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25 Questions – 50 Marks
Answer ALL questions
Direction: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers. Choose the most correct answer.
1.    Which of the following is NOT an element?
        a.  Gold.                                 b.    salt.
         c.  Silver.                               d.  Oxygen.
2.     The symbol  of mercury is
         a.    Hg.                          b.    Ag.
         c.    M.                            d.    Me.
3.    The colour change of turmeric indicator in soap solution is
        a.     blue.                          b.   red.
        c.      pink.                        d.   yellow.
4.    The change in which new substances are formed and identity of the original substance is lost
        a.     temporary change.                   b.   physical change.
        c.      reversible change.                  d.   chemical change.
5.   When coin and feather are dropped from top of building at same time, the feather takes longer time
        to reach the ground because
        a.     gravitational force is less  on feather.                  b.     feather floats in air.
        c.     feather have less weight.                                      d.     feather have small surface area.
6.    The pH of vinegar is
        a.     7                     b.     14                   c.     3                       d.     2
7.    Which of the following is a chemical change
       a.     melting.                         b.    boiling.     c.     evaporation.                  d.    burning.
8.      If Pema weigh 30Kgf on the earth, how much will he weigh on the moon?
          a.    26 Kgf.                                       b.    36 Kgf.
          c.    180 Kgf.                                     d.     5 Kgf.
9.     The process of separating grains from its stalk is
          a.     winnowing.                             b.     hand picking.
          c.     threshing.                                d.      sieving.
10.    Which of the following is reversible change?
           a.     Dissolving of salt.                     b.    Cooking emadatshi.
           c.     Boiling of an egg.                      d.      Ripening of mango.
11.      Phurpa got study tour to visit all Dzongkhag , in the mean time he measured his weight
            in every dzongkhag  that he visited. His weight will be maximum in
            a.      Gelephu.                                     b.    Trongsa.
            c.      Haa.                                            d.     Paro.
12.      If we add salt in a glass of water and stere it with spoon it will dissolve in it. So it is
            known as
           a.    solid.                                   b.    solute.
           c.    solvent.                               d.     solution.   
13.      Kencho weigh 45 Kgf in Sarpang, but his weight  in Thimphu is 43 Kgf. The difference in weight
            is due to
           a.    decrease in gravity                     b.    increase in gravity.
           c.    food he had                                d.     same  gravity.
14.     Following process can remove the hardness of water
           a.   decantation.                  b.      distillation.
           c.    sedimentation.              d.    Filtration.

15.     Distillation is the process  of separating mixture of two miscible liquid. The principal behind these
           process is
          a.   different in colour                                b.    different density.
          c.    different boiling point                        d.     different
16.    The best way of separating immiscible liquid is by
          a.   decantation                            b.    filtration.
          c.    evaporation                           d.    distillation.
17.     Device that connects or breaks the electrical circuit is known as
          a.   connections.                            b.    switch.
          c.   conductors.                              d.    appliances.
18.     All are the characteristics of the image of object formed by plane mirror EXCEPT
           a.    image is erect.                        b.     image distance and object distance is equal
           c.   image is magnified.                d.      image formed is lateral inversion.
19.     Which bulb will glow brighter in the circuit diagram?
               bulb 1                bulb 2             bulb  3             bulb   4

           a.    bulb 1                                      b.   bulb 2    
          c.     bulb  3                                    d.   bulb   4
20.     What type of object cast clear shadow?
           a.     Transparent object.                    b.   Translucent  object.
           c.     Opaque object.                           d.    None of them.
21.     Sound need medium to travel, but it travel fastest in
           a.     gas.                     b.    vacuum.
           c.     solid.                   d.     liquid.
22.     How many poles does a bar magnet have?
              a.  1                     b.   2                     c.   3                           d.  4
23.       Which container would you prefer to use during a march past?

                     1                    2                       3                      4

               a. Container   1                                   b.  Container   2          
               c.  Container  3                                   d.  Container  4
24.     Which electromagnet is stronger?
            a.   Magnet with two cells and five turns of wire.
            b.   Magnet with five cells and ten turns of wire.
            c.    Magnet with five cells and four turns of wire.
            d.    Magnet with two cells and ten turns of wire.
25.    In parallel circuit, the voltage across all electrical appliances will be
           a.   different.                            b.    low. 
          c.     high.                                 d.    same.

