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Annual Exam English (2010) Cl VI

English                                                                                                Writing Time: 2 Hours
                                                                                                            Total Marks: 100


This booklet comprises 16 pages.
Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions. After having read the questions, you will be given 2 hours to answer all questions.

2.     Answers to all the questions must be written neatly in the answer sheets provided by your school.

3.     In this paper, there are three sections: A, B and C. All questions in Section A and B are compulsory.

4.     Section C has three genres: Short Stories, Essay and Poetry. Each genre has two sets of questions, Set I and Set II. Set I comprises of Question nos. 1a and 1b and Set II corresponds to Question no. 2 across all genres. You must attempt one set of questions from each genre. 

5.     In Section C, you must attempt three sets of questions in all. Your choice must include one Set II question (Question no.2) from any genre.

6.     In section C, do not attempt questions from two different sets. Your choice is strictly between the two sets of questions provided for each genre.

7.     Read the directions to each question carefully and write all your answers in your answer booklet. Remember to correctly note the Section and question number before writing your answer.

8.     Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others, or move around.

9.     Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the questions.

10.  If you finish before the time is over, close your Answer Booklet and sit quietly.

DO NOT forget to write your name, class/section and the name of your school on the Answer Sheet(s).


(FIFTEEN minutes is to be allowed for teachers on duty to explain the instructions in addition to the two hours for answering questions.)

SECTION A: Writing

Question I - 20 MARKS

Direction:       Write a narrative essay of about 200 words on any ONE of the topics given below.

1.     Everybody has been scared or frightened sometime. Narrate the incident that scared you
        the most.

2.     All of us look forward to holidays from school. Write an essay on how you plan to spend your winter break this year.

3.      Friends are a source of joy and comfort and all of us have friends. Write an essay about your best friend. Narrate how you met your best friend and how your friendship developed.

Direction:       You are Kesang, a class VI student in Gasa Lower Secondary School in Gasa dzongkhag.  Write a letter on any ONE of the topics given below.

1.     You have been awarded the best speaker prize for the school debate. Write a letter to your sister Samten who is studying in Sherubtse College in Kanglung, Trashigang. Tell her how you managed to get the best speaker award and how you feel.

2.      Your final examinations are about to start. Write a letter to your mother, Ms. Pema, who runs the Bank of Bhutan Canteen in Phuentsholing, telling her about your preparations, your hopes and your fears.

3.      Your parents have written to tell you that your younger brother Sonam has not been doing well in school. He has been neglecting his studies and not paying attention in class. Write a letter to Sonam advising him on the importance of studying well and how it will shape his future. He is in class five in Wangdue Lower Secondary School.
SECTION B: Language

Question I                                                                                                                  (1x10 marks)

Direction: Copy the number of the question, choose the correct response and write it on your answer sheet.

1.     Have you ever
        A     ride a horse before?
        B     rode a horse before?
        C     road a horse before?
        D     ridden a horse before?

2.     A word which tells us more about a noun is
        A     an adverb.
        B     a pronoun.
        C     an adjective.
        D     a conjunction.

3.     Which of the following sentences is correct? 
        A     How often do you go to the market?
        B     Why often do you go to the market?
        C     Who often do you go to the market?
        D     What often do you go to the market?

4.     Sonam is fond
        A     by collecting stamps.
        B     of collecting stamps.
        C     off collecting stamps.
        D     with collecting stamps.

5.     My father has  
        A     go to Thimphu.
        B     left to Thimphu.
        C     gone to Thimphu.
        D     went to Thimphu.

6.     One of the  
        A     child is missing.
        B     child’s is missing.
        C     children is missing.
        D     children’s is missing.

7.     Have you ever   
        A     eat rice pudding?
        B     ate rice pudding?
        C     eaten rice pudding?
        D     eating rice pudding?

8.     The teacher waited
        A     patient for Dorji to finish his work.
        B     patience for Dorji to finish his work.
        C     patiently for Dorji to finish his work.
        D     patiencely for Dorji to finish his work.

9.     My friend and I
        A     enjoyed our picnic last Sunday.
        B     will enjoy our picnic last Sunday.
        C     was enjoying our picnic last Sunday.
        D     have enjoyed our picnic last Sunday.
10.   Which of the following sentences is correct?
        A     Ram and Namgay plays football every evening.
        B     Sonam has a lot of moneys in the bank.
        C     Our teacher adviced us to be obedient.
        D     Is Mathematics your favourite subject?

Question II                                                                                                                 (1x5 marks)

Direction :      Write the number of the  question on your answer sheet.  Then rewrite the sentences correctly following the directions given after every sentence.

1.      The old men have been talking about their youth.
         (Rewrite the sentence in singular form)

2.      Tandin said that he would visit the doctor the next day.
         (Change into direct speech.)

3.      The teacher asked why are you late
         (Punctuate the sentence.)

4.      You are not thinking of leaving, __________
         (Complete with a question tag.)

5.      A ran out of man into the building the busy strange-looking streets.
         (Rearrange in correct word order to form a sentence)

Question III                                                                                                                (1x 5 marks)
Direction:       There is an error in each of the following sentences. Identify the error and write each sentence correctly.

