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English I Cl 7 (Mid Exam 2014)

Mid Term Examination 2014
Class VII    English I (Lang & Writing) Writing Time: 2 Hours      Fullmark: 100
Directions: there are two sections in this paper. Section A and Section B. Section A has two questions. Question I and Question II. You must write one essay and one letter from the choices given. Section B is compulsory. You must attempt all questions. Write all your answers in the answer sheet provided separately. Do not forget to copy the question numbers correctly.
Section A: writing
Question I: composition                                                         40 Marks
Direction: write a narrative easy of about 300 words on any ONE of the following topics.
A.     An accident you have witnessed.
B.     An incident in your life that has taught you a lesson.
C.     A day in the life of a Bhutanese farmer.
Question II: Letter Writing                                                             20markss.
Direction: you are Kinley Wangmo, a student of Jigmiling Lower Secondary school in Sarpang. Write a letter on any ONE of the following situations. Marks will be awarded for correct layout, language and content.
1.      You have a brother in high school. Recently you came to know that he is losing his interest in studies. He wastes most of his time roaming with his friends. Write a letter telling him why it is important to concentrate in studies at this stage of life.
2.      Write a letter to your sister who is working in Thimphu about a prize you won in a competition. Tell what the competition was and how you had prepared for it.
3.      Your uncle who is working in the Bhutanese Embassy in Delhi has invited you to spend your Mid-Term break with him in Delhi. Write a letter accepting or rejecting the invitation. Tell what you hope to do during the break.
Section B: Language           40 marks.
Question III: Information Transfer                                                        15marks
Direction: Study the table given below carefully. Rewrite the same information about Mr. Tashi Phuntsho’s academic experiences and qualifications in a short paragraph of five sentences.
Institution & place
Field of Study
Tashigang MSS
Class X Certificate
Khaling HSS
Class XII Certificate
Queensland University, Australia
Electrical Engineering
Bachelor Degree
University of Columbia, USA
Electrical Engineering
Master’s Degree

Question IV: Grammar                                                                        25marks
Question 1: Choose the correct answers.                         (5marks)
Direction: Copy the question numbers and write your answers against it. 
a.       A noun is a ………………..(describing word, naming word, an action word, a joining word)
b.      This place is famous for………...  (their scenery, it’s scenery, its sceneries, its scenery.)
c.       A piece of stone will never dissolve in water, (want it?, will it?, can it?, won’t it?)
d.      Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence?
i)        Dorji is the strongest boy in our class.
ii)      He is hard working and he always stands first in the class.
iii)    Before going to bed, he always revises his lessons.
e.       Which of the following is an example of the correct use of the articles?
i)        If you are a student, you should come to school regularly.
ii)      If you are a student, you should come to the school regularly.
iii)    If you are a student, you should come to a school regularly.
Question 2: Write the past tense and past participle of the following verbs.      (5marks)
a: write                    b: undo            c: tear        d: take    e: ring
Question 3:  Write correct question tags                                                                 (5marks)
a. Dechen is doing her homework …
b. Polar bears live near the North Pole …
c. The office will close at 5 PM …
d   I am good at Math,……
e. A tiger will never eat grass…
Q: 4. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given after each sentence. (5)
a. The villagers are hard working. They have surplus produce to sell in the market. (Combine into a compound sentence)
b. Who has broken the mirror? (Begin: By whom…)
C. He kept me waiting. (Begin: I was…)
d. He was praised by his father.(Begin: His father …).
e. A mad dog was chasing Dorji (change into passive voice)
Question: 5. Editing    (5marks)
Rewrite the following passage carefully after correcting the use of the articles (a. an, the) and punctuation.
Dechen and dorji are siblings and they always go to the school together. Once they met an European on the way. Please help me he said.


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