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Showing posts from October, 2021
Wangdue Primary School Wangdue: Dzongkhag Mid Term Examination Year: 2021 Subject: Social Studies                 Full marks: 100 Class: IV                                  Writing time: 2 hours   Name: ………………………………………Class:……..   Sec………   Roll No………..   SECTION: A                  (25X 1= 25 Marks) Direction: Each question in this session is followed by FOUR alternatives: A, B, C, D. Choose the correct alternative and circle it. Do not circle more than ONE alternative. If there are more than one choice circled, NO score will be awarded.   1.       Our home protects us from ………………………. A.     Rain B.      Wind C.      Animals D.     All of these   2.       What will you call the mother of your father? A.     Father B.      Aunt C.      Grandmother D.     Grandfather   3.       Which sentence below best describes about home? A.     A home is a place where people live with their families with love and care. B.      A home is a pla