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Science Cl 7(mid Exam 2014)

Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Sarpang Dzonglkhag
                                                       Mid-Term Examinations-2014
Class: VII                                                                                      Total Marks: 100
Subject: Science                                                                            Writing Time: 2 hours
Name: ……………………………………………   Roll no: ………     Section: …….
Read the following directions carefully
Answer all the questions and write neatly
Direction: Each question is followed by from possible answers. Choose the correct answer and write it down in your answer sheet.                                                    (25×1marks)
1.      Ability of animals to fit into its surrounding is
*Hide                       * mask           * symmetry                *camouflage
Ans: …………………………………..
2.      The nasal chambers open into
*Pharynx                       * trachea      * oral cavity                  * lungs
Ans: ………………………………………….
3.      Which is not a sign that a chemical change has occurred?
*There is a colour change       * the original substance is obtained easily
* Heat or light are given off*A new substance with different properties is formed
Ans: ………………………………………….
4.      Cell are best seen with
*naked eye            *simple microscope        *hand lens         *compound microscope
Ans: ………………………………………….
5.      The perfume used by one of your smell in the classroom. This is due to
*Conduction      *diffusion        *evaporation         *sublimation
Ans: ………………………………………….
6.      Which of the following is not a homogeneous mixture?
*clean air    *smoke       *solution of salt in water                     *brass
Ans: ………………………………………….

7.      Micronutrients are those nutrients which are required by plants in……………….quantities.
*small          *big           *equal              *unequal
Ans: ………………………………………….
8.      Solubility of solute varies with
*moisture        *light           *temperature        *water
Ans: ………………………………………….
9.      A child shows poor physical growth with loose folds of skin, very thin arms and legs, and is very lethargic. Identify the disease.
*anaemia               *goitre            *kwashiorkor                  *marasmus
Ans: ………………………………………….
10.  Which of the following statement is correct?
*all metals are ductile       *all non-metals are ductile     *generally metals are ductile          *some non-metals are ductile
Ans: ………………………………………….
11.  Carbon dioxide from the air enters the leaf by diffusion through small openings called
*xylem                    *stomata                         *roots                    *guard cells
Ans: ………………………………………….
12.  The structural and functional units of all living organisms is
*onion                       *cell                        *Plato                 *egg of an ostrich
Ans: ………………………………………….
13.  Organisms that are not well adapted to their environment may face
*adaptation       *variation         *aestivation       *Extinction
Ans: ………………………………………….
14.  Milk containing mixture of fats and carbohydrates is an example of …………..mixture.
*homogeneous      *heterogeneous    *separation techniques   *home made
Ans: ………………………………………….
15.  Food rich in ………….. and starches are grouped as carbohydrates.
*salt           *water            *sugar                       *iodine
Ans: ………………………………………….
16.  Matter can be classified ………………….. types.
*1                              *2                         *3                                    *4
Ans: ………………………………………….

17.  Most of the metals are extracted from their ores using the following separating techniques EXCEPT
*Magnetic separation        *froth flotation     *gravity separation      *sieving
Ans: ………………………………………….
18.  Leguminous plants are the source of
*nitrogen                        *hydrogen         *phosphorus         *calcium
Ans: ………………………………………….
19.  Which chemical is used in soap making?
*sodium hydroxide     *sodium chloride      *potassium hydroxide      *potassium nitrate.
Ans: ………………………………………….
20.  Climbs the tree trunk and picks insects from cracks in the bark is an adaptive feature of
*crow                  *humming bird                      *egret                      *wood pecker
Ans: ………………………………………….
21.  Sugarcane, dove, deer and tiger are
*herbivore                  *carnivore                   *unicellular       *multicellular
Ans: ………………………………………….
22.  ‘Delays blood clotting’ disease is caused due to the lack of vitamin
*A                             *K                                          *C                            *E
Ans: ………………………………………….
23.  The process of burning food in living cells in presence of oxygen is called
*respiration              *germination            *photosynthesis          *conservation of mass
Ans: ………………………………………….
24.  The symbol of the element chromium is
*Ch               *Cr                      *C                        *Cm
Ans: ………………………………………….
25.  All the following plants are aquatic EXCEPT
*Lotus                       *hydra                         *water lily                   *blue poppy
Ans: ………………………………………….

