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Class V/Science-ME-2015

Subject: science                                                                         Full Marks: 100
Class V                                                                                       Time: 2hrs
Name................................................Sec.................... Roll No............
Question 1       (25 Marks)
Direction: Each question is followed by four possible answers. Choose the correct answer and write it in the space provided.
1.    An element is a pure substance which is made up of identical tiny particles called………..

a.     Compounds
b.    Element
c.     Matter
d.    Solids

Answer  .........…………………

2.    The following liquids floats on water EXCEPT

a.     Refine vegetable oil
b.    Hydrogenated oil
c.     Petrol
d.    Honey

   Answer  .........…………………

3.    An example of irreversible change is…………..

a.     Ice to water
b.    Boiling of an egg.
c.     Melting of wax
d.    Water to ice

Answer  .........……………………

4.    The change of state from liquid to gas is called………………

a.     Sublimation
b.    Condensation
c.     Freezing
d.    Evaporation

Answer  .........……………………
5.    The particles in gas are………………………………

a.     Loosely packed
b.    Freely packed
c.     Tightly packed
d.    None of the above

Answer  .........……………………

6.    Which is a physical change?

a.     Growth of a plant
b.    Melting of snow
c.     Curd formation
d.    Burning of paper

Answer  .........……………………

7.    Construction of road is an example of

a.     Natural change
b.    Man-made change
c.     Chemical change
d.    Physical change

 Answer  .........……………………
8.    One of the conditions to change liquid to solid is by
a.     Increasing the temperature
b.    Decreasing the temperature
c.     Keeping the temperature same
d.    All of the above

Answer  .........……………………

9.    The change of state from gas to liquid is known as…….

a.     Condensation
b.    Evaporation
c.     Melting
d.    Freezing

Answer  .........……………………

10.Hand picking is an effective method to separate

a.     Flour and sand.
b.       Rice and maize.
c.     Salt and sugar.
d.    Rice and zaw

Answer  .........……………………

11.             What is the main characteristic of solid-solid mixture that you    
        would consider to separate by

a.     Heavy and light.
b.    Colour of mixture.
c.     Size of mixture.
d.    Weight of mixture.

Answer  .........……………………

12.                    Sonam is trying to move a box containing books to his study room; he finds it difficult to move it. The best way  to move the box is to
a.     Use roller underneath the box and push.
b.    Put grease on the floor and push.
c.     Sprinkle powder o the floor and push.
d.    Put a plank under the box and push.

Answer  .........……………………

13.Friction is measured by

a.     Beam balance.
b.    Measuring tape.
c.     Scale.
d.    Spring balance

Answer  .........……………….....

14.Rainbow is the result of

a.     reflection
b.    dispersion
c.     shadow
d.    vibration


15.Sharpness of the music can be increased by

a.     Decreasing the length of the string
b.    Increasing the length of the string
c.     Decreasing the size of the instrument
d.    Increasing the size of the instrument


16.Which one of the following is NOT CORRECT?

a.     Sound travels through air.
b.    Vibrating of membrane produces sound in a drum.
c.     Even surface reflects light in one direction.
d.    Longer the distance, louder the sound


17._________ is the unit to measure force

a.     Ft
b.    km
c.     kgf
d.    Kg

Answer  .........……………………

18.A sound box is 
a.     a device that makes the sound fainter
b.    a device that makes the sound louder
c.     a stringed instrument
         d. a percussion instrument    

Answer  .........……………………

19.All of the following are wind instruments EXCEPT

a.     Whistle
b.    Conch
c.     Drum
d.    Trumpet

Answer  .........……………………

20.Which one of the following is NOT CORRECT?
a.     Sound travels through air.
b.    Vibrating of membrane produces sound in a drum.
c.  Even surface reflects light in one direction.
d.  Longer the distance, louder the sound.

