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         Class :  IV                                                                                         FULL MARK: 100
         Sub: Social   Studies                                                                       TIME: 2 Hrs.
Name  :                                                                                      Roll No :                Sec:
SECTION A    (25 X 2=50 marks)
DIRECTION: Choose the most correct answer and write in the space  provided.
Q.1. The   average  human  body  temperature  is
                        *  37˚C                                  *   31˚C
            *  73˚C                                  *  100˚C

Ans : ……………………………….
   Q.2. The   sides   of   the   river   is   called  the
                  *  river   bed                         *   river  load 
                        *  banks                                 *   current
Ans : ……………………………………    
Q.3. If the leaves  and twigs  of the tree move a little, we say there is
                  *  gentle breeze                  *   no   wind 
                        *  strong wind                      *    storm
Ans: ……………………………………………….
Q.4. The instrument to  find  the wind direction is
                  *   thermometer                       *    wind  vane
                  *  water wheel                          *    hand  lens
Ans: ………………………………………………...

Q.5. When we see many mountains together, we say there is
                *  mountain peak                    *  steep slope
                            *  plain                                       *   mountain range
        Ans: ………………………………………………….
Q.6. Over flowing of a river due to heavy rainfall is called
                       *  flood                                   *   frost
                       *  storm                                  *  sleet
Ans:  …………………………………………..
Q.7. The temperature reading in the following diagram is



*10˚C            *   20˚C          *   26˚C          *  14˚C

Ans: ………………………………….
Q.8. The instrument used to measure the level of rainfall is called
               *  rain gauge                            *   wind  vane 
         *  thermometer                        *   compass

Ans: ……………………………………………
   Q.9. All the following are weather words EXCEPT
                    *  wind                                  *  wolf
                    *  wet                                    *  warm

Ans: ………………………

Q.10. The water  that is surrounded by land is
          *  spring                             *   snow
             *  lake                                 *   glacier    

  Ans:      ……………………………   
Q. 11.We can protect our forest by
*  letting animals to over graze
*  controlling fire
*  destroying plants
*  cutting down trees
     Ans:       ………………………………………………
Q.12. The person who knows many things about the forests is the
        *  credit Officer                 *   army   officer
              *  police Officer                 *  forest  officer
     Ans: ………………………………………….
    Q.13. If everything goes correctly in a handmade compass,    
             the needle will always  point to the
                       *   East                            *    North
                     *  West                            *   South
Ans:  ………………………………
Q.14. A  sharp  point  on  top  of  the  mountain is  called a
                 *  cliff                             *    plain
                 *  peak                           *   gentle  slope

 Ans: ………………………………………………

Q.15. Forest is the home for
                *  animals only              *   insects  only 
                      *  birds only                   *   animals, birds and insects
Ans:     …………………………………………………….
  Q.16. Which of the following is used in turning a prayer wheel?
              *  flowing water                 *   snow  fall
                          *  blowing wind                  *    rainfall
Ans: …………………………………………

Q.17. All the following are grains EXCEPT
                *  rice                                    *   wheat
                *  millet                                 *   beans

Ans: …………………………………
Q.18. The Dzongkhag that is 3000 to 4000 metres above sea level is
                            *  Tsirang                              *   Gelephu
                 *  Gasa                                  *   Thimphu
Ans: …………………………
 Q.19. The  speed  of  the  river  is  called 
                              *  surface                       *   banks
                              *  current                       *   rainfall   
        Ans: …………………………………                                                                                                                                            
Q. 20. All the following are farm animals EXCEPT
                   *   horse                           *   pig
                   *   cow                              *   tiger

Ans: …………………………………………

  Q.21.  To measure the rainfall  accurately, we should  keep the
                rain  gauge ………cm  above  the  ground.

*  20 cm                          *   40 cm
      *  30 cm                          *   50 cm

Ans: ……………………………

 Q.22. The  sun  rises  in the
               *   north                       *  east
               *   south                       *  west

           Ans:  …………………..

