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Annual Exam English (2009) Cl VI

English                                                                                                Writing Time: 2 Hours
                                                                                                            Total Marks  : 100


1.     Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions. After having read the questions, you will be given 2 hours to answer all questions.

2.     Answers to all the questions must be written neatly in the answer sheets provided by your school.

3.     In this paper, there are three sections: A, B and C. All questions in Section A and B are compulsory.

4.     Section C has three genres: Short Stories, Essay and Poetry. Each genre has two sets of questions, Set I and Set II. Set I comprises of Question nos. 1a and 1b and Set II corresponds to Question no. 2 across all sections. You must attempt one set of questions from each section. 

5.     In Section C, you must attempt three sets of questions in all. Your choice must include one Set II question (Question no.2) from any genre.

6.     In section C, do not attempt questions from two different sets. Your choice is strictly between the two sets of questions provided for each section.

7.     Read the directions to each question carefully and write all your answers in your answer sheets. Remember to correctly note the Section and question number before writing your answer.

8.     Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others, or move around.

9.     Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the questions.

10.  If you finish before the time is over, arrange your answer sheets and sit quietly.

DO NOT forget to write your name, class/section and the name of your school on the Answer Sheet(s).


(FIFTEEN minutes is to be allowed for teachers on duty to explain the instructions in addition to the two hours for answering questions.)

This booklet comprises 16 pages.
SECTION A: Writing

Question I - 20 MARKS

Direction:       Write a narrative essay of about 200 words on any ONE of the topics given below.

1.     Bhutan experienced the total solar eclipse on the 22nd July, 2009. Write about what happened and what you did on the day of the solar eclipse.

2.     Think about an event in your life that seemed bad but turned out to be good. Narrate the event, showing how the bad experience changed into a good one.

3.      All of us have read stories of wishes being granted. Write an essay on what you would wish for if you were granted three wishes. Tell us what those three wishes would be and the effects that they would have on your life.

Direction:       You are Pema, a class VI student in Yangkee Lower Secondary School, Thimphu.  Write a letter on any ONE of the topics given below.

1.     Your cousin, Pema who is studying in class nine in Khaling HSS has been having some problems. Write to Pema asking how he/she is doing and ask if there is anything you can do to help.

2.      You haven’t seen or written to your friend Samdrup for a long time. You have heard that he/she is studying in Gelephu LSS in class six. Write a letter to Samdrup asking how he/she is and tell about what you have been doing.

3.      Your sister is getting married soon. Write a letter to your best friend Sonam who is studying in class eight in Samtse LSS inviting her and her family to attend the wedding. Provide details of the groom and the wedding plan. Mention the wedding date and place.
SECTION B: Language

Question I                                                                                                                  (1x10 marks)

Direction:                                                                                                                                  Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer sheet.

1.     At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse and
        A     weigh about four ounces.
        B     weighs about four ounces.
        C     weighed about four ounces.
        D     will weigh about four ounces.
2.     I saw eight
        A     deer in the park.
        B     deers in the park.
        C     deer’s in the park.
        D     deers’ in the park.
3.     I can write a book
        A     in grammar.
        B     on grammar.
        C     of grammar.
        D     about grammar.
4.     Snow dissolves
        A     to water.
        B     in water.
        C     into water.
        D     with water.
5.     Open your book
        A     at page ten and start reading.
        B     on page ten and start reading.
        C     over page ten and start reading.
        D     upon page ten and start reading.
6.     The poor beggar was blind
        A     of one eye.
        B     to one eye.
        C     by one eye.
        D     off one eye.
7.     Please don’t speak
        A     loudly in the corridor.
        B     louder in the corridor.
        C     loudest in the corridor.
        D     loudier in the corridor.
8.     Elephants carry heavy loads,
        A     do they?
        B     don’t they?
        C     didn’t they?
        D     doesn’t they?
9.     Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
        A     “Why do you not trust me,” he asked?
        B     “Why do you not trust me?”, he asked.
        C     “Why do you not trust me?” he asked.
        D     “Why do you not trust me?” He asked.
10.   Which of the following words is INCORRECTLY spelt?
        A     thieves
        B     faithfull
        C     mountain
        D     carelessness

Question II                                                                                                                 (1 x 5 marks)

Direction:       Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in the brackets.

1.      John is naughty.  John is clever.
         (Join these two sentences using a suitable conjunction.)

2.      Chimi said, “I have finished my work.”
         (Change to indirect/reported speech.)

3.      The doctor said, the normal human body temperature is 37º C.
         (Punctuate the sentence.)

4.      Arati draws beautiful pictures, __________
         (Complete with a question tag.)

5.      The ferociously dog at figure barked ghostly the.
         (Rearrange in a correct sentence form)

Question III                                                                                                                (1x 5 marks)
Direction:       There is an error in each of the following sentences. Identify the errors and rewrite the sentences correctly.