Section B
5 Questions – 50 Marks
Answer ALL questions
   Direction:   Answer the questions given below as directed. All answers must be written in  
    the answer sheets provided by the school. The intended marks for each question is given
     in brackets [  ]
Question   26               ( 10 Marks )
a)   State whether the  following sentences are TRUE or FALSE          [ 5 ]
      i.    Tooth past are acidic in nature.
     ii.    During a chemical change, new substance are produced.
     iii.    Image in plane mirror if lateral inversion.
     iv.     The particles are more closely packed in water than stone.
      v.    Soluble salt present in water makes it hard.
  b)  Answer the following questions:
        i)     What is chemical change?  Give TWO example .          [ 1.5 ]
        ii)     Mention one difference between light and sound the way  it travels.  [ 1.5 ]
        iii)    Write TWO advantage of having parallel circuit connection at home.       [ 2 ]

Question  27               (  10 Marks )
       a)    Fill in the blanks                         [ 5 ]
         i.     The mixture of water and milk  is an example of ……………………………..  liquid.
      ii.    The shrillness( sharpness) of the sound is known as…………………………..
     iii.       When  the liquid is dense, the object will……………………………..
      iv.    …………………… water is good for formation of bones and teeth.
       v.   An  object which allows most of the light to pass through it is known as………………………
   b)   Answer the following questions:
          i)      How can you remove hardness of water at home?       [ 1 ]
         ii.)    Draw and show the magnetic line of force in a bar magnet.        [ 1.5 ]
         iii)    Why is the symbol of gold is Au and not G or Go ?         [ 1.5 ]
         iv)      Why is pH indicator prefer over litmus paper?     [ 1 ]
Question 28            ( 10  Marks )
  a)   Match column  I   with column II                                 [ 5 ]
         Column  I                                         Column  II
     i.     Immiscible                                      a. all bulb glow with equal brightness.
    ii.     Baby crying                                     b.    burning of paper.
    iii.      Parallel circuit                              c.     high pitch.
    iv.     Mass                                                d.   milk and water.
     v.     Chemical change                             e.    quantity of substance.
                                                                         f.  gravitational pull of earth.
   b)      Answer the following questions:
           i.   Mention two advantage and disadvantage of hard water.           [ 2 ]
           ii.   What is an indicator?   Give One example.                   [ 1.5 ]
          iii.   If the weight of Mr. Dorji on moon is 12Kgf. What could be his weight on earth?       [ 1.5 ]
Question 29           ( 10  Marks )
a)   Write the correct symbol for the following             [ 2 ⅟₂ ]
     i.      Magnesium                                               ……………………….
     ii.   Mercury                                                       ……………………….
     iii.   Gold                                                            …………………………
     iv.   Iron                                                             ………………………..
     v.    Aluminum                                                  ……………………….

    b)  Answer the following questions:
        i.)  Define;                          [ 2]
                        a.   Atom
                        b.     molecule
          ii. )    Draw a neat diagram of distillation process and label the following
                    ( Liebig condenser, wire gauge, cool water in, distilling flask, thermometer  )       [ 1+ 2 ]
         iii.)  How will you separate  the mixture of immiscible liquid?            [ 1 ]
        iv.)   The weight of a box of an apple is 200Kgf at Haa. Calculate the mass of the box of an apple
                   if gravitational force is 10 unit.       [ 1.5 ]

Question 30           ( 10 Marks)
a)       Copy and complete the table.                    [ 4 ]
Colour change in turmeric
Acid  or  Alkali
Soap solution



Lime water

  b)   Answer the following questions:
     i.  What is weight?             [ 1 ]
     ii    Why is water known as universal solvent?               [ 1.5 ]
     iii.   Draw a neat diagram of electrical circuit with two bulb connected parallel to each other.  [ 2 ]
     iv.   What type of water would you prefer to drink?  Why?         [ 1.5 ]


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