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Showing posts from June, 2019

Class Five Social Studies Assessment- WPS

Class V- Social Studies Assignment for summer break, 2019 (Wangdue PS) Discuss and write about one mask dance ( CHHAM ) that is performed in your locality (your village or in your dzongkhang). You need to include the following ideas in your write up: 1 . Name of your mask dance, number of dancers, dress code etc… 2 . Significances of the mask dance and brief history of your mask dance. 3 . Photos of your mask dance. 4 . Cover page and 5 . Reference The evaluation would be based on: a. Origination and overall presentation (5m) b. Originality (5m) c. Content (10m) d. Interpretation, understanding and conclusion (5m) e. Submission date (5m) Submission date : before or on 2 nd   August 2019. Happy summer vacation Subject Tr. Tobgyel Nim Dem Choki Yangdon Dechen Zangmo S


SECTION A 25 Questions – 50 Marks Answer ALL questions Direction: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers. Choose the most correct answer. 1.     Which of the following is NOT an element?         a.   Gold.                                  b.     salt.          c.   Silver.                                  d.   Oxygen. 2.      The symbol   of mercury is           a.      Hg.                             b.      Ag.           c.     M.                               d.      Me. 3.     The colour change of turmeric indicator in soap solution is          a.        blue.                            b.    red.          c.       pink.                          d.    yellow. 4.       The change in which new substances are formed and identity of the original substance is lost          a.       temporary change.                       b.    physical change.           c.        reversible change.                     d.