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Class V/English-ME-2015



                                     MID-TERM EXAMINATION- 2014
CLASS: IV                                                                                    WRITING TIME: 2 hours
SUBJECT: ENGLISH                                                                  TOTAL MARKS: 80
Name……………………………………………………. Roll No…………..Sec………
1. Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions.
   After having read the questions, you will be given 2 hours to answer all questions.
2. Answers to all the questions must be written neatly in the space provided.
3.  There are three sections: A, B and C. All questions in Section A and B are compulsory.
4. Section C has three genres: Short Stories, Essay and Poetry. Each genre has two sets of questions, Set I and Set II. Set I comprises of Question nos. 1a and 1b and Set II corresponds to Question no. 2 across all genres. You must attempt one set of questions from each genre.
5. In Section C, you must attempt three sets of questions in all. Your choice must include one Set II question (Question no.2) from any genre.
6. In section C, do not attempt questions from two different sets.
7. Read the directions to each question carefully and write all your answers in the space provided.
8. Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others, or move around.
9. Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the questions.
10. If you finish before the time is over, close your Answer Booklet and sit quietly.
DO NOT forget to write your name, class and section.





Section A: Essay Writing

Question 1 – (10 marks)

Directions: Choose and write an essay on any one of the topics given below in about 100 words.
1.    Write about “My School”
2.    Write about your ‘Favourite animal’
3.    Narrate how you spent your Winter holiday

Question II. Letter writing (10 marks)
Direction: Choose and write a letter on anyone of the topics given below.
1.    Write a leave letter to your class teacher requesting her one day leave because your mother is sick and admitted in the hospital.(Follow block form)
2.    Write a letter to your sister, who is in Thimphu asking her to come to village during mid-term break (Follow block form)

Section B- Language                                   20 Marks
Question 1
Direction: Underline the correct verbs from the bracket.(5)
1.    Otters (live/lives) in water.
2.    Pasang (play/plays) football.
3.    People (like/likes) music.
4.    A river (begin/begins) at its source.
5.    Many rivers (flow/flows) into the sea.
Question II. Change the underline words into past tense.   (5)
a.     He be there in the class.
b.    Dragon become a Buddhist.
c.     He disappear into the night.
d.    They win the first prize in football.
e.     Yesterday we play cricket in the school.
Question III. Choose the correct answer.  (5)
1.    Japan is a beautiful country…

a.     Isn’t it?       
b.    Aren’t it?
c.     Wont it?
d.    Weren’t it?


2.    Foul mood means…………….

a.     Happy mood
b.    Sad mood
c.     Not in good mood
d.    Nothing             

3.    Identify the adjective in the sentence given below.
Pema is a beautiful girl.

a.     Pema
b.    Is
c.     a
d.    beautiful

4.    Identify the verb.
The three friends chatted for a while.

a.     Friend
b.    While
c.     The
d.    Chatted

5.    Identify the nouns.
      The deer sprinted off into the forest.

a.     Deer and sprinted
b.    Deer and off
c.     Sprinted and forest
d.    Deer and forest


Question IV. Match the word in column A with their meaning in column B (5)
     Column A                                                                      Column B
a.     Clinging                                       a. a wall covering like cement
b.    Hedge                                           b. Christian holiday(December 25th)
                                                          when people exchange gifts.
c.     Stucco                                           c. hanging on
d.    Christmas                                      d. small rock or stone
e.     Pebble                                           e. small bushes planted to form a fence.

Section C: Literature
Short story
Direction:  There are sets of questions under this genre. Choose ONE SET and write your answer in the space provided. The following are set from the story”Daksaan”- Kusum Kapur
Direction: Choose the most correct answer (1x8=8)
Question I. A)
1.    All the following are the characters in the story EXCEPT

a.     Penchen Zangmo
b.    Daktsaan
c.     Lama
d.    Emily

2.    Daktsaan is….

a.     Sad
b.    Angry
c.     Kind
d.    Naughty


3.    Penchen Zangmo went to

a.     Collect firewood
b.    fetch water
c.     look after cattle
d.    Collect mushroom.

4.    Lama blessed Daktsaan and Penchen Zangmo and changed them into….

a.     Demon
b.    Gods
c.     Lama
d.    Animal

5.    Instead of her lover, there was a….

a.     Smart boy
b.    Lama
c.     Demon dragon
d.    Lion

6.    They sent a runner to a famous lama at the monastery of

a.     Drukpa Kinley
b.    Pema Lingpa
c.     Zhabdrung
d.    Jekhenpo

7.    We can find the statue of Penchen and Daktsaan in

a.     Bumthang dzong
b.    Trashigang dzong
c.     Punakha dzong
d.    Mongar dzong.


