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Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Sarpang: Bhutan
Mid Term Evaluation-2014
21st June 2014
             Class VI                                                              Writing Time: 2 hour
             Subject: Social Studies                                                Full Mark 100.

                                                     25 Questions – 50 Marks
Answer ALL questions

Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers.Choose the correct answer and write it down in the answer sheets provided by the school.
1. The planet which has no satellites is

A. Earth.
B .Venus.
C. Saturn.
D .Jupiter.

2. The west to east movement of the earth on its axis is:
A. rotation.
B. spinning.
C. revolution.
D. earth’s movement.

3. The centre line shown in the diagram below is:


A. Latitude
B. Longitude
C. The Prime Meridian
C. Circle of illumination

4. The 0º line of latitude is called the

A. Equator.
B. Meridian.
C. Greenwich.
D. Prime meridian
5. The people who dig the ground and find things which were buried underground from ancient period are called:
A. writers.
B. recorders.
C. historians.
D. archaeologists.
6. Which pass do people cross while going to Wangue Phodrang to Tronsa?

A. Pelela
B .Chelela
C .Dagala
D .Dochula
7. This region rises about 3000metres. The mountain ranges in this region rise to great heights with steep slopes on both sides. It has temperate climate and rich vegetation. Places like wang, Paro and Bumthang are located in this zone.”
The above description best describes

A .Alpine Zone.
B .Inner Himalayas.
C. Southern foothills.
D. Greater Himalayas.

8. The earth’s shape is termed ‘Oblate Spheroid” because it
A. changes every season.
B .is round and very large.
C .is exactly round like a ball.
D. is round but slightly flattened at two ends.

9. The correct features of the Earth’s Axis are
I. It is tilted,
II. It is an imaginary line,
III. It runs through the centre of the earth,
IV. It is the middle line between day and night.

A. I,II, IV.
B. I, II, III.
 C. I, III, IV.
   D .II, III, IV.

10. The area of our country Bhutan is
A. 45,000 sq km.
B. 35,934 sq km.
C. 46,000 sq km.
D .38, 394 sq km.

11. Which group of the following countries is called the ‘Cradles of Civilization’?
A. Egypt, Indonesia, India, China
B .Egypt, Iraq, India, China
C. Egypt, Japan, India, China
D. Egypt, Germany, Iraq, China

12. The earliest people were called ‘Homo Sapiens’ because they
A. had two hands.
B. could think better.
C. lived like animals.
D. hunted the animals

13. If you were born on 29th. February 2005, your next birthday would be on
A. 28th February 2005.
B. 28th February 2008.
C. 29th February 2006.
D. 29th February 2009.

14. The heat zone comfortable for living is
A. Cold zone.
B. Frigid Zone.
C. Torrid Zone.
D. Temperate zone.

15. Which of the following statement is NOT true about Bhutan?
A. Bhutan lies in the southern slopes of the eastern Himalayas.
B .Bhutan is also known as ‘Druk-Yul’.
C .Bhutan is a land-locked country.
D .Bhutan lies to the south of Nepal

16. The early humans discovered fire and the use of rough stone tools. This period is known as
A. Stone Age.
B .Old Stone Age.
C. New Stone Age.
D. Early Civilization

 17. The Earth travels around the sun at a speed of about
A. 10,000 km per hour
B. 100, 000 km. per hour
C. 1000,00 km. per hour
D. 1000km. per hour

  18. Reading, studying and writing about the past records of human is called
A. Stories.
B. history.
C. artifacts.
D. historian.
19. Ancient people invented earthen pots to
  A. store water for animals.            
 B. avoid use of stone pots.
 C. store water for themselves.       
 D. Keep grains and cook food.
20. The surface of the earth covered by water is known as the
A. biosphere.
B .lithosphere.
C. atmosphere.
 D .hydrosphere.
21. The lines of latitudes and longitudes are very important because they are
A. imaginary lines.
   B. semi-circles and circles.
   C . used to divide the earth into heat zones.
   D .used to find the exact location of a place.

22. All the following are true about heat zones EXCEPT
    A .Torrid zone lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
    B .It lies between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn.
    C .The sun falls direct at this zone most of the year.
     D. Torrid Zone is the hottest part of the earth
23. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Old Stone Age?
   A .They discovered fire.
   B. They used stones as tools.
   C. They invented metal tools.
   D. They lived almost like animals.

24. The climate above 400 metres is
A .alpine.
B. temperate.
C. sub-alpine.
D. sub-tropical.

25. The two hemispheres have opposite seasons because of

A. rotation.
B .revolution.
C. the seasonal migration of the sun.
D .the changing position of the earth.

                                                  Section – B
11    Questions – 50 marks

Direction: - Answer all the questions in this section. Marks for questions or part of questions are given in brackets (  ). Answers should be written on sheets provided by the school.
1. What does Solar System consist of? (2)
   2. Name the three spheres which make up the surface of the earth .(3)
   3. Write the two movements of the Earth and explain them. (4)
   4. What is a leap year?(1)
   5. Why is Bhutan called a land locked country?(1)
6. a. What was the main occupation of the Java Man? (1)
b) Write down three differences between life in the Old Stone Age and New Stone Age. (3)

Old Stone Age
New Stone Age



. (c) Name the first metal used by ancient people. (1)
d) Define the term invention. Give one example. (2)

7. a.Draw the three heat zones of the earth with latitudes .   (3+3=6)
b.. Define an alluvial plain. Give ONE example.   (3)                                                                  c.. Why do you think 0° line of longitude is called Greenwich Meridian? (2)  
d. How many zones is our country divided into and what are they? (3)
9. a. Before the inventions of metal tools the people of the Old Stone Age used stone tools for different purposes. Write any three of them. (3)
b. What do you understand by the term Pre-historic time? (1)
10. What time will it be at 900 east if it is 3p.m. at Prime Meridian? (4)
11. Study the map given below and name the given rivers(R) Mountains Peaks (   ) Dzongkhags (    ) and passes (X) (10)                                


(If you don’t follow the directions, 2 marks will be deducted.)

Best of luck!


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