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Wangdue Primary School

Wangdue: Dzongkhag

Mid Term Examination

Year: 2021

Subject: Social Studies                Full marks: 100

Class: IV                                 Writing time: 2 hours


Name: ………………………………………Class:……..  Sec………  Roll No………..


SECTION: A                 (25X 1= 25 Marks)

Direction: Each question in this session is followed by FOUR alternatives: A, B, C, D. Choose the correct alternative and circle it. Do not circle more than ONE alternative. If there are more than one choice circled, NO score will be awarded.


1.      Our home protects us from ……………………….

A.    Rain

B.     Wind

C.     Animals

D.    All of these


2.      What will you call the mother of your father?

A.    Father

B.     Aunt

C.     Grandmother

D.    Grandfather


3.      Which sentence below best describes about home?

A.    A home is a place where people live with their families with love and care.

B.     A home is a place where people only play.

C.     A home is a place where people stay alone doing nothing.

D.     A home is a place where people don’t feel safe.

4.      Normal human body temperature is

A.    35 degree Celsius

B.     36 degree Celsius

C.     37 degree Celsius

D.    38 degree Celsius


5.      Flat land is called a

A.    valley

B.     mountain

C.     slope

D.    plain


6.      Which of the following is NOT an example of landform?

A.    Table land

B.     River bed

C.     Mountain

D.    Plateau



7.      A____________ is a hot dry place with little or no rain.

A.    mountain

B.     valley

C.     desert

D.    plateau


8.      The sun shines brightly on a................................

A.    Sunny day

B.     Windy day

C.     Cold day

D.    Rainy day


9.      Which of the following weather makes a place look white?

A.    Windy

B.     Snowy

C.     Sunny

D.    Cloudy

10.   During the summer months we receive……………………rain.

A.   no

B.   more

C.   some

D.   less

11.  The best place to fix the wind vane is……………………..

A.    in the forest.

B.     in the tree.

C.     inside the classroom.

D.    in an open place.

12.  The level of hotness and coldness is called

A.    hot

B.     temperature

C.     thermometer

D.    degree Celsius


13.   The diagram below shows the





A.    SnowyB. Cloudy

B.     Sunny                             D. Windy


14.  In which month does Wangdue receive the maximum rainfall?

A.    April

B.     July

C.     August

D.    September


15.  Which of the following statements about forest is INCORRECT?

A.    Human beings can live without forest.

B.     Forests provide home and food to many plants and animals.

C.     Forests are useful to us.

D.    Plants and animals are useful to forests.

16.  Sub-tropical forest is found in

A.    Haa

B.     Paro

C.     Thimphu

D.    Samtse


17.  Which forest has low rainfall?

A.    Sub-tropical forest

B.     Cool broad-leaved forest

C.     Temperate forest

D.    Alpine forest


18.  Alpine forest is found in places with altitude

A.    Above 1000 metres

B.     Above 2000 metres

C.     Above 3000 metres

D.    Above 4000 metres


19.  What is the National tree of Bhutan?

A.    Juniper

B.     Sal

C.     Cypress

D.    Thomshing


20.  A ________________ is a person who knows many things about the forest and helps protect it.

A.    Scientist

B.     Forestry Officer

C.     Wood  Cutter

D.    Police Officer


21.  In past our country Bhutan was known as ‘TshendhenKaypai Jong’ which means

A.    Southern land of darkness.

B.     Four entry points.

C.     The land covered with cypress trees.

D.    The land of Drukpas.


22.  It is important to study history because

A.    it helps us understand about our present.

B.     it helps us understand about the past.

C.     it helps us to know about our life.

D.    it helps us become better person.


23.  Our country is located between……………

A.    India and China

B.     Australia and Argentina

C.     Russia and Africa

D.    South Africa and Italy


24.  To reach the school from her home, Tandin has to walk towards South. In which direction should she walk on his way back home following the same route?

