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Exam Regulations for WPS

 Examination Rules and Regulations-2022

Guidelines for the Invigilator

Bring in the required number of question paper in the examination room.

Distribute question paper 15 minutes before writing starts.

Let the candidates read question papers for 15 minutes with pens down.

Instruct the candidates to start writing after 15 minutes.

Instruct candidates to complete the details on the front of the answer-paper/booklet and any supplementary sheets. Draw their attention to the instructions on the front of the question paper/booklet.

Remind candidates to write in blue or black ink only.

Candidates should be checked physically before entering the hall/room.

Unauthorized materials such as mobile phones, earphones, electronic devices, etc., should be left with the invigilators on duty.

The invigilator must ensure that only the specified items are issued to the candidates.

Sharing of materials is not permitted during the examination.

Invigilators must supervise the candidates throughout the entire examination duration and pay complete attention at all times to this duty.

The invigilator should remove and retain any unauthorized material discovered in the possession of a candidate in the examination and report immediately.

Ten minutes before the end of the examination, the invigilator should inform the candidates that there are ten minutes remaining for the examination.

checking attendance during examinations; 

Mobile phones should be switched off or in silent mode.

The concern invigilators are mandatory to sign on all the question papers/answer scripts before submitting to the Exam committee.  

Invigilators must arrange the answer script in roll number wise.

The Procedures for Dealing with Dishonesty and Malpractice (Adapted from BCSEA Rules and Regulations.

The school will acknowledge the receipt of reports of dishonesty and malpractice. On the basis of the information received, the matter will be referred to the CoM recommending appropriate line of actions for eachcase for endorsement.

The Committee on Malpractice consists of the following members:

Principal, Chairperson

Secretary of Examinations, Member Secretary

Vice Principal, Academic Head, Member

Concerned HoD, Member.

Concerned Subject teacher, Member

The Terms of Reference (ToR) of the CoM are as follows:

• To examine and discuss all cases of unfair means reported to the school.

• To examine and discuss all the documentary evidence available regarding the allegation and the statements of the candidates.

Take firm decision and inform all the stakeholders about the decision.

The following penalties may be imposed:

• A warning may be issued;

• Marks may be deducted or no marks awarded for a component;

• Candidate may be disqualified from the subject in whom the dishonesty or malpractice took place. In some cases, the dishonesty may be extended to all subjects taken in a session

Exam Department



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