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Class Vi S/S, 2012

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Social Studies Writing Time : 2 Hours
Total Marks : 100
1. In this booklet, you will find 25 questions in Section A and 5 questions in Section B.
You must answer all the questions. Each question in Section A is worth 2 marks.
2. All answers for Section ‘A’ and ‘B’ must be written in the answer sheets provided by
the school.
3. Do not start writing the answers to questions until you are given permission to do so.
4. You will have 2 hours in which to answer all the questions.
5. Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with
others or move around.
6. If you finish before the time is over, close the answer sheets and sit quietly. You are
allowed to leave the examination room ONLY half - an- hour before the completion of
the stipulated time of the paper.
DO NOT forget to write your name and class/section.
(15 Minutes is to be allowed for reading as well as for teachers on duty to
explain the instructions)
This paper contains 12 pages.
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Section – A
25 Questions – 50 Marks
Answer ALL questions
Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers.
Choose the correct answer and write it down in the answer sheets provided by the school.
1. Our earth has only
A one satellite.
B two satellites.
C three satellites.
D four satellites.
2. The movement of the earth from west to east is called
A circle of illumination.
B revolution.
C rotation.
D nyinlog.
3. The pass between Wang and Punakha is called
A Pelela.
B Yotala.
C Chilela.
D Dochula.
4. The first humans appeared on the earth around
A 50,000 years ago.
B 10,000 years ago.
C 500,000 years ago.
D 100,000 years ago.
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5. Phajo Drugom Zhigpo visited all of the following places EXCEPT
A Lingzhi.
B Lunana.
C Hungrel.
D Wang.
6. Water transport is least possible in Bhutan because
A Bhutan is a landlocked country.
B the protective deities are against it.
C rivers of Bhutan have strong current.
D royal government is not in favour of it.
7. “In a remote village of Merak, a family consisting of grandparents, uncles, aunties
and cousins all live together in a house”. This is an example of
A a close family.
B a large family.
C a nuclear family.
D an extended family.
8. Bhutan is blessed with a variety of festivals but most commonly celebrated is
A lomba.
B tshechu.
C dashain.
D domchhoe.
9. All of the following are associated with performing rituals EXCEPT
A to cure sick people.
B to bring good luck.
C to appease our friends.
D to protect ourselves from evils.
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10. The four great sights made prince Siddharta Gautama to
A rule his country wisely.
B give alms to his countrymen.
C love his wife and son even better.
D leave his palace in search of truth.
11. What will be the time on longitude 60ºW when it is noon at Greenwich?
A 6 am.
B 7 am.
C 8 am.
D 9 am.
12. Which of the given pairs below do not match correctly?
A Java man Germany
B Peking man Indonesia
C Neanderthal man Germany
D Cro- Magnon man Spain and France
13. The activities that we carry out in order to earn money are
A social activities.
B primary activities.
C economic activities.
D secondary activities.
14. “ When we work directly with nature, it is called primary activity”. The term primary
activity can best be described as
A collecting timbers and raw materials.
B nurse treating a patient.
C manufacturing clothes.
D manufacturing pickles.
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15. ‘In olden days, people travelled for many months and days to reach a destination’.
The least time taken today to reach a destination is by
A road transport.
B water transport.
C rail transport.
D air transport.
16. All the following describes a computer EXCEPT
A can work independently.
B can be used to type letters.
C can be used to send messages.
D can be used to store information.
17. Which one of the following is not TRUE about the solar system?
A There are only eight known planets.
B The sun is the source of heat and light.
C The moon is the only satellite of earth.
D Few planets do not orbit around the sun.
18. ‘At anytime, exactly half the earth is in darkness and the other half has day light’.
The above line best describes about the effect of
A 0 º latitude.
B earth’s rotation.
C earth’s revolution.
D north and south pole.
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19. Following are the features of Greater Himalayas
I. permanent snow and glaciers
II. glacial lakes and barren rocks
III. flow of major rivers
IV. several passes
Which of the following combinations best characterizes the Greater Himalayas
A I and II.
B II and III.
C III and IV.
D I, II and III.
20. The population of a country is estimated to find out
A progress of economic activities.
B birth and death rate.
C degree of poverty.
D literacy rate.
21. The word ‘transportation’ can best be explained by
I movement of people from one place to another
II carrying of goods from one place to another
III travelling to a foreign country by aeroplane
IV exchange of goods among countries
Which of the following combinations is correct?
A I and II only.
B II and III only.
D I, II, III and IV
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22. All of the following are right methods of living EXCEPT
A being honest.
B being greedy.
C helping others.
D showing respect.
23. King Suddhodana kept prince Siddharta away from the world’s sufferings because
A he wanted Siddharta to rule the kingdom after his death.
B he did not want Siddharta to be a great teacher.
C he did not want his son to suffer in life.
D Siddharta did not love his wife.
24. Which one of the following is FALSE
A Mesopotamia Ziggurates to pray to their gods.
B Egypt Pyramids to burry dead kings.
C Mohenjodaro Great baths large pool.
D China Sahara desert.
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The place marked X falls under
A Sub-alpine zone.
B Inner Himalayas.
C Greater Himalayas.
D Southern foothills.
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Section – B
5 questions – 50 marks
Direction: Answer all the questions in this section. Marks for questions or part of questions
are given in brackets [ ]. Answers should be written on sheets provided by the school.
Question 1.
(a) What is meant by a nuclear family? [1]
(b) List FOUR types of festivals celebrated in different regions of the country. [2]
(c) Using a diagram, explain the effect of the sun rise on the flat and round earth. [3]
(d) Why do you think that Bhutan has warm summers and cold winters? [2]
(e) Differentiate between a ‘historian’ and an ‘archaeologist. [2]
Question 2.
(a) Define plateaus. Give ONE example. [2]
Study the diagram given below and answer the question that follows
(b) Write the special names of the latitudes marked A, B, C and D respectively. [4]
(c) Why do you think the frigid zone is the coldest part of the earth? [2]
(d) Identify needs and wants from the following lists [2]
Rice, car, clothes, mobile phones

Arctic Circle
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Question 3.
(a) How are longitudes measured? [1]
(b) State TWO disadvantages of rapid population growth. [2]
(c) If you were a parent, what are THREE roles and responsibilities you
would perform. [3]
(d) Differentiate between primary and tertiary activities with an example each. [2]
(e) “The Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha are collectively known as the Triple Gem”.
In the light of the above statement, how is Buddha different from Dharma? [2]
Question 4.
(a) What do you understand by trade? [1]
(b) List down THREE heat zones of the world. [3]
(c) Give ONE example of a wide valley in Bhutan. [1]
(d) ‘People choose to live in different places’. Write THREE possible
reasons to settle down in a place of your choice. [3]
(e) How can you prepare yourself for the adulthood? Give TWO ways. [2]
Question 5.
(a) List down the ‘four noble truths’ taught by Buddha. [2]
(b) Explain the term ‘artifacts’. Give ONE example. [2]
(c) Point out TWO ways of protecting the environment. [2]
(d) ‘Bhutan needs to preserve its culture for all times to come’.
Why? Give ONE reason. [2]
(e) Suggest TWO examples of modern modes of communication. [2]
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