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Class VI S/S 2009

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Social Studies Writing Time : 2 Hours
Total Marks : 100
1. In this booklet, you will find 25 questions in Section A and 5 questions in Section B.
You must answer all the questions. Each question in Section A is worth 2 marks.
2. All answers for Section ‘A’ and ‘B’ must be written in the answer sheets provided by
the school.
3. Do not start writing the answers to questions until you are given permission to do so.
4. You will have 2 hours in which to answer all the questions.
5. Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with
others or move around.
6. If you finish before the time is over, close the answer sheets and sit quietly. You are
allowed to leave the examination room ONLY half - an- hour before the completion of
the stipulated time of the paper.
DO NOT forget to write your name and class/section.
(15 Minutes is to be allowed for reading as well as for teachers on duty to
explain the instructions)
This booklet contains 8 pages.
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Section – A
25 Questions – 50 Marks
Answer ALL questions
Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers.
Choose the correct answer and write it down in the answer sheets provided by the school.
1. A satellite is a celestial body that moves around the
A planet.
B earth.
C sun.
D star.
2. The surface of the earth covered by water is known as the
A biosphere.
B lithosphere.
C atmosphere.
D hydrosphere.
3. The spinning of the earth from west to east is called
A illumination.
B revolution.
C rotation.
D direction.
4. “It is the coldest part of the earth because it gets the slanting rays of the sun”.
The above statement describes the
A torrid zone.
B frigid zone.
C physical zone.
D temperate zone.
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5. The lines of latitudes and longitudes are very important because they are
A imaginary lines.
B semi-circles and circles.
C used to divide the earth into heat zones.
D used to find the exact location of a place.
6. All the following are true about heat zones EXCEPT
A torrid zone lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
B it lies between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn.
C it lies between the Equator and the Tropic of Cancer.
D torrid zone is the hottest part of the earth.
7. The area of our country is
A 46,500
B 47,000
C 47,500
D 48,000
8. The four physical zones are given below.
I The Greater Himalayas.
II The Inner Himalayas.
III The Eastern Himalayas.
IV The Southern Foothills.
Bhutan can be divided into
A I, II, IV.
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9. A person who writes History is called
A an archaeologist.
B a historian.
C a scientist.
D an author.
10. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Old Stone Age?
A They discovered fire.
B They used stones as tools.
C They invented metal tools.
D They lived almost like animals.
11. A place where people have built houses to live permanently is called
A immigration.
B settlement.
C population.
D migration.
12. A study that tells us how many men, women, children and old people are
living in a country is called
A census.
B migration.
C population.
D rapid population.
13. The things that make our lives more comfortable and easy are related to
A demands.
B desires.
C needs.
D wants.
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14. The raising of fish in a pond is known as
A aquaculture.
B horticulture.
C forestry.
D fishing.
15. The place where raw materials are changed into goods is called
A a shop.
B a mine.
C an industry.
D a market.
16. The system of taking goods from one place to another place is called
A communication.
B transportation.
C factory.
D trade.
17. Bhutan does not have water transport because
A rivers flow through broad and shallow valleys.
B rivers flow through narrow and deep valleys.
C we have sufficient roads.
D we do not like boats.
18. The following are the sign languages used to communicate EXCEPT
A flag signal.
B drumming.
C smoke signals.
D writing system .
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19. Which are the roles and responsibilities of parents?
I Providing family needs.
II Looking after the family.
III Teaching and educating.
IV Helping and respecting village people.
20. An extended family is made up of
A father, mother, uncle, aunty, cousin and grand parents.
B father, mother, brother and sister.
C grand father and grand mother.
D uncle and aunty.
21. Which of the following is NOT true about our customs?
A We play archery.
B We pray to the god.
C We always respect our elders.
D We say bad words to our parents.
22. All the following are true about rituals EXCEPT
A it is a kind of worship.
B there are many types of rituals.
C it is performed to bring good luck.
D all the rituals are performed in the same way.
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23. The Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha are collectively known as
A Eight Fold Path.
B Noble truths.
C Triple Gem.
D Nirvana.
24. Which of the following did King Ashoka do?
A He visited Bhutan.
B He meditated in Gaya.
C He was against Buddhism.
D He sent his son and daughter to spread Buddhism.
25. “After my nirvana, I will be reborn in the country of Ugyen as Pema Juney”.
The above statement was prophesied by
A Phajo Drugom Zhigpo.
B Guru Rinpoche.
C Buddha.
D Ashoka.
Section – B
5 questions – 50 marks
Direction: - Answer all the questions in this section. Marks for questions or part of
questions are given in brackets [ ]. Answers should be written on sheets
provided by the school.
Question 1.
(a) “Lunar eclipse proves that the earth is round”. Explain the statement
with the help of a diagram. [3]
(b) Why is a plateau sometimes called a table land? [2]
(c) Name any TWO major land forms. [1]
(d) List TWO effects of rotation. [2]
(e) Why do the two hemispheres have opposite seasons? [2]
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Question 2.
(a) What will be the time on longitude 30 degree east when it is noon at
Greenwich? [3]
(b) Why does it get colder as you go from south to the north of Bhutan? [2]
(c) Describe the vegetation of the inner Himalayas. Name TWO trees
grown in this area. [2]
(d) List the important lines of longitudes. [2]
(e) What does History mean? [1]
Question 3.
(a) Mention FOUR differences between Old Stone Age and New
StoneAge? [4]
(b) Define population. [1½]
(c) Write THREE consequences of rapid population growth. [1½]
(d) Name any TWO industries of Bhutan. [1]
(e) What is primary activity? Give TWO examples. [2]
Question 4.
(a) Why do people travel? Give TWO reasons. [2]
(b) What is communication? [2]
(c) Write TWO examples of right living. [2]
(d) Describe a nuclear family. [2]
(e) How can we keep our culture alive? Write TWO ways. [2]
Question 5.
(a) List any THREE festivals celebrated in Bhutan. [3]
(b) Give THREE reasons why we need language. [3]
(c) Where was Buddha enlightened? [½]
(d) Mention THREE Noble Truths taught by Buddha. [3]
(e) What is the other name of Guru Rinpoche? [½]


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