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Class VII History(2017)

Royal Government of Bhutan
Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Mid Term Examinations-2017
History                                                                                   Total Marks: 100                                                                                                                                        
Class VII                                                                                 writing time: 2 hours
Name………………………………………………………class…………sec……roll no………
Read the following Directions carefully
1.     Do not write during the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent on reading the questions.
2.     In this paper, there are two sections, A and B All the questions are compulsory.
3.     Read the directions and questions carefully and write your answers in the space provided in question booklet itself.
4.     Do not forget to write your name, class and section.

SECTION A (50 marks)
Answer all the Questions.
I.  Directions: Read the following questions carefully. For each question, choose the correct answer from the given alternative and circle it.
1. TertonPemaLingpa was born to DondrupZangpo and Pema Dolma in the year…

A.    1550                                                              
B.     1540
C.    1450                                                             
D.     1460

2. Mebartsho means

A.    Burning Flame
B.    Burning Lamp
C.    Burning Light
D.    Burning Lake

3. The biography of Guru Rimpoche is called

A.    PemaThangying
B.    Guru Thangying
C.    Tertoen
D.    Kanjur

4.PemaLingpa was a skilled “Xylographer”. What does the Xylographer mean?
A.    One who Composes prayers.
B.    One who discovers Treasures.
C.    One who works with Metals.
D.    One who carves prayers into wood blocks.

5.TertonPemaLingpa first discovered treasures in Bhutan from-

A.    Wang chhu
B.     Tang chhu
C.    Dang chhu
D.    Pa chhu

  “ a disciple of late TertoenDorjiLingpa, visited the family and told his parents that the child was destined to accomplished much for the benefit of Bhuddhist teachings and living beings”
6. In the above statement, who is the disciple of TertoenDorjiLingpa?

A.    DondrupZangpo
B.    Choeyingpa
C.    TertoenDorjiLingpa
D.    YoentenJangchub

  7. The death of ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal was formally announced in…

A. 1605
B.  1650
C.  1705
D. 1750

8. When was hereditary monarchy established in Bhutan?

A.    1616
B.    1705
C.    1907
D.    1910

9. Zhabdrung ruled Bhutan for…

A.    16 years
B.    30years
C.    35years
D.    40years

10. Which of the following is NOT a member of Lam KhaNga?

A.    Drukpa Kagyu
B.    Chakzampas
C.    Kathogpas
D.    Lhapas

11. Which of the following does NOT describe Bhutanese identity?

A.    Dress
B.    Music
C.    Language
D.    Military strength

12. Which of the following was NOT a reason for codification of laws by Zhabdrung?
A.    To build a wealthy nation
B.    To establish Peace and harmony in the country
C.    To build a corruption free society
D.    To provide equity and justice to the people

13.Which Desi was appointed as Zimpoen cum Umze by ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal?

A.    Desi Tenzin Rabgye
B.    Desi Tenzin Drugyal
C.    Desi Tenzin Drugdra
D.    DesiChhoegyalMinjurTenpa

14.Who introduced a new law called “Mitong”

A.    Umze Tenzin Drugyal
B.    Tenzin Drugdra
C.    Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye
D.    ChhogyalMinjurTempa

15. The first Je Khenpo and the Present Je- Khenpo of country are:
A.    PekarJungney and TrulkuJigmeChoda
B.    Umze Tenzin Drugyal and PekarJungney
C.    GyalseTenzinRabgye and ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal
D.    ChogyalMinjurTempa and TrulkuJigmeChoeda

16.Whichof the following are three provinces in Bhutan were headed by Penlops.

I.       Punakha
II.     Paro,
III.    Trongsa
IV.   Dagana

A.    I,II,III
B.    I,II,IV
D.    II,III,I

17. To whom did ChogyelMinjurTempa confer the title “Tri Rimpoche”?

A.    Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay
B.    Tenzin Drukdra
C.    Tenzin Drugyal
D.    PekarJuney

18.ChokhorRabtentsedzongis also known as

A.    TrongsaDzong
B.    PunakhaDzong
C.    SemtokhaDzong
D.    WangduephodrangDzong

19. Which of the followings describe about the” Nyerchen” and “Khangner”?
I. To check and settle the records of store
II. To organize the cleaning of Dzong
III. To announce that the dinner is over
IV. Responsible for the smooth running of the Dzong

A.    I and II                                                           
B.    II and III
C.    III and IV                        
D.    I and IV

20.As the chief of Protocol, the ZhungDronyer’s responsibility was to
A.    To look after the state guests
B.    Look after the personal needs of the Zhabdrung
C.    Supervise the functioning of the Dzongs
D.    Convey the orders of the Zhabdrung
21. The dzongs were first built by…