  Q.23. The  birds are useful in many ways EXCEPT
                *  give  us  medicines                 * give us meat
                *  eat  the harmful insects        * give  us  milk

           Ans:   ………………………………

   Q.24.The soil erosion happens  when
                * there  are  trees         * there are  no stones
                * there are no trees     * there  are  stones
          Ans:  ………………………………..

    Q.25. Tashigang  is  an  example  of
                * narrow  valley              * deep  narrow  valley
                * wide  valley                   * plain  valley
          Ans:  ………………………..


                                             SECTION B (30 marks)
             Direction: Read carefully and answer all the questions.
           Q.1. Fill in the blanks with correct words. (5 marks)
      I.           On a cloth line, when  the cloth moves to the north,  the  wind                                                                       comes  from the  ……………………
    II.          The  smallest  river  system  of  Bhutan  is  ………………………..
  III.          Jomolhari  mountain  is  over  ……………..metres  high.
  IV.          The   ………….   shines   brightly  on  a  sunny  day.
    V.          On  a snowy  day,  it  is  very ………………

Q.2. Match the following. (5 marks)
      I.          Snow field                        is a semi liquid substance.
    II.          No wind                            is a large area of permanent snow.
  III.          River mouth                      is a condition where leaves are still and      
                                                    wind vane does not move.
  IV.          Mercury                             is a place where river ends.
    V.          Summer                            is a season with hot weather and where     
                                            people   wear   light  and  cotton  clothes.                                                                                                 
 Q.3. Write (T) for True and (F) for False.     (5 marks)
       i.          Trees  protect  the  soil, water  and  air.  (       )

     ii.          All  the  rivers  of Bhutan flow into Brahmaputra river  of  India.(       )
    iii.           It  is  bright  on a  cloudy  day.  (      )                                                                            
 iv.   The first community forest was established in Mongar in
           the year 1979 .      (        )                                                           
 v.    The wind direction is measured by thermometer (       )


             Steep  slope  



     Deep  narrow  valley                  


      Table land
Q.4. Draw  the  following  land  symbols.   (3 marks)

Q.5 [a] Draw  and   mark  the  main  4  directions  in  the  correct  places.  
                                                                                             (4 marks)

 Q.5 [b] In the map given below, locate   the  following  rivers .(4 marks)                                                                                         a)  Amo Chhu                           b) Wang Chhu 
(c) Puna Tsang Chhu             d)  Drangme Chhu.           

Q.10.  Draw  the  following  weather  symbols. (4 marks)

Sunny  day

Cloudy   day

Rainy   day

Windy   day 

SECTION: C (20 marks)
Read the questions carefully and answer all.
Q.1.  Write  2  ways  to  protect  our  forest.       (2 marks)
.………………………………………………………………………………………  ……………………………………………………………………………… ………
Q.2. How  do  people  harm  forest?   Write  2  ways.    (2 marks)
 1 ……………………………………………………………………
 2 …………………………………………………………………...
Q.3. Why is Gasa colder than Sarpang? Give two reasons.    (2  marks)
  1  ……………………………………………………………………………  
  2 …………………………………………………………………………….  
Q.5. List  down  three  ways   how  the   cows   help  people  ? (3 marks)

Q.6. How are river  water important to people? Write 3 ways. (3  marks)

Q.7.Name  three   farm  animals   in  your  locality.     (3  marks)
     Ans………………….... …………………………………………………..      
 Q.8. Name   three   fruits  that  our  farmers  grow  in  Sarpang . (3 marks)
     Ans………………………… ……………………………………………...

 Q.9. Read  the  table  carefully  and  write  the  answer  correctly.(2)
   In  the  class
           25° C
   In   hot  water
             90° C
   In  the  shade  of  a  tree
             30° C
   In  cold  water

1.      Where  was  the  highest  temperature  ?


2.      Where  was  the  lowest  temperature   ?


All   the   Best!


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