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Class VI S/S. 2010

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Social Studies Writing Time : 2 Hours
Total Marks : 100
1. In this booklet, you will find 25 questions in Section A and 5 questions in Section B.
You must answer all the questions. Each question in Section A is worth 2 marks.
2. All answers for Section ‘A’ and ‘B’ must be written in the answer sheets provided by
the school.
3. Do not start writing the answers to questions until you are given permission to do so.
4. You will have 2 hours in which to answer all the questions.
5. Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with
others or move around.
6. If you finish before the time is over, close the answer sheets and sit quietly. You are
allowed to leave the examination room ONLY half - an- hour before the completion of
the stipulated time of the paper.
DO NOT forget to write your name and class/section.
(15 Minutes is to be allowed for reading as well as for teachers on duty to
explain the instructions)
This paper contains 8 pages.
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Section – A
25 Questions – 50 Marks
Answer ALL questions
Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers.
Choose the correct answer and write it down in the answer sheets provided by the school.
1. The movement of planets around the sun in a fixed path is called
A solar system.
B gravitation.
C revolution.
D orbit.
2. The pass that falls between Trongsa and Bumthang is called
A Pelela.
B Dochula.
C Yutola.
D Thrumsengla.
3. Reading, studying and writing about the past records of human is called
A stories.
B history.
C artifacts.
D historian.
4. Phajo Drugom Zhigpo came to Bhutan in the year
A 1148.
B 1184.
C 1222.
D 1223.
5. Ancient people invented earthen pots to
A store water for animals.
B avoid use of stone pots.
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C store water for themselves.
D store grains and cook food.
6. Egypt was famous for
A towers.
B zigyurats.
C pyramids.
D great walls.
7. Transportation means
A system of carrying goods from one place to another.
B system of exchanging messages and information.
C movement of people from place to place.
D none of the above.
8. Which of the following does not keep culture alive?
A Respecting elders
B Wearing the national dress
C Speaking the national language
D Wearing pants and shirts in dzongs and schools
9. The practices that have been followed for a long time is called
A rituals.
B values.
C customs.
D heritage.
10. The laws in Bhutan are based on
A Lhachoe Gyewa Chu.
B Four noble truths.
C Lam Gyed.
D Values.
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11. Guru Rinpoche visited Bhutan twice. His first visit was in the year
A 646 AD.
B 764 AD.
C 746 AD.
D 664 AD.
12. If the year 2008 is a leap year, when would be the next leap year?
A 2018.
B 2010.
C 2014.
D 2012.
13. What will be the time on longitude 30°W, when it is midnight at Greenwich?
A 10 a.m
B 10 p.m
C 2 p.m
D 2 a.m
14. Raising of domestic animals like cattles, yaks, horses and sheep falls under a
A non economic activity.
B secondary activity.
C primary activity.
D tertiary activity.
15. Which of the following is not an economic activity?
A A driver driving a taxi
B A student playing football
C A teacher teaching in the class
D An officer working in the office
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16. People use internet to send messages to other parts of the world.
Such a means of communication is called
A short message services.
B tele conferencing.
C electronic mail.
D facsimile.
17. Use of a car, pony, truck and scooter is an example of
A an air transport.
B a land transport.
C a motor transport.
D a water transport.
18. The earth is sometimes called “watery planet” because
A water is very important for the survival on the earth.
B water covers 71% of the earth’s surface.
C we have equal amount of land and water.
D none of the above.
19. In Sri Lanka, it is difficult to say when it is summer and when it is winter.
This is because the sun’s heat received by this place
A is more or less same throughout the year.
B is more in summer and less in winter.
C is less in summer and more in winter.
D keeps on changing.
20. The region is about 70 km wide. Valleys, mountain ranges and passes are the physical features.
Which of the given zones below matches the above statement?
A Southern foothills
B Greater Himalayas
C Inner Himalayas
D Temperate zone
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21. Following are true about atmosphere EXCEPT
A the atmosphere acts as a blanket for our earth.
B the atmosphere contains all the gases needed for life.
C the atmosphere brings rain on earth.
D the atmosphere has a colour.
22. All of the following statements are true about environmental conservation EXCEPT
A cutting trees.
B planting trees.
C prevention of forest fire.
D throwing papers in the dustbin.
23. Which of the following is not TRUE about railway transport in Bhutan?
A It is very expensive
B Bhutan is far from sea
C Bhutan is a mountainous country
D It is difficult to construct railways
24. Following are the roles and responsibilities of children EXCEPT
A helping the younger brothers and sisters.
B being grateful to parents.
C disobeying the parents.
D respecting elders.
25. The diagram below shows
A longitude of the earth.
B latitude of the earth.
C prime meridian.
D south pole.
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Section – B
5 questions – 50 marks
Direction: Answer all the questions in this section. Marks for questions or part of questions
are given in brackets [ ]. Answers should be written on sheets provided by the school.
Question 1.
(a) Identify TWO importance of language in life. [2]
(b) Explain plateaus using a diagram. Give ONE example. [3]
(c) How is rotation different from revolution? [2]
(d) Why do you think the early civilizations grew around the river valleys? [2]
(e) Why is family also known as social institution? [1]
Question 2.
(a) Define an alluvial plain. Give ONE example. [2]
(b) Why do you think 0° line of longitude is called Greenwich Meridian? [2]
(c) Distinguish between needs and wants with ONE example each. [2]
(d) Why do people move from rural areas to urban centers? Give TWO reasons. [2]
(e) ‘It is very important to preserve our culture with the start of democracy.’
Why? Give ONE reason. [2]
Question 3.
(a) What are latitudes? [1]
(b) Write TWO reasons of population growth. [2]
(c) Give THREE examples of modern means of communication. [3]
Northern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
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(d) State TWO differences between primary and secondary activities. [2]
(e) Why did Siddharta Guatama leave his palace? [2]
Question 4.
(a) What are economic activities? [1]
(b) Mention THREE effects of revolution on the earth. [3]
(c) What is atmosphere composed of? Write TWO components. [1]
(d) Using a diagram, explain the cycle of people and environment. [3]
(e) The pressure of air is not the same at all places on the earth.
Why? Give TWO reasons. [2]
Question 5.
(a) Define Tertons. Give an example. [2]
(b) State TWO reasons of domesticating animals by the people of Old Stone Age. [2]
(c) Study the map given below and answer the questions that follow [4]
Write the names of the mountain range ( ), peak (^ ^ ^), river (R1) and pass (][)
marked on the map.
(e) Suggest TWO advantages of having railways in Bhutan. [2]


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