A.    Lam GyalwaLhananpa
B.    ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal
C.    TertonPemalingpa
D.    Guru Rimpochhe

22. Which of the following Dzong was not founded by ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal?

A.    SemtokhaDzong
B.    TrashigangDzong
C.    TashichhoeDzong
D.    WangduephodrangDzong

23. Why were the Dzongs built at strategic points?

A.    To look beautiful
B.    To attract site for the tourists
C.    To conduct peaceful rituals and ceremonies
D.    For defense against any attack or invasion

24. Which Dzong was built by Zhabdrung and gave the meaning as ‘to bring under one’s power?

A.    WangduephodrangDzong
B.    PunakhaDzong
C.    SemtokhaDzong
D.    DrugyelDzong

25.SangaZapdonDzong is also known as

A.    TrongsaDzong
B.    PunakhaDzong
C.    SemtokhaDzong
D.    WangduephodrangDzong

26. .Zhabdrung built the DagaTashiYangtseDzong to

A.    Subdue a demon
B.    Fight against the Tibetens
C.    Unify the country under his leadership
D.    Expand the Drukpa rule to the southern region

27.Who was the first Roman emperor?

A.    Charlemagne
B.    Constantine
C.    Augustus
D.    Julius Caesar

28. Constantinople was earlier known as

A.    Rome
B.    Gaul
C.    Adrianople
D.    Byzantium

29.All the following are the causes of breakup of the Charlemagne’s Empire, EXCEPT…
A.    His successors were weak
B.    Invaders attacked various Empire
C.    Sons and grandsons fought among themselves for control of the Empire
D.    He made Christianity the state religion of his Empire

30.Charlemagne became the king of the Franks in…

A.    768 A.D
B.    767 A.D
C.    766 A.D
D.    765 A.D

Question 31.
Direction: Write TRUE or FALSE for each statement in the space provided below (1X10)
a.Tashichhoedzong means the ‘Dzongof the Glorious Religion’   (       )
b.   Zhabdrung entered permanent retreat in 1561 (       )
c.   Lam KhaNga helped ZhabdrungRinpochhe to build SemtokhaDzong(     )
d.   The special mask dance choreographed by PemaLingpa is PelingTercham(    )

e.   NgaChudruma means the  ‘Sixteen Eyes’   (       )
f.    Charlemagne ruled for 49 years (    )
g.TenpaThinley was appointed as the first DagaPoenlop(     )
h.   Trashigangdzong was founded according to the prophecies of GuruRimpochhe. (     )
i.    Women were not permitted to sleep in the Dzong. (     )
j.    Invaders from Scandinavian countries were known as Norseman. (    )

Question 32.
Direction: match each item in column A against the most appropriate item in column B. write only the letters against the number in the space provided below. (5m)

Column A

Column B
Meat store man
Light in the Darkness

Burning Lake







Question 33.
Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate word(s) and write in the space provided. (5)
a.      PemaLingpa belonged to the family of______________________lams.
b.     The headquarter of the Drukpa Kagyu school was in____________
c.      The first TrongsaPenlop was_____________________
d.     The assistant to the nyerchen was________________
e.    The Constantinople became the capital of the_________________

(5 Questions 50 Marks)
DIRECTION: -Read the following questions carefully and answer the questions in the space provided.
Question 1. (10 Marks)
a.      Name TWO treasures discoveredbyTertonPemaLingpa. (2)

b.     What were the achievements of TertonPemaLingpa? (3)

c.      List down any TWOtreasures discovered by TertonPemaLingpa.         (2)   

d.     Describe PemaLingpa as an Extraordinary child  (3)            

Question 2. (10 Marks)
a.      Write the reasons why ZhabdrungNgawang Namgyal created unique national identity for Bhutan?  (3)

b.     Why did LamKhaNgaoppose  ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyel? (2)

c.      Why Zhabdrung’sDeath remained secret for over 50 years? (3 )

d.     What could have been the situation if ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal had not built any Dzongs in Bhutan? (2m)

Question 3. (10 Marks)
a.      Write a short note on the administrative system established by ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal. (3m)

b.     List down at least FOURmajor historical events that happened in the year 1651. (4m)

c.      Write down THREE achievements of DesiGyalseTenzin Rabgye. (3m)

Question 4. (11 Marks)
a.     What do you understand by the term Dzong?  (2)

b.     Write THREE points of historical significance of the Dzong.(3m)

c.      Write down THREE points explaining the function of Dzongs in the past? (3)

d.     What are the three most important events which took place in PhunakhaDzong? (3m)

Question 5. (9 Marks)
a.     Who were the barbarians?Why did barbarians attack Roman Empire? (1+2=3)

b.     Why is Charlemagne known as ‘A Light in the Darkness’? (3m)

c.      What were the causes of the break-up of Charlemagne’s empire? (3m)



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