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Class VI S/S, 2011

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Social Studies Writing Time : 2 Hours
Total Marks : 100
1. In this booklet, you will find 25 questions in Section A and 5 questions in Section B.
You must answer all the questions. Each question in Section A is worth 2 marks.
2. All answers for Section ‘A’ and ‘B’ must be written in the answer sheets provided by
the school.
3. Do not start writing the answers to questions until you are given permission to do so.
4. You will have 2 hours in which to answer all the questions.
5. Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with
others or move around.
6. If you finish before the time is over, close the answer sheets and sit quietly. You are
allowed to leave the examination room ONLY half - an- hour before the completion of
the stipulated time of the paper.
DO NOT forget to write your name and class/section.
(15 Minutes is to be allowed for reading as well as for teachers on duty to
explain the instructions)
This booklet contains 12 pages.
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Section – A
25 Questions – 50 Marks
Answer ALL questions
Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers.
Choose the correct answer and write it down in the answer sheets provided by the school.
1. The two planets that do not have satellites are
A Mercury and Venus.
B Mercury and Mars.
C Venus and Saturn.
D Venus and Pluto.
2. The sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west because the
A earth rotates from east to west.
B earth rotates from west to east.
C sun moves from west to east.
D sun moves from east to west.
3. Druk Yul means the land of
A herbal medicines.
B thunder dragon.
C less people.
D happiness.
4. Tshechu is an example of
A song.
B losar.
C culture.
D festival.
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5. Which of the following Four Noble Truths is FALSE?
A World is full of suffering.
B Desire is the cause of suffering.
C There is no way to remove the suffering.
D Suffering can be removed from our lives.
7. Gangkhar Puensum is
A 7156 metres above sea level.
B 7561 metres above sea level.
C 7615 metres above sea level.
D 7651 metres above sea level.
7. The first metal used by people was
A copper.
B bronze.
C zinc.
D iron.
8. The Mesopotamians built many temples called Ziggurats to
A protect from their enemies.
B bury their dead kings.
C capture their enemies.
D pray to their gods.
9. When the number of people living in the country increases, it is called
A census.
B settlement.
C population.
D population growth.
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10. Which of the following are needed for survival?
A Food, Television and Clothes
B Food, Clothes and Shelter.
C Food, Shoes and Shelter.
D Food, Books and Shelter.
11. Water transport is not suitable for Bhutan because
A the water flows through deep and narrow valleys.
B the water flows through plain areas.
C people of Bhutan cannot build ships.
D Bhutan has only few rivers.
12. Siddharta Gautama means the
A Enlightened One.
B Greatest Master.
C Wish Fulfilling.
D All Knowing.
13. The Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha are collectively known as
A Nirvana.
B Triple Gem.
C Noble Truths.
D Eight Fold Path.
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14. The following are the factors that lead to population growth
I when mothers take precautions
II when men and women marry early
III when the children born are more than the people who die
IV when mothers are healthy
Which of the following combinations is correct?
B I, II, IV.
15. Nowadays we mine coal, dolomite, limestone and gypsum. These are used
in factories. Mining is a
A tertiary activity.
B service activity.
C primary activity.
D secondary activity.
16. We send and receive information and messages. This way of exchanging
information and messages is called
A communication.
B transportation.
C interpretation.
D investigation.
17. All of the following statements are true about the air transport EXCEPT
A it is very expensive.
B everyone can easily travel by air.
C we can travel around in few minutes.
D we can send goods in much lesser time.
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18. Sithup Dorji = Pema Yanki
Dorji Drakpa = Dema Chenzom Tshering Tobgay = Sherab Lhamo
Choeki Dema Nidup Tshering Pema Wangmo
The family tree given above is an example of
A a joint family.
B a single family.
C a nuclear family.
D an extended family.
19. Families teaching their children to eat, drink, speak, respect, value and wear
is an example of
A keeping up with fashion.
B disciplining children.
C keeping culture alive.
D living together.
20. The following are the roles and responsibilities of children
I Helping their parents.
II Settling disputes among the people of their village.
III Preparing for adulthood.
IV Educating themselves.
Which of the following combinations is correct?
D I, II, IV.
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21. Lomba is celebrated by the people of
A Paro and Haa.
B Haa and Thimphu.
C Paro and Punakha.
D Punakha and Thimphu.
22. The differences in the air pressure cause the air to
A move.
B be still.
C heat up.
D cool down.
23. The earth travels around the sun at a speed of about
A 1000,000 km per hour.
B 100,000 km per hour.
C 10,000 km per hour.
D 1000 km per hour.
24. Bhutan lies in the continent of
A Australia.
B America.
C Europe.
D Asia.
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25. Following are the characteristics of longitude
I Vertical lines that we notice on the globe.
II Horizontal lines that we notice on the globe.
III They are measured in degrees east and west of the Prime Meridian.
IV They are imaginary lines drawn by the mapmakers.
Which of the following combinations is TRUE about the longitude?
A I , II, III.
B I, II, IV.
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Section – B
5 questions – 50 marks
Direction: Answer all the questions in this section. Marks for questions or part of questions
are given in brackets [ ]. Answers should be written on sheets provided by the school.
Question 1.
(a) What is a solar system? [1]
(b) Explain the two movements of the earth. [2]
(c) Using a diagram, prove that the earth is an oblate spheroid. [3]
(d) What will be the time on longitude 90°W, when it is 11 am at Greenwich? [3]
(e) Why do places around the world have different times? Give ONE reason. [1]
Question 2.
(a) How can we preserve our culture? Write FOUR ways. [4]
(b) Define the term ‘Lithosphere’. Give TWO examples of major landforms. [2]
(c) How do people’s activities affect the environment? Write THREE points. [3]
(d) Which of the three zones would you prefer to live in? Why? Give ONE reason. [1]
Question 3.
(a) Mention THREE ways to protect our environment. [3]
(b) Define ‘economic activities’. Give TWO examples. [2]
(c) Write TWO reasons why most people prefer to live in the urban centers. [2]
(d) Explain TWO differences between secondary and tertiary economic
activities. Give ONE example each. [3]
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Question 4.
(a) Why do we need to read the records? Give ONE reason. [1]
(b) Explain FOUR roles and responsibilities of a Gup. [4]
(c) In what ways do the modern means of communication help people? [2]
(d) State THREE reasons why people travel. [3]
Question 5.
(a) Why do we perform rituals at home? Give TWO reasons. [2]
(b) Write FOUR great things Guru Rinpoche did for Bhutan. [4]
(c) Why did Phajo Drugom Zhigpo come to Bhutan? Give ONE reason. [1]
(d) Write THREE consequences of not having a language. [3]
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