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Class VI S/S. 2007

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Social Studies Writing Time : 2 Hours
Total Marks : 100
1. Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions.
After having read the questions you will be given two hours to answer all questions.
2. All answers for Section ‘A’ and ‘B’ must be written in the answer sheets provided by the
3. Do not start writing the answers to questions until you are given permission to do so.
4. You will have 2 hours in which to answer all the questions.
5. Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others
or move around.
6. If you finish before the time is over, close the Answer Booklet, and sit quietly.
DO NOT forget to write your name, class/section and the name
of your school on the answer sheet(s).
(15 Minutes is to be allowed for reading as well as for teachers on duty to
explain the instructions)
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Section – A
25 Questions – 50 Marks
Answer ALL questions
Directions: Direction: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers.
Choose the correct answer and write it down in the answer sheets provided by the school.
1. The planet which has twenty three satellites is
A Earth.
B Venus.
C Saturn.
D Jupiter.
2. The shape of the earth is called
A oblate.
B circular.
C spheriod.
D oblate spheroid.
3. ‘Though oxygen forms a smaller percentage of gas in the atmosphere, yet it is the most important gas
for the earth’.
The statement given above shows that oxygen
A is needed by human beings.
B is needed by the plants.
C makes life impossible.
D makes life possible.
4. The west to east movement of the earth is called
A rotation.
B spinning.
C revolution.
D earth’s movement.
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Day Night
The dotted line shown in the diagram is the
A axis.
B latitude.
C longitude.
D circle of illumination.
6. The two hemispheres have opposite seasons because of
A rotation.
B revolution.
C the seasonal migration of the sun.
D the changing position of the earth.
7. The 0ยบ line of longitude is called the
A Equator.
B Meridian.
C Greenwich.
D Prime meridian.
8. For each degree of longitude there will be a time difference of
A 1 minute.
B 2 minutes.
C 3 minutes.
D 4 minutes.
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9. The places around the world have different times at any given moment mainly due to the
A difference in latitude.
B difference in local time.
C difference in longitude.
D difference in countrie’s standard time.
10. Which pass do people cross while going to Ha from Paro?
A Pelela
B Chelela
C Dagala
D Dochula
11. ‘This zone lies south of the greater Himalaya. It has temperate climate and a rich vegetation. Places
like Punakha and Wangdi are located in this zone’.
The above description best describes
A Alpine Zone.
B Inner Himalayas.
C Southern foothills.
D Greater Himalayas.
12. The people who dig the ground and find things which were buried underground from ancient periods
are called
A writers.
B recorders.
C historians.
D archaeologists.
13. People in Old Stone Age domesticated some animals. They are
A cat, dog, pig and horse.
B cow, horse, dog and cat.
C horse, dog, sheep and cow.
D dog, sheep, cow and elephant.
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14. The increase of the number of people living in the country is called
A census.
B population.
C census record.
D population growth.
15. The movement of people from rural to urban areas to earn a living is called
A migration.
B settlement.
C immigration.
D rapid population.
16. ‘Food, cloth and shelter are needed for survival’. This is known as
A want.
B need.
C desire.
D comfort.
17. Bhutan Carbide and Chemical Limited located at Pasakha is a part of
A Tertiary activities.
B Primary activities.
C Service activities.
D Secondary activities.
18. The most popular mode of transport that we use in Bhutan today is
A water ways.
B road ways.
C railways.
D air ways.
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19. Which of the following best shows a difference between air and land transport?
A Air transport is faster than land transport.
B Air transport is cheaper than land transport.
C Air transport takes longer time than land transport.
D Air transport is more dangerous than land transport.
20. Nuclear family is made up of the
A father and the mother.
B father and their parents.
C father, the mother and their children.
D father, their parents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
21. Which are the roles and responsibilities of the gup?
I. He looks after the developmental activities in the village.
II. He prepares children for adulthood.
III. He advices people to follow the law.
IV. He acts as the judge in the village.
22. Which festival is celebrated by the people of Punakha and Thimphu?
A Lhaboe
B Dashara
C Lhomba
D Domchhoe
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23. The best way to keep our culture alive is by
I. preserving our temples.
II. wearing the national dress.
III. speaking the same language.
IV. developing likings for other countries.
B I, II, IV.
24. ‘ Buddha” means
A Dharma.
B The Great Master.
C The Wish Fulfilling.
D The Enlightened One.
25. Ashoka sent his daughter and son to Sri Lanka to
A fight.
B plant trees.
C build houses.
D spread Buddhism.
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Section – B
11 questions – 50 marks
Direction :- Answer all the questions in this section. Marks for questions or part of questions are given in
brackets ( ). Answers should be written on sheets provided by the school.
Question 1.
Name and explain the three spheres which make up the surface of the earth. [3]
Question 2.
a) Define rotation. [1½]
b) What is a leap year? [1½]
Question 3.
Describe longitude and latitude. [3]
Question 4.
a) Describe the vegetation of the southern foothills. [2]
b) Why is Bhutan called a land locked country? [1]
c) Study the map given below and answer the questions that follow.
Write the names of the peaks, rivers and places marked on the map. [3]
i) R₁ and R₂ Name of rivers
ii) P₁ and P₂ Name of places
iii) △₁and △₂ Name of peaks
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Question 5.
a) Why were early humans called Homo sapiens? [1]
b) Compare life in the Old Stone Age and New Stone Age. [4]
Question 6.
a) Define settlement? [1]
b) How do people harm the environment? [1]
c) Explain two factors that make population grow. [2]
Question 7.
a) Explain the following terms:-
i) Forestry [1]
ii) Agriculture [1]
iii) Live stock farming [1]
b) What is economic activity? [2]
Question 8.
a) What is transportation? [1]
b) Why is it not possible to have water transport in Bhutan? [1]
c) Name the different types of communication used in Bhutan. [3]
Question 9.
a) What is community? [1]
b) What is extended family? [1]
c) List down three roles and responsibilities of parents. [3]
Question 10.
a) Explain how culture changes over time? [3]
b) Which festival is celebrated by the people of Paro and Haa? [1]
c) Why do people perform rituals? [1]
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Question 11.
a) Why did Guru Rinpochhe visit Bhutan? [2]
b) Name the wives of Phajo Drugom Zhigpo. [2]
c) What did Prince Siddhartha see when he went around the cities? [2]
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