8.    Penchen tied a …………… round his foot.

a.     Rubber
b.    Thread
c.     Rope
d.    Wire    

Question I. B) Short Answer (7marks)
Direction: Answer the following questions in short.
1)    Who helped Panchen Zangmo reach her home? (2)
2)    Why do you think people do not go near the cave in the forest?(2)
3)    What would you have done if you were Penchen Zangmo and saw the dragon in the cave?(3)

SET II (15 marks)
Direction: Answer the following questions.
1.    Write about the following characters.(2 ½x2=5)
              Panchen Zangmo…………………………………………………...
2.    What did Lama do when he heard the story?(2½)
3.    Write two features of folktale.(2½)
1.    ……………………………………………………………………....
4.    What did Penchen Zangmo do to find out who her lover was? (3)
5.    Why were Daktsaan and Penchen Zangmo changed into the deities of Mongar dzong?(2)


Direction: Read the essay carefully and answer the questions.
Essay: Kids saving the rainforest- Duncan Searl
These days, many people worry about the rainforest. In the past forty years, half the world’s rainforests have disappeared. Loggers cut down the valuable rainforest trees for the lumbers. Farmers burn down rainforest to get farmland. People built houses in the rainforest, too. As a result, rare animals and plants are disappearing from the earth.
Janine Licare knows first-hand about the destruction of the rainforests. She lives in Manuel Anotnio. Costa Rica. Rainforest was home to 109 different mammals. Over 180 species of birds lived there, too. Janine knew the names of many of them.
In 1998, the rainforest in Manuel Anotnio was in danger; developers were cutting down the forest, by acre by acre. They were building houses and businesses. Would the entire rainforests disappear? Janine Licare was only nine years old at the time. Still, she was determined not to let that happen!

SET I (15 marks)
Question 1 a. (8 marks)
Direction: Choose the correct answer.
1.    The word disappear means

a.     grow No longer see
b.    Can see
c.     Can live
d.    Can


2.    These days’ people worry about the…..

a.     Health
b.    Rainforests
c.     Environment
d.    Family

3.    Logger cut down the valuable trees for

a.     Making pots
b.    Making boat
c.     Making furniture
d.     Lumbers

4.    Janine Licare lives in……

a.     Rainforest
b.    Manuel Anotnio
c.     Bhutan
d.    France

5.    In which year the rainforests in Manuel Antonio was in danger?

a.     1997
b.    1998
c.     1999
d.    1996

6.    How many species of birds lived there?

a.     160
b.    170
c.     180
d.    190


7.    How old was Janine Licare at that time?

a.     7 years
b.    8 years
c.     9 years
d.    10 years

8.    Janine Licare liked walking there with her …….

a.     Father
b.    Mother
c.     Brother
d.    Friends


Question I. b. Short question answers (7 marks)

1.    Why did farmers burn the rainforests? (2)

2.    How many different mammals live in that rainforest?(2)
3.    What would you do, if you were Janine Licare to protect the rainforest?(3)

1.    What would happen if the rainforests are destroyed?(3)

2.    What are the good things about the rainforest? (3)

3.    How are the rainforest destroyed by the people of Manuel Antonio?(4)

4.    As a result, rare animals and plants are disappearing from the earth.
What do you understand by the word rare from the above sentence? (2)

5.    Do you think the entire rainforest will disappear? Why or why not?(3)


Direction: Read carefully and answer the questions.

By Marchette Chute
His nose is short and scrubby;
His ears hang rather low
And he always brings a stick back,
No matter how far you throw.

He gets spanked rather often
For things he shouldn't do,
Like lying-on-beds, and barking,
And eating up shoes when they're new,

He always wants to be going
Where he isn’t supposed to go.
He tracks up the house when it’s snowing -
Oh, puppy, I love you so.

SET I a. (10marks)

Question 1: Choose the correct answer. (5)
1.    Who is the speaker in the poem?

a.     Dog
b.    Puppy
c.     Marchette Chute
d.    Cat

2.    The followings are the things done by the dog EXCEPT

a.     Eating new shoes
b.    Lying-on-beds
c.     Barking
d.    Laughing

3.    The word spanked in the poem means…..

a.     Hit
b.    Care
c.     Hug
d.    Scold.

4.    “And he always brings a stick back,
      No matter …….”

a.     How far you throw
b.    How near you throw
c.     How high you throw
d.    How hard you throw


5.    What is the poem about?

a.     About a friend
b.    About a dog
c.     About a girl
         d.   About a boy

Question 1. b.  Short question answer (5 marks)

1.    Write two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.(3)
            1  .………………………........................................................................

     2. How is the dog described in the poem? (2)


1.    What are the things that the dog like to do?(3)
1.    …………………………………………………………………….............................................................................................................................
11. ……………………………………………………………………………................................................................................................................

111…………………………………………………………………………….   ...................................................................................................................

2.    What is he not supposed to do?(2)
3.    What will you do if someone hits you?(3)
4.    How will you take care of your animal?(2)


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