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SOCIALSTUDIES class VI-Mid-Term Examination 2021

Wangdue Primary School Mid-Term Examination 2021. SUBJECT: SOCIALSTUDIES CLASS:VI TOTAL MARKS: 100 TIME: 2HOURS 15 MINS Direction: For each question, there are four alternatives: A, B, C and D. Choose the correct alternative and circle it. Do not circle more than ONE alternative. If there is more than one choice circled, NO score will be awarded. i. Which continent is found on both sides of the equator? A Asia B Africa C Europe D Australia ii. When the rotation takes place, one part of the earth faces the sun. What will the other part of the earth experience? A Day B Night C Winter D Summer iii. The Sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west because the A Earth rotates from west to east. B Earth rotates from east to west. C Sun moves from west to east. D Sun moves from east to west. iv. Tashi’s parents celebrate his birthday only in the leap years. They celebrated his 10th birthday in 2016. When will they celebrate his next birthday? A 2017 B 2018 C 2019 D 2020 v. Study the given diagram and answer the question. Mercury is the hottest planet while Neptune is the coldest planet. What causes such temperature difference? A Size of the planet B Planetoids and comets C The number of satellites D Distance from the sun vi. The equator receives vertical rays of the Sun throughout the year. As a result, this particular area is A. wet throughout the year. B. hot throughout the year. C. dry throughout the year. D. warm throughout the year. vii. Thinley is travelling from Thimphu to Wangdue. In between the two destinations, she has to cross a pass. Identify the pass. A Pele La B Yotu La/Yotong La C Chile La D Dochu La viii. Which of the following is a landlocked country? A India B Bhutan C Maldives D SriLanka ix. In the beginning of 2017, there were 350 people in a small village called Trong in Zhemgang. By the end of the year, the census record showed 15 babies were born and 5 adults had died. In this case, the population of the village increased by A 5. B 10. C 15. D 20. x. The movement of the earth around the sun and takes A 365 days B 365 ¼ days C 336 days D 3661/4 days xi. Pema is a son of a rich farmer. Like many, he also wants to move to Thimphu. Why do you he prefers Thimphu more than his farmland? A Urban life is more peaceful. B Urban areas have less crime rate. C There are more people living in the urban areas. D There are better employment opportunities in urban areas. xii. Bhutan is divided into three physical zones. They are A Cool, high and central valley. B The cool, high valleys of central Bhutan. C The greater Himalayas, The inner Himalayas, and the Southern Foothills. D The hot, low valleys of central and southern Bhutan. xiii. When the earth is in between the sun and moon, we call it A Solar eclipse B Lunar Eclipse C Earth Eclipse D Moon Eclipse xiv. Teachers and students reciting prayers during the birth anniversary of Guru Rinpoche is an example of A ritual and culture. B values and culture. C festival and culture. D language and culture. xv. The land surface of the earth is called A plain B hemisphere C island D lithosphere. xvi. ----------------- are small planet like bodies rotating on their axis and revolving around a bigger planet. A Planetoids B comets C meteors D satellites xvii. --------------- has steep sides and more or less flat top. A Valley B Plain C Plateau D Land. xviii. At any time, exactly half of the earth is in darkness and the other half has day light. If we draw a line separating daylight from darkness we get a circle called circle of A Axis B North pole C Illumination D South Pole. xix. The earth has two movements and they are A Solstice and equinox B Rotation and revolution C Unequal distribution and equal distribution D Days and seasons. xx. Unequal distribution of heat during the year causes A Days B Year C Seasons D Leap year. xxi. Inner Himalayas has A Cool climate B Hot climate C Temperate climate D Warm climate. xxii. The following are the factors affecting population change EXCEPT A Birth rate B Death rate C Migration D Number of civil servants. XXiii One of the most threat human cause to the nature is A Planting trees B Cutting down trees C Beautifying the surrounding D Controlling the waste. xxiv. It is important to know the population of the country, because the government needs to A Plan B Construct houses C Create Job opportunities D Manage waste xxv. All the following are measures to control waste EXCEPT A Reuse B Refuse C Degradable waste D Reduce Question 2. [10 Marks] Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate word(s). Write the answers in the space provided below. 