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Showing posts from May, 2016

Trashigang and Daga Dzong.

Ø   Trashigang   Dzong Ø   Trashigang dzong was founded according to the prophecies of Zhabdrung. Ø   In order to spread Drukpa rule over the eight eastern regions, he instructed Chhoegyal Minjur Tenpa to subdue the local chieftains and build a dzong at the present site. Ø   Soon after trouble started in the east. Ø   First, they defeated Chokhar deb in Bumthang, followed by Lhuentse, Trashiyangtse and finally Zhongar. Ø   Minjur Tenpa returned to Trongsa leaving behind Lam Namsey and Umze Damchoe Rabgay to complete the work in Trashigang. Ø   The Trashigang chieftains Tshewang and Langa having heard the exploits of Trongsa poenlop surrended. Ø     Ø   The chieftain of Kurtoe Tangmachu was killed by Pelchen Dharma and Phagidung. The chieftain’s wife appealed to the Trongsa poenlop for protection. The Trongsa Poenlop’s forces moved eastward . Ø   First, they defeated Chokhar deb in Bumthang, followed by Lhuentse, Trashiyangtse and finally Zhongar. Ø   Minjur Te

Trongsa and Jakar Dzong.

Ø   Trongsa Dzong Ø   Trongsa Dzong dates back to the time of Ngagi Wangchuck, the descendent of Ngawang Chhogyal. Ø   As prophesied by Palden Lhamo, he visited central Bhutan in 1541 and mediated at the village of Yueli in Trongsa, a few kilometers above the present Dzong. Ø   One night, he saw a lighted butter lamp below the ridge of the present Goenkhang, which house the guardian deities palden Lhamo and Yeshey Goenpo.   Ø   On his visit to the site, he came across the footprints of a steed (horse) and the Lhatsho (sacred pond) of Palden Lhamo. Ø   Considering the place to be a nye (sacred site), he built a meditation hut (tshamkhang). Ø   As he mediated, Palden Lhamo appeared and prophesied that ‘ in the future this place would play an important role in spreading the teachings of Buddha’. Ø   After the incident, he constructed a small temple and named it as Mondrupde in 1543. Ø   Many people from the area became his disciples and built small huts for themse

Trashichhoedzong and Paro Dzong.

Ø   Trashichhoedzong Ø   Lam Gyalwa Lhanangpa built Dho-Ngon Dzong on a hill above Thimphu in 1216 A.D. Ø   The followers of lama were completely crushed and the dzong fell into the hands of Zhabdrung. Ø   In 1642, Zhabdrung rebuilt the dzong and named it Trashichho Dzong (fortress of the glorious religion). Ø   In 1694, it was enlarged by the 4 th Desi Tenzin Rabgye. Ø   The Dzong caught fire in 1698 and was restored by 5 th Desi Geduen Chophel. Ø   It caught fire for the second time during 16 th Desi, Sonam Lhendup and 13 th Jekhenpo, Yonten Thaye. Ø   The two then planned to move it from Dechenphodrang and build a new Dzong at the site of its current location. Ø   The Dzong was further renovated by the Druk Desis. Ø   The dzong caught fire for the third time in 1869. The dzong was extensively repaired by 47 th Desi. Ø   Third Druk Gyalpo took the initiative of renovating the dzong in 1962. it was rebuilt in traditional fashion, without nails or written