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Class VI- English Mid Exam-2021

SECTION A: Writing Question I – 20 Marks Direction: Write an essay or a story of about 200 words on any ONE of the topics given below. 1. Write a story beginning with, “It was very dark outside and I was all alone at home……...” 2. Write an easy on ‘Happiest moment in my life.’ 3. “Clean hands, wearing masks and social distancing keep us away from Covid 19.” Write an essay on how to prevent covid19. Question II – 10 marks Direction: Write a letter on any ONE of the topics given below. 1. Your best friend is studying in Thimphu Primary School, Thimphu. She has written a letter stating that she was unhappy in her new school. Write back to her giving her some suggestions on how to be happy in school. 2. Your school is facing a lot of traffic related problem due to the location of the school: the school is very near to the high way. Write a letter to the Officer in Command (OC) of Wangdue regarding the problem. 3. Write a letter to your class teacher requesting for one day leave. Give your own reason. SECTION B: Language Question I (1x5) Direction: Each question below is followed by four choices. Choose the correct answer and circle it neatly. No scores will be awarded, if you circle more than one. 1. There are many children in the school. The underlined word is an example of A. proper noun B. abstract noun C. concrete noun D. collective noun 2. Let’s go for a picnic, -------------- ? A will we B aren’t we C shall we D should we The fire spread around rapidly. 3. The underlined word is A an adjective.. . B an adverb C a noun D a verb. 4. She has many friends, A has she? B hasn’t she? C isn’t she? D doesn’t she? 5. Dad and I about my science project for two hours before dinner last night. A were discussing B are discussing C am discussing D discussed Question II (1X5) Direction: Choose the appropriate words from the box given below and fill in the table. eat dance draw talk drink shout play write wear walk Regular verbs Irregular verbs Question III (1x5) Direction: There are errors in each of the following sentence. Identify the errors and rewrite each sentence correctly. 1. why are you sad today 2. The students has carried the books upstairs last night 3. sonam go to America last year. 4. My father bought me a pair of shoes a watch a phone and a jacket on my birthday. 5. Dorji and Pema is good friends Question 2 Direction: Identify the part of speech underlined in the following passage. Write your answers in the box provided. (1/2*2=5) Tashi walked on stage and the song started immediately. Glassy-eye from the shock of being in front of so many people, Tashi moved his lips and swayed in a made-up dance step. He couldn’t see his parents, but he could see his brother Dorji, who was a year younger. Dorji was wearing Tashi’s favorite shirt; he would deal with Dorji later. He saw some other kids get up and head for the drinking fountain, and a baby sitting on her mother’s lap sucking her thumb and watching him intently. Tashi sang a wonderful song and his brother screamed ‘wow!’ 1. Example: walked verb SECTION C: Reading and Literature Short Story 20 Marks Direction: Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions based on the story from which this extract has been taken. “Every Saturday on the great wide prairie, Molly rode her brown mare Belle to piano lessons. Thirteen kilometers to the piano teacher’s house and thirteen kilometers home.” Question I (1x4) Direction: Each question is followed by four choices. Choose the correct answer and circle it neatly. No scores will be awarded, if you circle more than one. 1. The above extract is taken from the story A People Who Hugged the Trees. B Fly Like an Eagle. C An Orphan Boy. D Belle’s Journey 2. All the following are the theme of the story EXCEPT A giving up. B being loyal C love and sacrifice. D being courageous. 3. “she is getting slow and she is not strong enough to pull the plough or big wagons any more”. The above statement is said by: A Molly’s father B Molly C Music teacher D Belle. 4. ‘The sky had darkened to an angry grey’ The above statement is an example of A hyperbole. B metaphor. C simile. D personification. Question II (2x3) Direction: Choose any THREE from the FOUR questions below and write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. How would you feel if you were Molly and your father suggest to sell Belle? (2) 2. List down any TWO fears that you have experienced. (2) 3. What does the story tell us about the relationship between humans and animals? (2) 4. If you were Belle what would you have done after seeing Molly falling down from your back? (2) Question III (5x2) Direction: Choose any TWO from the THREE questions given below and write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. If Molly was caught alone in the blizzard, what do you think she would have done? Write five assumptions. (5) 2. Do you think animals can be our best friends? Give reasons and explain. (5) 3. Do you like the story, ‘Belle’s Journey’? Support your answer with FIVE reasons. (5) Essay- 20 Marks Direction: Read the essay given below carefully and answer the questions that follow. Earthquake Nature is beautiful and it gives many wonderful