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Annual Exam Maths, Cl VII (2013)

Mathematics                                                                                      Time:  2 ½ Hours
Class VII                                                                                              Maximum marks: 100


15 Questions-30 marks
Answer ALL Questions

Direction: Read the following questions carefully. For each question there are four alternatives A, B, C and D. Choose the correct alternative and write it in the space provided for each question.

1)     The divisibility test for 4 is…
a)     The sum of the digits
b)     Ones digit is 0,2,4,6, or 8
c)     2 x ten digit + the ones digit
d)     Ones digits is 5 or 0


2)     Divide :                       4.5 ÷ 0.05
a)     9                                                                                        b)  90
C) 0.9                                                                                      d) 900


3)      35 ,then  3  is read as
a) Power                                                                                              b) base
C) Exponent                                                                                        d) cube


4)     The standard form of:  (4x109 + 5x107 + 6x103)      
a)      4050006000                                                                                  b) 405006000
c)    40500006000                                                                               d) 405000600

5)     A straight road is 1.2 km long and 0.004 km wide. What area does it cover?        
a)      0.0048 km2                                                                       b) 0.00048 km2
c)    0.048 km2                                                                        d) 4.8 km2


6)              which symbol makes it true
a)     <                                                                                        b)>
c) =                                                                              d) none


7)     Which fraction given below can form as a terminating decimal
a)                                                                                  b)
c)                                                                               d)


8)     If 3 oranges cost Nu 15. What is the cost of 6 oranges?
a)     Nu 5                                                                                  b) Nu 20
c) Nu 30                                                                                  d) Nu 10


9)     Calculate           as percent
a)     20 %                                                                                  b) 15%
c) 10%                                                                        d) 5%


10)  A parrot eats  of an apple each day. How many apples does it take in a week?
a)     4                                                                         b) 3
c) 2                                                                                        d) 5


11)   4
a)                                                                                             b) 
c)                                                                                           d)


12)  A triangle has a 30o angle and a 50o angle. What is the other angle?
a)     65o                                                                                     b)  105o
c) 100o                                                                                     d)  80o


13) An isosceles triangle has
a)     Three congruent sides                                                      b) no congruent sides
c) No congruent angles                                                          d) two congruent sides


14) On a Math test, Eden answered 71 out of the 100 questions. What percent did she not answer?
a)     71%                                                                                   b) 31%
c) 29%                                                               d) 39%

15) Which is an equivalent ratio to 3: 4?
a)     6: 2                                                                                    b) 3: 2
c) 6: 8                                                                                      d) 2:1


                                                                 SECTION B
10 Questions-40 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
1)     Calculate                                                                                                                       (4 )
                           i.          LCM(20,12)
                         ii.          GCF(3, 15, 9)
2)     Write in exponential form                                                                
a)     4,120,008                                                                                                                (2)
b)     6,130,006,400                                                                                                         (2)

3)     a) Create an algebraic expression to represent each situation:                                 (2)

                           i.          The total cost of a number of items that cost Nu 30 each
                         ii.          A number increased by 2

b) Write each as a power                                                                               
                        i.          2 x 2 x 2 x 2                                                                                                    (1)
                      ii.                                                                                              (1)

4)     a Subtract using numberline: (-23) – (-15)                                                       (2)

b) Sketch grid and counters model to add:   +                                            (2)

5)     a)         . What is the circumference of a circle with radius 7cm?                 (2)
b). Explain why -5 is less than +5, even though both numbers are the  same distance from 0.                                                                                                                   (2)
6)     a)  Subtract by adding the opposite:                                                              (2)

                           i.          (-34) – (+25)
                         ii.          (+27) – (- 3)
          b) Evaluate expression(3n + 4) + 2(n - 5) , when  = 7                                  (2)
7)     a) Chabilal’s class, there are 3 boys for every 2 girls. In Rinzin’s class, 55% of the students are boys. Whose class has the higher percent of boys?                (2)
b) Use algebraic tiles to simplify each expression.                                            (2)
a)     (6m – 3) – (4m + 5)                                         b) (4k – 1) + (-2k – 3)

8)     a) complete                                                                                                    
i)                24 is 8% of-----------------                                                               (1)
ii)              28 is -----------------% of 35                                                            (1)
         b) Use guess and test to solve 5k + 62 =167                                                 (2)
9)     a)   Describe what each equation below means                                         (2)
                           i.          p + 10 = 28
                         ii.          7k = 12
b)      Express in a unit rate:                                                                                        
                                        i.          An elephant travelled 50 km in 2 h.                                      (1)
                                      ii.          A person swam 135 m in 5 min.                                                       (1)

10.  a)         Change into decimals:                                                                             (2)                                                                                                                         
i)                          ii)                                                                                                    
c)     Order the following from least to greatest                                       (2)
 , 1 ,

5 Questions-30 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
1)     a. Draw a square ABCD (any side length) and rotate   Square ABCD     CW around turn centre E (3)


b. The mass of this container when empty is 150 kg.?                                          (3)
                                     i.          How many litres of liquid could this container hold?
                                   ii.          What would the mass be if it were full of water?

2)     a. A dozen bananas cost Nu 24.
i)                How much do 3 dozen bananas cost?                                    (1)

ii)              What is the cost of 6 bananas?                                                         (1)

iii)            What is the cost of one banana?                                                     (1)

c)     Calculate  each :                                                                                       (3)
i.       = __________   L                           ii. 1500 ml = _______ kg

3)     a. Use counters to model these additions.     (3)

a)     (-3) + (+10)                                                                             b) (-11) + (-8)

b. Find the length of X if the area of trapezoid is 36??                                        (2)


b)     a. Draw a diagram to show what each power means:

i)                42                                                                                              (1)

ii)              43                                                                                       (1)

b. i. Create a table of values up to x = 5 and then graph the equation         (4)
    ii. Use your graph in (i) to show the value of x, if    .                            (2)

c)      (4)


                                           xxxxxxxxGood Luckxxxxxxxxxx


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