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History Cl 7 (mid-Exam 2014)

Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Sarpang Dzongkhag
Mid Term Examinations-2014
History                                                                                                                              Total Marks: 100                                                                                                                                        
Class VII                                                                                                                           writing time: 2 hours

Name………………………………………………………class…………sec…………roll no………………...
Read the following Directions carefully
1.      Do not write during the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent on reading the questions.
2.      In this paper, there are three sections, A, B and C. All the questions are compulsory.
3.      Read the directions and questions carefully and write your answers in the space provided in question booklet itself.
4.      Do not forget to write your name, class and section.

SECTION A (30 marks)
Answer all the Questions.
Directions: Read the following questions carefully. For each question, choose the correct answer from the given alternative and write in the space provided.
Q1. In which biography, Guru Rinpochhe prophesied that treasures would be discovered by his spiritual heirs.

a.       Pema Thangying
b.      Kanjur
c.       Bum
d.      Dolma

Q2.  Pema Lingpa had a vision of Guru Rinpochhe at the age of…

a.       23
b.      24
c.       25
d.      26

Q3. Treasure dances of Pema Lingpa are popularly known as:

a.       Pa Chham
b.      Peling Trerchham
c.       Guru Tshengye
d.      Shazam Chham


Q4. Who started the family of Khochung Choeje in Kurtoe(Lhuntse)?

a.       Sangdad
b.      Pema Thinley
c.       Dawa Gyeltshen
d.      Kuenga Wangpo

  “ a disciple of late Tertoen Dorji Lingpa, visited the family and told his parents that the child was destined to accomplished much for the benefit of Bhuddhist teachings and living beings”
Q5. In the above statement, who is the disciple of Tertoen Dorji Lingpa?

a.       Dondrup Zangpo
b.      Choeyingpa
c.       Tertoen Dorji Lingpa
d.      Yoenten Jangchub

Q6. The 17th abbot of ralung monestry was…

a.       Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel
b.      Pasksang wangpo
c.       Mipham Choegyal
d.      Tempai Nima

Q7. The hereditary monarch of Bhutan was established in

a.       1905
b.      1705
c.       1651
d.      1907

Q8. Lam Khag Nga means…

a.       Five group of lamas
b.      Five group of religion
c.       Five group of invasions
d.      Five group of people

Q9. Which of the following does not describe the Bhutanese identity?

a.       Ceremonies and rituals
b.      Economic strength
c.       Dress
d.      Customs

Q10. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal wrote Nga chudrugma because of all the following reasons, EXCEPT
a.       Zhabdrung was able to defend Bhutan from the external threats.
b.      He believed in hard work and fair treatment of every single person within the state
c.       There was no one above the law
d.      He was not satisfied with all he accomplished.
Q11.  The term Desi was first introduced in our country by…

a.       Terton Pema Lingpa
b.      Umze Tenzin Drugyal
c.       Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal
d.      Gyelse Tenzin Rabgay


Q12. How old was Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal when he came to Bhutan in 1616 AD?

a.       22
b.      23
c.       24
d.      25

Q13. Why was Moen Achog driven out of the country by Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay?
a.       Moen Achog ‘s power was growing
b.      Faith of the people will be diverted to Moen Achog
c.       Moen Achog is one head of Lam Khag Nga.
d.      Moen Achog opposed and challenged Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay.
Q14. The law introduced by Umze Tenzin Drugyal was…

a.       Compulsion is forbidden
b.      Mitong
c.       Reduction of rents
d.      Robbery act

Q15. The 70th Je Khenpo is

a.       Pekar Jungne
b.      Gyduen Rinchen
c.       Trulku Jigme Choeda
d.      Ninzer Trulku

Q16. The dzongs were first built by…

a.       Lam Gyalwa Lhananpa
b.      Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal
c.       Terton Pemalingpa
d.      Guru Rimpochhe

Q17. Which of the following is the responsibility of a Zimpoen?

a.       Organizer of the cleaning department
b.      Gatekeeper
c.       Official incharge of the horses
d.      The smooth running of the Dzong

Q18. Which of the following Dzong was not founded by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal?

a.       Semtokha Dzong
b.      Tashichhoe Dzong
c.       Trashigang  Dzong
d.      Wangduephodrang Dzong

Q19. Why were the Dzongs built at strategic points?

a.       To look beautiful
b.      For defense against any attack or invasion
c.       To attract site for the tourists
d.      To conduct peaceful rituals and ceremonies

Q20. The following are the responsibilities of the Khangner, EXCEPT
a.       Would note the comings and goings of the people in and out of the Dzong.
b.      Organize cleaning of whole area of Dzong.
c.       Signal for women and children to leave the Dzong.
d.      He used oak clappers to warn the people to guard and dampen the fire at night.
(The diagram below is to be used with Question 21)


Q21. The box mark ‘X’ in the above diagram stands for

a.       Election commission of Bhutan
b.      Cabinet
c.       Legislature
d.      Anti corruption commission