1.     This is a man who helped us yesterday.
2.     He is an European.
3.     My mother love watching television.
4.     I heard frogs who were croaking in the pond.
5.     They went to Haa, isn’t it?

Section C: Literature
Short Story – 20 MARKS

Direction:    From the TWO SETS of questions under this genre, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheet. Read the extract given below and answer the questions based on the story from which this extract has been taken.
She stood well back from the edge of the platform, not even wanting to look down, yet there was a strong feeling within her that drew her closer to the edge for a short, quick look at the cool, blue water waiting to swallow her.

“Come on, Angie.  Time’s wasting, and you know you’re going to jump.”

Angie shook her arms and legs again and again, as if she wanted to be free of them.  Then she
pulled and tugged at her suit so hard that it seemed to stretch down to her thighs.

Set I
Question 1a.                                                                                                      (10 Marks)

Direction:    Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer sheet.

1.       The above extract is taken from the story
          A     Flood waters.
          B     Fly like an Eagle.
          C     Peacocks and band aids.
          D     Lian Mclafferty’s choice.
2.       The story takes place in the
          A     school hall.
          B     school pond.
          C     swimming stadium.
          D     Olympic swimming pool.
3.       The person speaking to Angie in the above extract is her
          A     coach.
          B     father.
          C     friend.
          D     principal.
4.       The number of characters in the story is
          A     two.
          B     three.
          C     four.
          D     five.

5.       In the beginning Angie is
          A     shy.
          B     happy.
          C     nervous.
          D     confident.

6.       In the story, Angie is about to
          A     sing.
          B     dive.
          C     swim.
          D     give a speech.

7.       Angie’s main problem is her
          A     shyness.
          B     soft voice.
          C     fear of heights.
          D     over confidence.

8.       The title of the story is an example of a
          A     simile.
          B     narrative.
          C     metaphor.
          D     personification.

9.       Which of the following statements is true?
          A     Angie is a failure.
          B     Angie finally succeeds.
          C     There are four characters in this story.
          D     Angie is representing her country at the Olympic Games.
10.     The main theme of this story is
          A     giving up.
          B     overcoming fear.
          C     love and sacrifice.
          D     respect for one another.

Question 1b.                                                                                                                     (10 Marks)

Direction:       Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the number of the question in your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1.         What was Angie’s problem?                                                                                      (2)
2.         What did Hansen say that changed Angie’s attitude?                                                           (2)
3.         What kind of a person is Hansen? Give any two descriptions.                                 (3)
4.         What lesson did Angie learn that day? How did she learn it?                                  (3)

Set II
Question 2.                                                                                                                       (20 Marks)
Direction:     Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your answer

1.         Write a brief summary of the story in not more than 100 words.                             (5)
2.         What made Angie finally succeed in what she was trying to do?                             (5)
3.         What did Angie overcome? How does the story show this?                                     (5)
4.         Suggest another suitable title to the story.  Why did you choose this title?             (5)

Essay – 20 MARKS

Direction:    Read the essay given below carefully. From the TWO SETS of questions on this text, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheets.

At the Olympic Games of 1928 in Amsterdam, Bobby Pearce won a gold medal for a rowing race.  He also won the hearts of all who saw him. 

Bobby Pearce was born in Sydney in Australia.  His father was a great sculling champion.  When Bobby was five, he was rowing around Sydney harbour in a small boat.  At the age of six, he won his first race, competing against fourteen-year-olds.  By the time he was twenty, Bobby was the sculling champion of Australia.  The following year, he went to Amsterdam to compete in the Olympic Games.

In the finals, he competed against Ken Myers of America.  From the start of the race, Bobby was in the lead, at the half way stage, he was still leading and very much ahead of Myers.  It seemed that Bobby would win easily.

Then suddenly something happened.  Bobby heard a shout from the bank and looked over his shoulder.  He saw a duck and her brood of ducklings swimming across the canal.  They were swimming into the course of his boat and the boat was going to run into them.  The poor birds had no idea that they were in the middle of an Olympic race!

Immediately, Bobby slowed his boat down.  Myers was catching up very fast.  The people on the shore were shouting as if they were mad.  But Bobby waited with patience until all the ducklings were out of the way.  Then he picked up speed again and went on to win the race easily.

Of all the Olympic heroes, it was he who won everybody’s heart.  A Dutch news paper wrote, “He won the good will of the children of Amsterdam!”

His friends in the Australian Olympic team were not surprised by the incident of the ducks.  “Bobby is that kind of bloke,” they said.  From the age of six, Bobby Pearce competed in races for thirty three years and retired from sports in 1945.  All this time he never lost a single race.

Andrew Rajamanickam, English Grammar and Composition.

Set I

Question 1a.                                                                                                                  (10 Marks)

Direction:    Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer sheet.

