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Trashichhoedzong and Paro Dzong.

Ø  Trashichhoedzong
Ø  Lam Gyalwa Lhanangpa built Dho-Ngon Dzong on a hill above Thimphu in 1216 A.D.
Ø  The followers of lama were completely crushed and the dzong fell into the hands of Zhabdrung.
Ø  In 1642, Zhabdrung rebuilt the dzong and named it Trashichho Dzong (fortress of the glorious religion).
Ø  In 1694, it was enlarged by the 4th Desi Tenzin Rabgye.
Ø  The Dzong caught fire in 1698 and was restored by 5th Desi Geduen Chophel.
Ø  It caught fire for the second time during 16th Desi, Sonam Lhendup and 13th Jekhenpo, Yonten Thaye.
Ø  The two then planned to move it from Dechenphodrang and build a new Dzong at the site of its current location.
Ø  The Dzong was further renovated by the Druk Desis.
Ø  The dzong caught fire for the third time in 1869. The dzong was extensively repaired by 47th Desi.
Ø  Third Druk Gyalpo took the initiative of renovating the dzong in 1962. it was rebuilt in traditional fashion, without nails or written plans.
Ø  The renovation work was overseen by Zopoen Parpa Yodsel.
Ø  It became the capital city of Bhutan in 1955.
Ø  Today it houses government ministries and secretariat, the throne room and the office of the king of Bhutan.
Ø  The northern portion of the dzong is used as the summer residence of the Je Khenpo and the central monastic Body.

Ø  Paro Dzong

Ø  In 15th century, two brothers – named Gyelchok and Gyelzom lived in Paro valley (descendents of Phajo Drugom Zhigpo).
Ø  Gelzom lived in Gangtakha monastery and Gyelchok travelled to Tibet to study Theology. When he came back to Paro, he was not respected in the community as he had become a pauper.
Ø  Gyelzom did not want beggar to be part of his family.
Ø  Gyelchok then moved to Humrelkha, a place which took its name from the guardian deity of Paro, Humrel Gyalpo.
Ø  He built a five storied structure, which would later become the Paro Dzong.
Ø  In 1644, Gyelchok gave his small fortress to Zhabdrung.
Ø  Immediately Zhabdrung began the construction of much more extensive fortress and named it as ‘Rinpung Dzong’ meaning the fortress of the heaps of jewels.
Ø  Gyelchok then moved to Humrelkha, a place which took its name from the guardian deity of Paro, Humrel Gyalpo.
Ø  He built a five storied structure, which would later become the Paro Dzong.
Ø  In 1644, Gyelchok gave his small fortress to Zhabdrung.
Ø  Immediately Zhabdrung began the construction of much more extensive fortress and named it as ‘Rinpung Dzong’ meaning the fortress of the heaps of jewels.
Ø  On the hill above the Dzong stands an ancient watchtower called Ta Dzong which since 1967, has been the National Museum of Bhutan. Across a medieval bridge below the Dzong stands the Ugyenpelri Palace, a royal residence constructed by poenlop Tshering Penjor.


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