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Trashigang and Daga Dzong.

Ø  Trashigang  Dzong
Ø  Trashigang dzong was founded according to the prophecies of Zhabdrung.
Ø  In order to spread Drukpa rule over the eight eastern regions, he instructed Chhoegyal Minjur Tenpa to subdue the local chieftains and build a dzong at the present site.
Ø  Soon after trouble started in the east.
Ø  First, they defeated Chokhar deb in Bumthang, followed by Lhuentse, Trashiyangtse and finally Zhongar.
Ø  Minjur Tenpa returned to Trongsa leaving behind Lam Namsey and Umze Damchoe Rabgay to complete the work in Trashigang.
Ø  The Trashigang chieftains Tshewang and Langa having heard the exploits of Trongsa poenlop surrended.
Ø  The chieftain of Kurtoe Tangmachu was killed by Pelchen Dharma and Phagidung. The chieftain’s wife appealed to the Trongsa poenlop for protection. The Trongsa Poenlop’s forces moved eastward .
Ø  First, they defeated Chokhar deb in Bumthang, followed by Lhuentse, Trashiyangtse and finally Zhongar.
Ø  Minjur Tenpa returned to Trongsa leaving behind Lam Namsey and Umze Damchoe Rabgay to complete the work in Trashigang.
Ø  The Trashigang chieftains Tshewang and Langa having heard the exploits of Trongsa poenlop surrended.
Ø  The Trongsa Poenlop immediately sent an army to eastern region where Lam Nagseng was defeated and restores the Drukpa rule in the eastern region.
Ø  Therefore Chhoegyal Minjur Tenpa ordered Kudung Pekar Chhoephel to build a dzong at Bengkhar.
Ø  In 1659, the dzong was constructed and named Trashigang, the Dzong of the Auspicious Mount.

Ø  Daga  Dzong
Ø  In 1648, Zhabdrung deputized Dronyer Druk Namgyal to Darkala to bring the area under the central rule and to build a dzong to defend the country from the invading armies of the south.
Ø  The purpose of the military expedition was achieved and began laying the foundations of the Dzong.
Ø  A strategic site, a ridge overlooking an expansive valley was chosen and the construction of began with labour contribution made by the people of Darkala.
Ø  Two years later in 1651, the dzong was completed and was formally named by Zhabdrung as Daga Trashiyangtse Dzong, the fortress of the realm of white flags of fortune.
Ø  Tenpa Thinley was appointed as the first Daga Poenlop.


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