things to mankind. However, sometimes it shows its strange side. Earthquake is one of the terrible outcomes of nature. Earthquake strikes suddenly, without warning, and it can occur at any time. Earthquake cause dreadful effects like property damage, loss of life and food shortage. It destroys houses and farms. When the shaking occurs in a particular place, the buildings in that place will also begin to quake and if the foundations of the buildings are not strong, they will collapse. Earthquake also destroy farms by ruining the plants and trees. People may lose their houses if they don’t have earthquake proof foundations in their houses. Food shortage is another effect of earthquake. People may not get food at the right time where earthquake happened severely. They have to stay in shelters. If indefinite numbers of people stay in one shelter, they cannot get food in time. It may not be possible for the government and missionaries to supply food for all the people in the shelter at a time. Loss of lives is also one of the effects of earthquake. People lose their lives in many ways. They may be caught inside the collapsed building. Few years back, when an earthquake occurred in Nepal, thousands of people lost their lives. Most people lost their lives because they were caught inside buildings, which collapsed. Earthquake is not new to the world. It is a very common thing in many parts of the earth. Japan is most often a victim of earthquake. Therefore, the Japanese make houses of paper boards. Bhutan too is not altogether free from natural calamity. Bhutan had earthquakes as recent as May 2015. The most severe quake in recent memory is the one in 2011, when the centre of quake was Narang-eastern Bhutan. Unless science can give an early warning system, we have to live with that risk. Question I (1x4) Direction: Each question is followed by four choices. Choose the correct answer and circle it neatly. No scores will be awarded, if you circle more than one. 1. The antonym of the word ‘strong’ is ______________ A smooth. B rough. C weak. D thin. 2. What part of speech is underlined in the sentence given below? “Earthquakes also destroy farms by ruining plants and trees.” A verb B noun C adverb D adjective 3. Which ONE of the following best describes an earthquake? A. Movement of the Earth B. Blowing of the wind C. Burning of forest D. River flowing 4. “Earthquake cause dreadful effects like property damage, loss of life and food shortage.” What does the word dreadful mean in the above line? A. difficult B. frightful C. problematic D challenging Question II (2x3) Direction: Choose any THREE from the FOUR questions below and write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. Explain in your own words how an earthquake affects the lives of people. (2) 2. ‘Though nature gives many things to mankind, sometimes it shows its strange side.’ Explain the line given above in your own words. (2) 3. Why do you think the houses in rural parts of Bhutan are vulnerable to earthquake? (2) 4. What would you do if there is an earthquake during the class hours? Give TWO measures. (2) Question III Direction: Choose any TWO from the THREE questions given below and write you are Answers in the spaces provided. (5x2) 1. Make your own sentences using the following words. (5) i. damage ii. Earthquake iii. Supply iv. Collapse v. shaking 2. Which natural disaster is more dangerous in Bhutan, earthquake or flood? Support your answer with FIVE justifications. (5) Poetry – 10 Marks Direction: Read the poem given below carefully and answer the following questions The moon has a face like the clock in the hall; She shines on thieves on the garden wall, On streets and fields and harbour quays, And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees. The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse, The howling dog by the door of the house, The bat that lies in bed at noon, All love to be out by the light of the moon. But all of the things that belong to the day Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way; And flowers and children close their eyes Till up in the morning the sun shall arise. Robert Louis Stevenson Question I (1x2) Direction: Each question below is followed by four choices. Choose the correct answer and circle it neatly. No score will be awarded, if you circle more than one. 1. ‘The moon has a face like the clock in the hall’ The figure of speech used in the above line is A Onomatopoeia B Personification C Metaphor D Simile 2. How many stanzas are there in the poem? A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 Question II (2x2) Direction: Choose any TWO from the THREE questions given below and write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. Explain the first stanza of the poem in your own words. (2 2. List down four pairs of rhyming words from the poem. (2) 3. What title would you suggest to the poem given above? Give ONE reason? (2) Question III (4x1) Direction: Choose any ONE from the TWO questions given below and write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. What do you think the speaker is trying to say through this poem? (4) 2. Did you like the poem? Give TWO reasons. (4)


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