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S.Studies Cl V (Mid Exam 2014)

Class: V                                                                                                                  FULL MARKS: 100
SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES                                                                                            TIME: 2 Hrs
SECTION A (50marks)
Answer all the questions in the answer sheet provided. Each question carries two marks.
Q1. There are ……………………continents in the world.
a)       5                                                                               c) 7
b)       6                                                                               d) 8
Q2. The earth spins on its axis causes…………………..

a)      Month and year
b)      Day and night
c)      Week and month
d)     Minutes and hours

Q3. The sun is made up of…………………………………

a)      Hot and cold gases
b)      Hot sweet gases
c)      Hot sour gases
d)     Hot burning gases

Q4. Bhutan is located in the continent of………………..

a)      Australia
b)      Asia
c)      North America
d)     Africa

Q5. This year is 2014 in the Christian calendar, what is it in the Bhutanese calendar……………

a)      Wood male sheep year
b)      Wood male Dragon year
c)      Wood male monkey year
d)     Wood male horse year

Q6. Your great grandfather’s wife is your…………..

a)      Great grand mother
b)      Mother
c)      Grand mother
d)     Aunt

Q7. Our national flower is………..

a)      Rose
b)      Lotus
c)      Marigold
d)     Blue poppy

Q8. A land surrounded by water all around is called…………….

a)      Ocean
b)      Island
c)      Sea
d)     Peninsula

Q9. There are…………………..planets in the solar system.

a)      6
b)      7
c)      8
d)     9

Q10. Following are the teachings of Lord Buddha, EXCEPT

a)      Should not harm our self
b)      Should not harm others
c)      Should be honest
d)     Should kill animals

Q11. Our national flag is half yellow and……………………….

a)      Half blue
b)      Half red
c)      Half brown
d)     Half orange

Q12. SAARC stands for…………….

a)      South African Association for Regional Cooperation
b)      South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
c)      South Asian Cooperation

d)     South Asian Association for Regional Company

Q13. Altitude of Sarpang is in between…………..

a)      100m to 200m
b)      200m to 300m
c)      50m to 100m
d)     300m to 350m

Q14. Which of the following places falls under the Southern foot hills of Bhutan?

a)      Sarpang, Paro and Samdrup Jongkhar
b)      Sarpang, Bumthang and Samtse

c)      Sarpang,  Paro and Thimphu
d)     Sarpang, Samtse and Samdrup Jongkhar.

Q15. …………………is the capital of Bhutan.

a)      Punakha
b)      Thimphu
c)      Paro
d)     Sarpang

Q16. When earth tilts away from the sun…

a)      The weather becomes hotter
b)      The weather becomes colder
c)      The nights are longer
d)     The days are shorter

Q17. History tells us about the……

a)      Future
b)      Moon
c)      Past
d)     Sun

Q18. Higher the altitude………………………

a)      Lower the temperature
b)      Lower the altitude
c)      Same temperature
d)     Lower the thermometer

Q19. Instrument used to see and study the light and sound of the star is called……….

a)      Microscope
b)      Telescope
c)      Stethoscope
d)     Rockets

Q20. The rivers that flows into the Punatsang chhu are………….

a)      Paro chhu and Haa Chhu
b)      Ammo chhu and Thimphu chhu
c)      Pho chhu and Mo chhu
d)     Kuri chhu and Drangme chhu

Q21. Which is the biggest Ocean?

a)      Pacific Ocean
b)      Arctic Ocean

c)      Indian Ocean
d)     Atlantic  Ocean

Q22. Our national flower grows in the….

a)      The southern foothills
b)      The central valleys
c)      The cold high valleys
d)     The low valleys

Q23. Bhutanese calendar is a…..

a)      Solar calendar
b)      Lunar calendar
c)      Star calendar
d)     Planet calendar

Q24. Another name for the summer wind is…

a)      The Winter dry winds
b)      The wet winds
c)      The summer dry winds
d)     The dry winds

Q25.  Which ocean is near to Bhutan?

a)      Southern Ocean
b)      Indian Ocean
c)      Bhutanese Ocean
d)     Arctic Ocean


Q1. Match the followings. (1X5=5marks)

i. Ancestor                                                                   a) height of the place
ii. Winter winds                                                          b) is your grand mother
iii. Altitude                                                                  c) cold and hot
iv. Your mother’s mother                                            d) grandparents and great grandparents.
v. Temperature                                                            e) cold dry winds from the north

Q2. Fill in the blanks. (1X5=5marks)

The ……1……goes around the Earth, It takes ……2……….days to go around the earth. The earth
moves around the……3……. It takes ….4......days to go around the sun. All the planets move
around the ……5……

Q3. Short answer questions (10 marks)
i. What is solar system? (2m)
ii. Which is the biggest planet in the solar system? (1m)
iii. What covers much of the earth? (1m)
iv. Which planet is nearest to the sun? (1m)
v. What is a river load? Name one. (2m)
vi. Draw earth and name North Pole, South Pole and equator. (2m)
vii. Which country was a continent like Australia a very long time ago? (1m)

Q4. Long answer questions (10marks)

i. What would happen if there is no sun? Explain? (2m)
ii. Why do we have different seasons?  (2m)
iii. Can we live in the moon? Why? (2M)
iv. When does Bhutan get most rainfall? Why? (2m)
v. From which direction do the rivers flow in Bhutan? Why? (2m)

Q5. Map work (20marks)
       I.            In the outline map of the world locate and write the names of the continents and oceans. (10marks)

Asia                                                                 Pacific Ocean
Africa                                                              Atlantic Ocean
Australia                                                          Indian Ocean
North America                                                Arctic Ocean
South America                                                Southern Ocean

    II.            a)  On the outline map of Bhutan locate and name the following places and rivers. (7marks)
Thimphu                                                          Wang chhu
Sarpang                                                           Punatsang chhu
Wangphodrang                                               Manas chhu
                                                                        Amo chhu
            b)  Shade and name the three altitude regions in the map provide. (3marks)


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