1.       Bobby Pearce won his first race when he was

          A     five.
          B     six.
          C     fourteen.
          D     twenty.
2.       At the Olympic finals, Bobby Pearce was representing

          A     America.
          B     Amsterdam.
          C     Australia.
          D     Sydney.
3.       Bobby competed for

          A     thirty one years.
          B     thirty two years.
          C     thirty three years.
          D     thirty four years.
4.       ‘…the boat was going to run into them.
          The above phrase taken from paragraph 4 means the boat was

          A     racing with the ducklings.
          B     going to hit the ducklings.
          C     about to disturb the ducklings.
          D     travelling faster than the ducklings.

5.       Information on Bobby’s youth is given in paragraph

          A     1.
          B     2.
          C     6.
          D     7.
6.       According to this essay, a hero is a person who

          A     wins the gold medal.
          B     does not give up easily.
          C     represents his/her country.
          D     takes risks for a good cause.
7.       Bobby slowed his boat down to

          A     fool Myers.
          B     show that he was polite.
          C     show off his racing talent.
          D     avoid injuring the ducklings.
8.       Paragraph 5 shows that Bobby

          A     was a very clever sportsman.
          B     wanted to win the race at any cost.
          C     cared more for the birds than winning.
          D     liked to get the attention of the people.
9.       Which of the following is true?

          A     Bobby was from Australia.
          B     Bobby lost just one race in his life.        
          C     Winning the gold medal made Bobby very popular.
          D     Bobby won the gold medal at the Olympics because of the ducklings.

10.     Which of the following is NOT true?

          A     The 1928 Olympics took place in Amsterdam.
          B     Only the children of Amsterdam appreciated Bobby.
          C     Ken Myers of America was Bobby’s main competitor.
          D     Bobby’s respect for the ducklings made him more popular.

Question 1b.                                                                                                                     (10 Marks)

Direction:       Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the number of the question in your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1.         Who was Bobby Pearce? When did he win his first race?                                        (2)

2.         Mention two things that Bobby won at the Olympic Games in Amsterdam.                       (2)

3.         What can you tell about Bobby’s character from the essay? Give one example.    (3)

4.         What is so great about his behaviour with the ducklings? Give one reason.                       (3)

Set II
Question 2.                                                                                                                       (20 Marks)
Direction:     Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your answer

1.         Give a suitable title to the essay. Give one reason to explain why you chose the
            title.                                                                                                                            (5)

2.         Off all the Olympic heroes, it was he who won everybody’s heart.
            How did Bobby win everybody’s hearts?                                                                  (5)

3.         Had you been in Bobby’s place, what would you have done on seeing the
            ducklings? Why?                                                                                                        (5)

4.         Write one important lesson that Bobby teaches us through his behaviour at the Olympic race.                                                                                                             (5)


Direction:       Read the poem given below carefully. From the TWO SETS of questions on the poem, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheet.


There was a Baboon
Who, one afternoon,
Said, ‘I think I will fly to the sun.’
So, with two great palms
Strapped to his arms,
He started his take-off run.

Mile after mile
He galloped in style
But never once left the ground.
‘You’re running too slow,’
Said a passing crow,
‘Try reaching the speed of sound.’

So he put on a spurt –
By God how it hurt!
The soles of his feet caught fire.
There were great clouds of steam
As he raced through a stream
But he still didn’t get any higher.

Racing on through the night,
Both his knees caught alight
And smoke billowed out from his rear.
Quick to his aid
Came a fire brigade
Who chased him for over a year.

Many moons passed by.
Did Baboon ever fly?
Did he ever get to the sun?
I’ve just heard today
That he’s well on his way!
He’ll be passing through Acton at one.

Set I
Question 1a.                                                                                                                  (5 Marks)

Direction:    Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer sheet.

1.     The poem “Silly Old Baboon” is about
A   a dog.
B   a bird.
C   a monkey.
D   an old man.
2.     The baboon planned to go to
A   heaven.
B   the sun.
C   put off the fire.
D   a friend’s place.
3.      The baboon used the palms as
A   legs.
B   hands.
C   wings.
D   fingers.
4.     The word from the poem which means ‘help’ is
A   aid.
B   spurt.
C   palms.
D   Acton.
5.     The poem is
A   sad.
B   funny.
C   serious.
D   romantic.
Question 1b.                                                                                                                     (5 Marks)

Direction:       Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the number of the question in your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1.         Do you think the baboon will ever fly? Why?                                                           (2)

2.         What lesson can we learn from this poem? Give one example.                               (3)

Set II

Question 2.                                                                                                                       (10 Marks)
Direction:     Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your answer

1.         What is this poem about? Write your answer in not more than 50 words.               (5)

2.         Do you think the Baboon’s plan of going to the sun was good? Give one
reason to support your answer.                                                                                  (5)


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