A.   East

B.   North

C.   South

D.   West


25.  Paro valley is an example of a

A.    V-shaped  valley

B.     Deep valley

C.     Steep valley

D.    U-shaped valley


SECTION B (25 marks)

Question 2                           (1 × 10 marks)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

1.A ____________________ is a place with a group of houses.

2.      A Tree like sokeyshing is found in ______________________ forest.

  1. Forest is important to _________________   and ___________________.
  2. Bhutan was called ‘Lho Mon’ meaning _____________________________.

5.      Examples of a V-shaped valley are Trashigang and                                        .

  1. Bhu-uttan means ________________________.

7.      Drukyul means the Land of ____________________________.

8.      ‘Lho Mon Khazhi’ meaning the country with ________________entry points.

9.      __________________ is generally fertile and good for agriculture.

Question 3 [5 marks]

Match each item in column A with the correct item in column B.


Column A

Column B

i.                    Clouds are seen on a

  1. Windy day

ii.                  Clear sky is a feature of a

  1. Rainy day

iii.                The wind blows on a

  1. Cloudy day

iv.                The rain falls on a

  1. Snowy day

v.                  The snow falls on a

  1. Sunny day


  1. Foggy day


Question 4 (10 marks)

Direction: Write True or False against the statement.[10 x 1 = 10 marks]

1.      We should love and care all living beings. (                   )

2.      The croaking of the frogs any time of the day indicates dry weather.  (               )

3.      Rhododendrons and Medicinal herbs are found in temperate forest. (                 )

4.      An island is land that is completely surrounded by water. (                   )

5.      The vegetables we get from forest are called wild vegetables. (                     )

6.      Steep slopes are easier to climb. (                     )

7.      There are many plains in Bhutan compared to other countries. (                     )

8.      Another name for table land is a plateau.  (                     )

9.      The top of the mountain is called peak. (                     )

10.   A family is a group of people who are not related to each other. (                  )


SECTION C (50 marks)

Question 1(10 marks)

a.       What does home mean to you?                                       [2  marks]


b.      Suggest THREE ways to make your home beautiful.         [3 x 1 = 3 marks]



c.       List THREE roles of head of the Family.                            [3 x 1 = 3 marks]



d.      Differentiate between Home and House.                    [2 x 1= 2 marks]















Question 2       [10 Marks]

a.                                                                      a. Draw symbols for the following landforms.             [1 x 4 = 4 marks]


                                            i.            Mountain






U-shaped valley

                                            i.            Plateau




b.      Which landforms do you like the most? Why?                         [2 marks]




c.       Which landform is more common in your area?                         [1 mark]



d.      Name at least two mountains of Bhutan.                    [2 x 1 = 2 mark]



e.       When do we celebrate National day in our country? [1 mark]




Question 3   [11 marks]

a. What is the use of rain gauge.[2 marks] Ans………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...........................................................................


b. How does weather affect human activities?                           [2 x 1 = 2 marks]


c.    Write two uses of thermometer.                                   [2 x 1 = 2 marks]



d.What is the use of the wind vane?    [2 marks]


e.       If the arrow of the wind vane points to the west, what is the direction of the wind?                                                                                   (1 mark)



f.       What type of forest is more dominant in Bhutan? Why?     [2 marks]


Question 4  [10 marks]

a. Write three ways to protect our forest.                        [3 x 1 = 3marks]


b.         Bhutan was known by different names in the past. Which name do you like the most? Give one reason for your answer.                          [2 marks]


c.                What is your understanding for the term ‘Lho Jong Menjong’? Explain.[2 marks]


d.      Why are forest important to people and animals?                  [3x 1= 3 marks]Ans:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Question 5[9 marks]


a.       Draw a family tree using the following information.


In a family, there are five members. Dorji is the father. Choden is his wife.

They have three children namely; Sonam, Tashi, and Zangmo.     [5 marks]













b.      What would happen if there is no forest?                             [2 x 1 = 2 marks]



c.       What is your role in the family?                                        [2 x 1 = 2 marks]


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