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Punakha and Wangduephodrang Dzong.

Ø  Punakha Dzong

Ø  It stands at the confluence of the Phochu and Mo Chhu rivers in Punakha.
Ø  Before zhabdrung’s visit a small temple existed which was built in the 14th century. It is located outside the dzong and is called the Dzongchhung.
Ø  The Dzong has been damaged several times over the centuries. The strong fires in 1780, 1789, 1802, 1831, 1849 and 1986, a massive earthquake in 1897 and a devastating flash flood in 1994 almost devastated the Punakha dzong.
Ø  The Dzongchhung housing the images of the Jhou and Dupthob Nagi Rinchhen was nearly washed away in the flood.
Ø  To fulfill the prophesies of Guru Rimpoche, Zhabdrung laid the foundation for the dzong in 1637.
Ø  Zow Balep was made to construct the dzong. He was asked to sleep in the Dzongchhung before Buddha’s image. Zow fell asleep and saw a vision of the future Dzong he was to build. He was helped by many deities in the area. The protecting deity of Nobgang together with a female deity, Dorichum, the lady of stones, supplied the stones needed for the structure.
Ø  In 1639, the dzong was attacked by the Tibetans supported by five group of lamas. To celebrate the victory over the Tibetans, a Goenkhang was built in 1645.
Ø  It has played an important role in history of Bhutan because;
Ø  Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck, Bhutan’s first king was crowned in the punakha Dzong in 1907.
Ø  It was the winter capital of Bhutan till 1955.
Ø  Machey (sacred embalmed body) of Zhabdrung Rimpoche is preserved in the Machey Lhakhang of the Dzong.
Ø  The first session of the national Assembly was also held in the dzong in 1953.
Ø  5. The Dzong is still the winter residence of the Jekhenpo and the central monk body.
Ø  It was named Pungthang Dechen Phodrang Dzong meaning “the Palace of Great Bliss”

Ø  Wangduephodrang Dzong

Ø  Zhabdrung was at Chimmi Lhakhang in Punakha when he met a weak old man. An old man described a ridge in present day Wangduephodrang as a ‘sleeping elephant’ and told Zhabdrung that he would unite the country by building a dzong.
Ø  Zhabdrung guess the old man to be Yeshey Gonpo, took his suggestion and sent his representative to study the area.
Ø  As the representative drew close to the area, he saw four ravens circling above the ridge. When he arrived the ridge, the birds flew in four directions.
Ø  On returning to Chimmi Lhakhang, he reported everything to Zhabdrung. So, he took this as a good omen and immediately started the construction of the Dzong in 1639 and named it Wangduephodrang Dzong, “wangdue” meaning “to bring under one’s power.


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