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Class VII Eng I (2017)

Royal Government of Bhutan
Mid Term Examination 2017
Class: VII    Writing Time: 2 Hours 
Subject:English I (Lang & Writing) Fullmark: 100

Directions: there are two sections in this paper. Section A and Section B. Section A has two questions. Question I and Question II. You must write one essay and one letter from the choices given. Section B is compulsory. You must attempt all questions. Write all your answers in the answer sheet provided separately. Do not forget to copy the question numbers correctly.
Section A: writing
Question I: composition 40 Marks
Direction: write a narrative easy of about 300 words on any ONE of the following topics.
A.    An unforgettable day in your life.

B.    An important day that you celebrated.

C.    Your first day in this school.
Question II: Letter Writing   20markss.
Direction: you are SangayChoden, a student of Jigmeling Lower secondary school in sarpang.Write a letter on any ONE of the following situations. Marks will be awarded for correct layout, language and content.
1.     You have won the first prize of Nu.5000 in the drawing competition on “The benefits of Yoga” organized by The Indian Consulate. Writea letter to your father about the competition, the picture you drew and your plans for spending the prize money.

2.     Write a letter to your Face book friend, Anne Boleyn from Australia, inviting her to Bhutan to spend a few days with you in Bhutan during the summer vacation. Tell her what you plan to do together during the vacation.

3.     Your brother, SangayDorji, who is a student of Sarpang LSS, wants to stop studying and take up farming. Write a letter to him telling him what you think about it. Give some reasons for your advice.

Section B: Language 40 marks.
Question III:Information Transfer                                                        15marks
Direction:Study thetable given below that shows different types of minerals, their sources and their deficiency diseases and rewrite the same information in a short paragraph of five sentences.
Main Sources of Minerals
Deficiency diseases
Red meat, beans, green vegetables, etc.
Formation of red blood cells.
Sea food and iodized salt.
Formation of thyroxin
Simple goiter.
Milk and dairy products
Formation of teeth and bones
Poor growth of bones and teeth.

Question IV:Grammar 25marks
Question 1: Choose the correct answers.                         (5marks)
Direction: Copy the question numbers and write your answers against it. 
a.      A word used to express an action or state is a ……..  (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)

b.     This school belongs to us. It is … (his,yours,ours,us)

c.      Potato is not an expensive vegetable…  (is it not?,   Isn’t it?, Is it ?, are they?)

d.     Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence?

i)      My father likes to play basketball and football.

ii)    I like to play basketball when I have friends.

iii)  I like to play basketball and I have many friends.

iv)   Our Foot ball team won the inter school and Inter Dzonkhag tournaments.

e.      Which of the following sentence is correct?

i)      England isan European country.

ii)    I want to buy a umbrella.

iii)  Hydrogen is a lightest gas.

iv)   Gelephu is just an hour’s drive from Sarpang.

Question 2: Write the past tense and past participles of the following verbs.  (5marks)
(It is not necessary to draw the table)
Question Number
Root /present form
Past form
Past participle form





Question 3
Direction: Writeappropriate question tags for the following statements.   (5marks)
a, It’s a pleasure to travel by ship,……….
b.Pemba always helps his sister…
c. Polar bears are never found near the equator,…
d.I am your friend,…
e.We didn’t disturb the pigeons,…
Question 4
Direction: Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given after each sentence.(1X5 Marks)
a)     It is my mother who (do) all the shopping.    ( Use the correct form of the verb in brackets)

b)     I was very late. My mother was waiting for me.( Combine into a compound sentence)

c)     My father loves me very much. He does not show it.(Combine into a compound sentence)

d)     Today we did not have morning assembly. It was raining. (Combine into a complex sentence using, “as”.)

e)     I found my watch. It was lost last week. (Combine into a complex sentence using, “which”).

Question:5. Editing    (5marks)
Direction: Rewrite the following sentences after carefully correcting the use of the articles (a. an, the), spellings and punctuation.
a. Dorji and dechen went to the market on a sunday.
b. His friend said, I will help you.
c. My friends dog is small, but its’ bark is fearsome.
d. Mount Everest is a tallest mountain in the world and GankarPuensum is a tallest mountain in Bhutan.
e .England , an European Kingdom, has decided to leave a European Union.

Do your Best


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