Answer  .........……………………

21.Which of the following is not a renewable source of energy?

a.  Water
b.  Coal
c.  Sun
d.  Wind

Answer  .........……………………

22. Sharpness of the music can be increased by
a.     Decreasing the length of the string
b.    Increasing the length of the string
c.     Decreasing the size of the instrument
d.    Increasing the size of the instrument


23.If we bring charged balloons together they will repel each other because
a.  They have like charges
b.  They have unlike charges
c.  It is a good conductor
d.  It is bad conductor

Answer  .........……………………

24.          ……………………… is used to generate hydroelectricity.

a.  Sun
b.  Wind
c.  Moon
d.  Water

Answer  .........……………………

25.     The materials that allow the current to flow are called

a. Voltage
b.  Conductors
c.  Insulators
d.  Circuit

Answer  .........……………………

Question 2
Direction: Fill in the blanks with correct words.     (1x10=10)

1.    An element is made up of tiny particles called…………

2.    When a substance disappears in liquid, it is termed as…………….

3.    An example of physical change is ……………

4.    The unit for measuring force is ………

5.    The best method to separate iron filings from flour is by using ……………………

6.    The tyres with …………… have more friction than the worn-out tyres.

7.    Footballers wear shoes with spikes to ……………… Friction.

8.    …………………………… formed when light is blocked by an opaque object.

9.    An electric wire is made of………………………………….

10.…………………Completes the circuit when we turn on.

Question 3: Direction: Match the following (1x10=10)

    Column A                                                        Column B
1.    Solid                                     1. Change of state from solid                     
                                                  to liquid or liquid to solid.

2.    Sublimation                            2. Molecules are tightly        

3.    Freezing                                  3. Process of rapid vaporization                              .                                                  of liquid at certain temperature

4.    Boiling                                     4.   Change of state from  
                                                             liquid to solid.              

5.    Hand picking                             5.     stone and grains.

6.    Magnetic separation                  6.    iron filing from sand

7.    Treads                                         7.    increase friction.

8.    Grease                                         8.   decrease friction

    9.   VIGYOR                                     9.    Spectrum

   10. Short string                                 10   sharper sound

Question 4
Write true or false (1x10=10)

1.    Liquid does not take the shape of a container. ................

2.    Milk changing into curd is an example of permanent change. .....

3.    Boiling is the rapid vaporization of liquid on heating. ................

4.    Friction can slow down the speed of moving an object. .............

5.    We can separate solid- solid mixture of same size by sieving......
6.    The agent used for winnowing is wind............

7.    White is the mixture of seven different colours............

8.    Conch is a stringed instrument....................

9.    Lightning is static energy..............

10.Like poles attract and unlike poles repel...........

Question 5
Direction: Write short answer for the following (25 marks)

1.    Give two properties of solid.                                   (2mark)

2.    Write one similarity and difference between sieving and filtration.                                                                       (3 marks)

3.     Is heating of hydrogenated vegetable oil a permanent change? Why?                                                                            (2 mark)

4.    Explain reversible and irreversible change.                  (2 mark)

5.    Give two examples of element.                                   (2 mark)

6.    When is hand picking an effective method of separating?  ( 2 )

7.    Mention TWO factors that affect winnowing?   ( 2 marks )

8.    Rolling ball on the ground gradually slows down and stops. Why?                                                                             ( 2marks )

9.    Khandu’s door hinge makes an annoying noise when closing and opening. Why?                                                       ( 2marks )

10.How can you increase the loudness of the sound? (2marks)

11.Your parents have decided to paint your room walls and you want keep it bright. What would you advise them? (2marks)

12.Bhutan has lot of hydro power stations. Why?      (2marks)

    Question 6
    Answer the following questions (20 marks)
1.    Gas does not have fixed shape and volume. Why? (2marks)

2.    Draw the diagram of particle arrangement in             (3marks)
a.     Solid                          b. Liquid                              c. Gas

3.    Phuntsho wants to separate husk from wheat flour. Which method would you suggest? Why?                           (3marks)

4.    What do you think will happen if there is no friction?  ( 2marks )

5.    Ap Dorji wants to buy a pair of shoes to go for a hike in the mountains. What type of shoes would you suggest? Why?
                                                                                 (2 marks )

6.    Explain how rainbow is formed.                                (2 marks)

7.    Explain the reflection of light in even and uneven surface with the help of your diagram.                                            (3 marks)

8.    Describe how electricity is produced in a hydropower stations.           
                                                                                      (3 marks)


*********************GOOD LUCK!*********************


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