1. All the objects which belong to the sky is known as…………………….. 2. The shape of the earth is called …………….. 3. The gas that makes up 21 percent of the earth’s atmosphere is…………………. 4. When the houses are built very close to each other, it is called …… settlement. 5. The pass between Bumthang and Trongsa is called ……………. 6. Monkeys, wild boars and fearsome black bear are found in …………… Himalayas. 7. Greager Himalayas is known for …………………… 8. The earth’s spin from west to east is called ……………….. 9. The year with an extra day added to it is called a …………………… 10. Glasses and metals are examples of …………….. waste Question 3 Direction: Match each item in column A against the most appropriate item in column B. Write only The letters against the number in the column C ( 10 marks) Column A Colomn B Coloumn C 1 78% of the atmosphere is filled with……… A Asia 2 The only satellite of the earth is….. B The Greater Himalaya 3 The protection of the environment is called C sun 4 The earth spinning at its own axis taking 24 D Communication hours causes …. 5 Bhutan lies in the continent E comets 6 Rhododendrons, premolars, Himalayan Blue F Day and night poppy and Yartsa Guenbub are found in ….. 7 The earth revolves around the ….. G Nitrogen 8 The beautiful shiny bodies in the sky often with H Atmosphere a long tail are…. 9 Language is important for .. I conservation 10 The blanket of air around the earth is….. J moon K lithosphere L seasons Question 4 Direction: Write true or false for each statement in the space provided below. (10 Marks) 1, There are nine planets in the solar system. (……………) 2. The seasons are same in northern and southern hemisphere. (…………) 3. The greater Himalaya is about 30 km wide. (………….) 4. The earth’s axis is inclined at an angle of 66 ½ degree. (…………….) 5. The part of the earth facing the sun is in darkness, and the other part has day light. (………..) 6. The lithosphere is not single piece of land. (……………..) 7. Lomba is the festival of Paro and Haa valley. (……………..) 8. Our beliefs, the food we eat, the way we dress, the language we speak and the religion we follow all forms a ritual. (………………..) 9. A mass cleaning campaign is carried out to observe important environmental days and make people aware of conserving our nature. (……………………) 10. The use of chemical fertilizers increases the fertility of the soils. (……………..) Section B (Answers all the Questions 45 marks) Question 5 1. Write one difference between degradable and non- degradable with example each (2 marks) Ans: 2. Which two continents are spread on both sides of the equator? ( 1 mark) . 3.List two ways to conserve environment. (2 marks) Ans: 4. Define culture and provide one example. ( 2 marks) Ans: 5. Why Bhutan is a landlocked country (1 mark) Ans: Question 6 1. Name three spheres of the earth (3 marks) 2. Which of the three zones is the most favorable for settlements? Explain why? (3 marks). 3. Suggest two ways to preserve our culture (2 marks) Question 7 1. Which plateau is sometimes called as “roof of the world”? 2. About 71% of the total earth surface is covered by hydrosphere. How the presence of hydrosphere makes our earth different from other planets? (2 marks) 3. On Sunday vegetable market, you are accompanying your mother to do shopping. She takes plastics and cloth bags to carry vegetables. Following 4RS what is your mother trying to do? (2 marks). 4. Mountains are of different height and shapes? Some mountains are lower in height their slopes are gentler. Which type of mountain is described in the above statement? Give one example. (2 marks) 5. Which of the three zones has the greatest annual rainfall? (1mark) Question 4 1.Zangmo offers water and incense on the altar every morning. She prays and takes refuge in the lamas and Gurus in the morning and before she goes to bed. While her brother Ngedrup plays basket ball and football. What does the above statement tells about? ( 2 marks) 2. 2. Thrumshingla is a pass found in the inner Himalayas, which is located between Bumthang and Mongar. Name any two wildlife and vegetation found in this pass. (2 marks) 3. 3. What would happen if the earth doesn’t rotate? (1 mark) 4. 4. Why our earth is called the watery planet? (1 mark) 5. 5. Today, the title of Dasho Nyerchhen is not there, we do not carry phob and Toray. What does the statement tells about our culture? (2 marks) 6 .Name any two rivers of Bhutan (1mark) 7.In which zone do Samtse and Gelephu lie? (1 mark) Question 5 1.State three impacts of population growth? (3 marks) Question 6 In the Map of Bhutan provided, shade three physical zones; locate three mountain peaks and four passes. (5 marks)


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