1.     “I try and do better next time.” said Ngawang.
2.     The coat do not belong to my mother.
3.     Sonam is respected by all his friends because he is a honest boy.
4.     We told our parents that we would be comming home late today.
5.     These houses were built in 2005, wasn’t it?

Section C: Literature
Short Story – 20 MARKS

Direction:    From the two sets of questions under this genre, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheet. The questions are based on the story ‘The People Who Hugged Trees’ by Deborah Lee Rose.

Set I
Question 1a.                                                                                                      (10 Marks)

Direction:    Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the most correct answer
                     or response and write it in your answer sheet.

1.       The story is set in a
          A     town of India.
          B     desert village of India.
          C     coastal village of India.
          D     town at the foothills of India.

2.       The main character in the story is a
          A     tree.
          B     man.
          C     horse.
          D     woman.

3.       Amrita loved trees because
          A     the trees saved them from the Maharaja.
          B     the trees had saved her from the axe men.
          C     she knew she could not survive without the trees.
          D     when her children were born, the trees gave them shade.

4.       The Maharaja wanted the trees to be cut to
          A     build his new ship.
          B     build his new fortress.
          C     protect his palace from the sand storms.
          D     punish the villagers for disobeying him.

5.       When Amrita begged the Maharaja to spare the trees, he
          A     realized his mistake and left.
          B     changed and became a lover of trees.
          C     asked for the forgiveness of the villagers.
          D     became angry and ordered the trees to be cut down.

6.       The Maharaja decided not to cut the trees when
          A     he saw how the trees had protected the village from the storm.
          B     the villagers started to hug the trees to stop the axe men.
          C     the trees sent a sand storm towards his men.
          D     Amrita begged him to spare the trees.

7.       The main theme of this story is
          A     love and sacrifice.
          B     friendship.
          C     jealousy.
          D     courage.
8.       The message this story gives us is
          A     nature should be protected.
          B     women are stronger than men.
          C     where there are trees, there are no storms.
          D     the importance of family and community.
9.       The entire story is developed around the
          A     life story of Amrita.
          B     Maharaja’s ignorance and greed.
          C     lifestyle of Amrita’s community.
          D     protection and destruction of forests.
10.     Which of the following statements is true?
          A     Amrita could not save her favourite tree.
          B     Amrita managed to save her favourite tree.
          C     Amrita loved the trees more than her own children.
          D     No one supported Amrita in her fight to save the trees.

Question 1b.                                                                                                                     (10 Marks)

Direction:       Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the number of the question in your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1.         Where did Amrita live? Give two descriptions of where she lived.                         (2)
2.         Why did Amrita love trees? Give two reasons.                                                         (2)
3.         Why do you think Amrita taught her children to love trees? Give two reasons.     (3)
4.         Is the title of the story suitable? Why?                                                                      (3)

Set II
Question 2.                                                                                                                       (20 Marks)
Direction:     Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your answer

1.         Summarize the story in not more than 150 words.                                                    (5)
2.         What can you tell about Amrita’s character from the story? Give two descriptions.            (5)

3.         What do you think would have happened if Amrita had not been able to save
the trees of her forest?                                                                                                           (5)

4.         Do you think the Bhutanese are tree lovers? Why do you think so?                        (5)

Essay – 20 MARKS

Direction:    Read the essay given below carefully. From the two sets of questions on this text, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheets.

There are over 3,500 different types or ‘species’ of ants. Most of them construct nests of different shapes and of different building materials but no two species construct the same type of nest. The different species of ants are ‘grouped’ or ‘classified’ according to their habits of building, where they live, and how they behave.

For example, the Wood ant of Europe digs down a short distance and heaps pine needles above the ground, maybe to a height of one meter so that the ant has summer and winter apartments. Some ants chew wood to make a paper from which they build their nest. Another unusual type of nest is built by the Tailor ant. Worker ants of the Tailor ant tribe hold two leaves together by their edges while other workers ‘sew’ them securely by using ‘silk’ from the heads of ant ‘larvae’, immature baby ants. Most ants which live in the ground construct ‘hills’ excavating the soil to make galleries with chambers scattered through the depth of the nest where food may be stored or fungus grown on moulding leaves.

An ant is an insect. It is recognizable by its head, thorax and abdomen, and its three pairs of legs. Males of all ant species have wings and are found only at certain times of the year. Nearly all species of ants have a worker caste; this consists of sterile females whose only functions are to dig, build, and care for the young. They are wingless and their eyes are very small. One special caste or ‘sub-caste’ among the workers is the soldiers. These have particularly large, armour-plated heads and strong jaws. Their work is to defend the nest and breakup large pieces of food before storage.