(Use the statement below to answer question 22)
“The commission takes all the necessary steps to prevent and combat corruption by educating the public…”
Q22. The above statement tells about the function of

a.       The Election Commission
b.      The Royal Audit Authority
c.       The Royal Civil Service Commission
d.      The Anti Corruption Commission

Q23. The present Education Minister of Bhutan is

a.       Thukar Singh Powdyel
b.      Sangay Zam
c.       Tshering Tobgay
d.      Minbo Drukpa

Q24. All the following personals are the members of Parliament, EXCEPT

a.       Chief Election Commissioner
b.      Prime Minister
c.       Minister
d.      National Assembly Speaker

Q25. The laws made by the parliament is protected and interpreted by the …

a.       Executive
b.      Judiciary
c.       Gyalyong Tshodu
d.      Gyalyong Tshode

Q26. Constantine shifted his capital from Rome to Byzantium and he gave the new name as…

a.       Adrianople
b.      Charlons
c.       Constantinople
d.      Tours

Q27. Who became the first king of France?

a.       Attila
b.      Clovis
c.       Charlemangne
d.      Justintan

Q28. Charlemagne became the king of the Franks in…

a.       768 A.D
b.      767 A.D
c.       766 A.D
d.      765 A.D

Q29. All the following are the causes of breakup of the Charlemagne’s Empire, EXCEPT…
a.       His successors were weak
b.      Invaders attacked various Empire
c.       Sons and grandsons fought among themselves for control of the Empire
d.      He made Christianity the state religion of his Empire
Q30. Invaders from Scandinavian countries were known as…

a.       Franks
b.      Goths
c.       Norseman
d.      Huns


SECTION B (37marks)
Answer all the Questions
1.      Name TWO treasures discovered by Terton Pema Lingpa. (2m)

2.      Why did Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal create a unique national identity? Give THREE reasons. (3m)

3.      List THREE auspicious signs observed during the consecration ceremony of the Semtokha Dzong and the images of Lord Buddha. (1x3=3m)

4.      Write THREE values you have learned after reading ‘Life in the Dzong’ (3m)

5.      What does the following terms stands for in Dzongkha. (3m)
I.                   Supreme Court     =_______________________________________________
II.                High Court            =_______________________________________________
III.             Dzongkhag Court=_______________________________________________

6.      How was the Goths treated by the Romans? Explain. (3m)

7.      Match the following. (7m)
1.      Pema Lingpa
a.       Personal Assistant to Zhabdrung
2.      Paradise of Dewachen
b.      terton
3.      Pema Karpo
c.       Lhengye Zhungtshog
4.      Gongzim
d.      Eternal peace
5.      Lam Thripa
e.       Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye
6.      Cabinet
f.       Tribesmen in northern Germany
7.      Barbrains
g.      The famous Drukpa Scholar

8.      Write TRUE or FALSE against each statement given below. (6m)

                   I.            Pema Lingpa married to Tromo, Sither and Bumdren. (           )
                II.            Tsang Desi was not afraid of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal’s power in Bhutan. (           )
             III.            Penlops were responsible for maintaining law and order in their own regions. (            )
             IV.            The first Trongsa Penlop was Chogyal Minjur Tenpa. (          )
                V.            Bhutan is the best example of a presidential form of government. (          )
             VI.            Charlemagne was the son of Pepin. (          )

9.      Complete the following. (6m)
                 I.            Mebartsho means_______________________
              II.            Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal entered into permanent retreat in the year___________________.
           III.            ________________is the orginal name of Semtokha Dzong.
           IV.            The assistant to the Nyerchen was_______________________
              V.            Umze Tenzin Drugyal belongs to the_________________family of Gasa.
           VI.            La Nyoenpa Tenzin Drugdra ruled for_______________years till 1668.

SECTION C (33marks)
Answer all the Questions.
1.      Pema Lingpa is an important historical figure in the history of Bhutan. Justify your answer. (4m)

2.      Why did Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal introduce laws in our country? Write at least two reasons. (4m)

3.      Our Gho and Kira are the unique National identity of Bhutan. Do you feel that, it is necessary to wear national dress at all the times? Justify your answer. (3m)

4.      Explain the Chhoesi System and  write down the year of its establishment. (2+1=3m)

5.      Complete the table stating ONE achievement for each of first four Desis. (4m)

Name of the Desi
Umze Tenzin Drugyal

La Nyoenpa Tenzin Drugdra

Choegyal Minjur Tenpa

Gyalsi Tenzin Rabgye

6.      What could have been the situation if Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal had not built any Dzongs in Bhutan? (4m)

7.      The following chart depicts the ten ministries of the Royal Government of Bhutan. Write down the remaining ministries in the empty boxes. (5m)


8.      Why is Charlemagne called a “Light in the Darkness”? (4m)

9.      How would you live if you were living during the Dark Ages?  (3)


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