our mind and body.
C.    The Buddha’s teaching has lost its relevance today.
D.    Bad habits harm ourselves and others around us.

15.  Who are being compared to thefish swimming against the current?

A.    People with strong will power
B.    People who have good friends.
C.    People who have bad friends.
D.    People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol

Question 1 b (4 x 5 =20 marks)
Direction: Answer the following questions in your answer sheet.
1.     Explain the meaning of the Buddha’s first teaching. (4 Marks)
2.     What do you think are the benefits of keeping good company? (4 Marks)
3.     Describe two ways in which a drug or alcohol addict harms himself and others around him?                                                                                                     (2X2= 4 Marks)
4.     Why is it important to keep our minds and body engaged with some creative activity?(4 )
5.     Why do you think that drug addicts admire you secretly when you say ‘NO’ to drugs?(4)

Set II                     (7 x 5 = 35 marks)
Question 2:Direction: Read the following questions carefully and write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. How do drug or alcohol addicts lose their family, friends and education?
2. Do you think that the Buddha’s message about the influence of good and bad company is correct? Justify.
3.  What would you do if you come to know that your friend is abusing drugs?
4.  If you were a drug addict, what kind of feelings and attitude would you have?
5.  How can a family help a drug/alcohol addict to stop his habit?

Direction: Read the poem given belowwritten by Aileen Fishercarefully and from the TWO SETS of questions on the poem, choose ONE SET and write your answers on the answer sheet.

On mother’s day we got up first,
So full of plans we almost burst.
We started breakfast right away
As our surprise for Mother’s Day.

We picked some flowers, then hurried
Back to make the coffee –rather black.
We wrapped our gifts and wrote a card
And boiled the eggs-a little hard.

And then we sang a serenade,
Which burned the toast, I am afraid.
But mother said, amidst our cheers,
‘Oh, what a big surprise, my dears.

I’ve not had such a treat in years’.
And she was smiling to her ears!

SET I(30 Marks)

Question 1a(1X10 marks)
Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the most suitable response and write its number (A, B, C or D) in your answer sheet.
1. This poem consists of

A.    Four stanzas            
B.    five stanzas        
C.     six stanzas
D.    seven stanzas

2. Who is the speaker of this poem?

A.    mother
B.    children

C.    father
D.    a guest

3What do you think is the meaning of the word, “serenade” used in the third stanza?

A.    A kind of story 
B.    a kind of song  
C.     some loud music
D.    national anthem

4. Who got up first on Mother’s Day?

A.    the birds
B.    the mother 
C.    the father
D.    the children

5. What happened to the toast while they were singing?

A.    It was eaten by a cat
B.    It got burned
C.    It was taken care by mother
D.    It got lost

6. Why did the children get up early?

A.    Toboil some eggs
B.    to toast some bread     
C.     to give a treat to mother
D.    to make some coffee

7. The expression “We almost burst” shows the children’s

A.    love for mother
B.     affection for mother
C.    Excitement          
D.     happiness

8.The words first and burstused in the first stanza is an example of

A.    internal rhyme
B.     simile         
C.    rhyming words
D.    alliteration

9. This poem uses a

A.    First person narrator
B.    second person narrator
C.    third person narrator  
D.     no narrator

10. The line, “I’ve not had such a treat in years.” Shows the mother’s

A.    affection
B.    happiness
C.    surprise
D.    love

Question 1b – 20 Marks
Direction: Answer the following questions in complete sentences of your own.
1. Who is the author of this poem? (2 marks)
2. Why did the children get up early in the morning? (3 Marks)
3. What were the surprisesthat the children had planned? (Write at least three complete sentences)                                                                                       (5marks)                                                                                                                            
4. How did the mother feel when children gave her the ‘Surprise’?How did she express her feelings?(2+2+1=5marks) 
5.List down the surprises that you would like to give your father on Father’s Day.Tell why you chose them.(3+2 =5marks)
SET II – 30 Marks
Question: 2  (6x5 marks)
Direction: Answer each of the following questions in a short paragraph.
1. List the surprises that the children presented to their mother.   (3X2=6 Marks)
2. Identify two pairs of rhyming words used in this poem. Explain rhyming words and why they are used.(2+2+2=6 Marks)
3On Mother’s Day the children were very excited and the mother was very happy. Identify and copy the lines (both lines) that show the children’s excitement and mother’s happiness (3X2=6 )
4. Why do you consider this piece of writing as a poem? List down any three features of poems found in this piece.(3X2=6 marks)
5. Rewrite the poem as a story in about fifty words. (Please do not copy as it is .Use short and complete sentences of your own.)      (6 marks)



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