The most important ant is the queen. She is usually the largest of all the ants of the colony. She has wings which she pulls off with her jaws when she is about to enter the nest to lay eggs. A queen ant may live as long as 15 years, during which she may lay many thousands of eggs. The eggs are white and not more than 0.5 mm long.

The workers, who act as nurses, carry the eggs around the nest, changing the nursery according to the temperature and food available. They lick the eggs to keep them ‘germ free’. The eggs are graded according to their size and development and age.

The high-caste and babies are given high protein diet while the lower castes are given carbohydrate diet. Ants have long been symbols of highly organized societies and diligent toil.

Johnston, V, Challenge in English, 1991

Set I

Question 1a.                                                                                                                  (10 Marks)

Direction:    Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the most correct answer
                     or response and write it in your answer sheet.

1.       The ant which can be found only during a certain time of the year is the
          A     male.
          B     queen.
          C     female.
          D     worker.

2.       The worker ants change the nursery according to the temperature and availability of
          A     food.
          B     water.
          C     shelter.
          D     friends.

3.       The most important ant is the
          A     male.
          B     queen.
          C     female.
          D     soldier.

4.       The worker ants lick the eggs to keep them
          A     sage.
          B     clean.
          C     warm.
          D     germ-free.

5.       The lower caste ants are given
          A     fats.
          B     protein.
          C     vitamins.
          D     carbohydrates.

6.       Which ants make summer and winter apartments?
          A     Tailor ants
          B     Wood ants
          C     Soldier ants
          D     Worker ants

7.       The second paragraph tells us about
          A     the difficulty faced by ants in building nests.
          B     the different types of ants found in the world.
          C     the different types of nests built by different ants.
          D     the summer and winter apartments built by the Wood ant of Europe.
8.       The eggs of the ants are graded according to the following EXCEPT
          A     age.
          B     size.
          C     colour.
          D     development.

9.       In paragraph 4, the word colony means
          A     group.
          B     friend.      
          C     enemy.
          D     neighbour.

10.     Which of the following is true?          
          A     An ant has six legs.
          B     The female ants lay eggs.
          C     All ants are given the same food.
          D     Different species of ants build the same type of nests.

Question 1b.                                                                                                                     (10 Marks)

Direction:       Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the number of the question in your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1.         Mention two ways to classify ants into different groups.                                         (2)
2.         Write two physical characteristics of an ant.                                                                        (2)
3.         Why do you think male ants are found only at certain times of the year?               (3)
4.         Would you like to born as a female worker ant? Why?                                            (3)

Set II
Question 2.                                                                                                                       (20 Marks)
Direction:     Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your answer

1.         Write five descriptions of the worker caste ants?                                                     (5)
2.         Give a suitable title to the essay. Why do you think your title is suitable?             (5)
3.         Which life style do you prefer, that of the worker ant or the queen ant?
            Explain why.                                                                                                               (5)
4.         Do you think the distribution of work and food in the ant colony is fair? Why?     (5)


Direction:       Read the poem below carefully. From the two sets of questions on the poem, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheet.

He has opened all his parcels
but the largest and the last;
His hopes are at their highest
and his heart is beating fast,
O happy Hippopotamus,
what lovely gift is here?
He cuts the string. The world stands still.
A pair of boots appear!

O little Hippopotamus,
the sorrows of the small!
He dropped two tears to mingle
with the flowing Senegal;
And the ‘Thank you’ that he uttered
was the saddest ever heard
In the Senegambian jungle
from the mouth of beast or bird

Set I
Question 1a.                                                                                                                  (5 Marks)

Direction:    Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answer
                     or response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer sheet.

1.     The last parcel the hippopotamus opened was the
A   cutiest one.
B   largest one.
C   smallest one.
D   most attractive one.

2.     The Hippo’s heart was beating fast because, he was
A   not well.
B   worried.
C   frightened.
D   very excited.

3.      The Senegal might be the name of the
A   hippopotamus.
B   fish that lived in the river.
C   person who gave the last parcel.
D   river where the hippopotamus lived.

4.     The second stanza of the poem tells about the Hippopotamus’
A   anger.
B   eagerness.
C   happiness.
D   disappointment.
5.     The funny thing about the pair of boots is that
A   it was the last parcel to be opened.
B   the hippopotamus would need two pairs.
C   the boots were too big for the hippopotamus.
D   the boots were too small for the hippopotamus.

Question 1b.                                                                                                                     (5 Marks)

Direction:       Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the number of the question in your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1.         What do you think is the occasion for the hippopotamus to be receiving so
many parcels?                                                                                                             (2)

2.         What is the main difference between the first and the second stanza?                    (3)
Set II

Question 2.                                                                                                                       (10 Marks)
Direction:     Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your answer

2.         Suggest a suitable title to the poem. Explain why you think your title is suitable. (5)

3.         Do we also find ourselves in the place of the hippopotamus in real life? Explain. (5)


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