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Wangdue PS Investiture ceremony for Scouts



Investiture Ceremony At Wangdue PS

The Scouts movement in Bhutan is considered an important forum for our youth people to channel their energy into positive and constructive behavior. Considering the importance of scouting activities for our future leaders the WSSA has initiated Whole School Approach for school from academic 2022. The purpose of initiating Whole School Approach Scouting is to reach out the benefits of Scouting to all school-going children. It is aimed at actively engaging and supporting young people in their personal development enabling them to be agents of change in society. Besides addressing retention and attrition issues, it has the added value of streamlining non-curricular activities in the school as a viable channel for the holistic development of young people. Further, this initiative is expected to promote inclusive Scouting to provide young people of diverse abilities, an opportunity to maximize their value-based learning experience through the Scouting program. Aligning with the purpose of Whole School Approach for scout, The investiture ceremony has become most important events for our new members.  It is one of the important ceremonies used to inspire new scouts with high ideals of scouting and make them realize the serious aspects of scouting. Investiture ceremony is the door for young people to enter into scouting life. On this note, School Scout Associations (WSAS board) has conducted a meeting in presence of WSSA Commissioner, Academic head, Non-academic head and board members to carryout investiture ceremony on 16th July, 2022.


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