Question 2

Fill in the blanks:
                                                                      (10×1 marks)
1.      …………………………. Discovered tiny compartment in a piece of cork and named as cell.

2.      Nucleus is filled with a dense semi fluid substance called ………………………….

3.      Diseases which are not caused by……………………….. are called non-communicable diseases or non-infectious diseases.

4.      The medulla oblongata is the lowest portion of the…………………..

5.      During photosynthesis ………………………………… is given out as a by-product.

6.      ………………….is the process by which a dormant seed grows to a young plant or seedling.

7.      A ……………………… is a place where organisms survive and reproduce.

8.      Inter molecular forces is negligible in ………………………….

9.      Greenhouse effect leads to …………………………………

10.  …………………………… can also form homogeneous mixtures called alloys
Question 3
Direction: Write TRUE or FALSE against the given statements.             (10×1 marks)
1.      Gold is an impure substance. (              )
2.      Colour fading from your cloth is a chemical change (              )
3.      Particles are always in the state of motion. (              )
4.      Bromine is a liquid metal. (              )
5.      The plant cactus that lives in a region with less rainfall. (              )
6.      The formation of new species is called evolution. (              )
7.      Type germination seen in cotton is hypogeal. (              )
8.      Bone meal is an organic fertilizer of powdered animal bones(              )
9.      Rabies is caused by rhabdovirus. (              )
10.  Grass is a multicellular organism. (              )

Question 4
Directions match the items of column I with correct answers of column II.   (10marks)
Living, semi permeable membrane
A.    Decantation
The terminal ends of the respiratory system
B.     Carbon monoxide
The simplest unit of protein
C.     Mushroom
The smallest units of the nervous system which carries impulse
D.    Alveoli
E.     Cell membrane
F.      Amino acid
G.    Mercury
Metal that I used in thermometer
H.    Premature falling of leaves
A greenhouse gas
I.       Neuron
A mixture of a liquid and a heavy insoluble solid
J.       Premature falling of fruits

K.    Algae

L.     Oxygen

Question 5
A.    Draw a diagram showing the phases of menstruation cycle and explain about it.(4)

B.     Why do you think it is not wise to hit hard on someone’s back?                      (1)

C.     What are the major aspects of personal health and hygiene?     (2)

D.    Define:                                                                                      (2)
I.                   Axial skeleton

II.                Disease

Question 6
I.                   Identify the two types of ecosystems.                                                (2)

II.                Draw a pyramid of number for one of the ecosystems.             (1)

III.             What impact will it have to the ecosystem if a tiger is introduced?        (1)

B.     Deer and goat look like similar, but they do not belong to the same species. Why?(1)

C.     Write a short note on gas pressure with diagram.                            (2)

D.    Differentiate between metals and non-metals.                                     (2)

Question 7
A.    How can you prepare saturated solution? Explain the procedures.    (3)

B.     Temperature is one of the conditions that affect both physical and chemical change. Support the statement with an example each.(3)

C.     What do you know about diamond?  Write down about its functions.(2)

D.    Write the atomic number of7N 14 (1)

Question 8
A.    Churning is used to get butter from the milk.        
I.                   Name two substances that you get from the churning.       (1)

II.                What is the separation technique used? Why?                     (2)

B.     Figure given below shows a cell.   (4)

I.                   Name the cell                                                                      (1)

II.                Identify the 3 basic structures of the cell.                                (3)

C.     What will happen if methylene blue falls on your clothes or skin? Where we use it?(2)

Question 9
A.    Does photosynthesis occur in mushroom? Give a reason to support your answer.     (2)

B.     How many types of respirations are there in organisms? What are they? Explain.(4)

C.     The following figure shows the structure of a bean seed. Identify its parts. (×6=3)


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