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Class VII Geography(2017)

                                          Sarpang Lower Secondary School,
Mid-Term examination, 2017

Subject: Geography                                                                        Full Mark: 100
Class: VII                                                                                        Writing Time: 2Hrs

Section: A
30 questions – 30 marks (Answer ALL the questions)
Directions:  Choose the correct response to the questions below and write your answer in the answer sheet provided to you.

1.    The boundary between two drainage basins is called the

          * Tributaries      * Mouth      * Watershed      * Stream

2.    The temperature at which air gets saturated is called

* Latitude    * Altitude     * dew point    * distance from the sea

3.    The Dagala range lies between the

          * Wang and Shar   * Jakar and Mongar * Shar and Mangde  * Ha and Paro

4.    The word ‘monsoon’ is derived from an Arabic word ‘mausim’ which means

* Rain                 * Wind             * Climate         * Season

     5.  The Bhutanese name for river Brahmaputra is

              *  Mur Tsangpo chhu      * Sunkosh         *  Chhumo Luti    *  Manas

     6.Which of the following is world’s biggest ocean?

* Arctic Ocean   * Pacific Ocean     * Atlantic Ocean   * Indian Ocean

7. The rising and falling of the surface of the sea-water is called

              * waves      *  currents        *  tides            * rapids

8.    All of the following are the effects of the deforestation EXCEPT

              *   Soil erosion        *  Flood      * Run-off       * Fertile soil

9.    The source of resin and timber is

             * Thompshing     * Chirpine    *  Oak      * Spruce

10.Which of the following is not the types of rainfall?

                * Relief          * Cyloclonic      * convectional         * Snowfall

11.All the factors given below affect the climate of Bhutan EXCEPT

             * Latitude     * Seasonal winds    *  Altitude     *  Longitude

12. The sun’s rays fall vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn on

               *  23 Dec          * 24 Dec          *  21Dec         * 22 Dec

          “Here the winter is cold the temperature varying from about 5°C to 8°C.
          But the summer is warm with the temperature ranging from 10°C to 22°C”.
13.The above statement best describes about

        *Sub-tropical zone   * Sub-alpine zone  * Temperate zone * The alpine zone

14.The southern Foothills are covered with

* thorny  forest    * thin forest     * dense forest     * tall trees.

15.Forests face the problems of ‘degradation’. The word ‘degradation’ means

*  Loss of the trees           * Wearing of the top soil. 
* Wearing of the rocks.    * Wearing of dresses.

16.The wearing away of soils and rocks from the earth’s surface is known a

               * Gorges       * Load         * Dendritic        * Erosion

17.Which of the following is the greatest hazard to farming?

* Over grazing.  * Soil erosion.   * Deforestation. * Forestation

18.All of the following land features are made by rivers  EXCEPT

* Valleys.      * Spurs    * Alluvial fans     * Rivers.

19.Wangdiphodrang is famous for its

              * Flood     *  Earth quake.     * Rain.       *  Winds.

20.The following wild animals are found in sub-tropical forest EXCEPT

* Elephants.   * Leopards.     * Takin.      * Tiger

21.The two main gases that make up the atmosphere are

* Oxygen & hydrogen.            * Hydrogen& nitrogen.
* Oxygen & carbon dioxide.    *   Oxygen & nitrogen.

22.The low pressure belt around the equator is called

* Doldrums.   * Isobars.   * Horse latitude.  * Roaring forties.

23.The amount of wetness in the air is called

           * Evaporation.  * Condensation.   * Precipitation    * Humidity.

24.Which among the following layers of the atmosphere helps the radio waves?

           * Troposphere    * Ionosphere.    * Stratosphere.    * Mesosphere

25. All of the following are the layers of atmosphere EXCEPT

* Troposphere   * Hydrosphere    * Ionosphere.     * Stratosphere

26.Every human being exhales ……..when we breathe out.

* Oxygen     * Nitrogen        * Carbon dioxide     * Ozone

27. The three main tributaries of Wangchu are
      * Mangde chu, Chamkhar chu and Kholong chu.
* Amochu,Badachu and Ngera Ama chu.
* Hachu, Pachu and Wangchu.
                 * Phochu, Mochu and Dangchu.     

28.Saturation point is reached sooner

                * When the air is cool         * When there is no air
                *   During the night time     * When the air is warm

29.Which of the following clouds is low clouds and appear as thin layers?

* Cumulus       * Cirrus      * Stratus        * Nimbus

30.        Tides are caused by

*great wind system   * stirring of water   *attraction of moon   * ships


Section B – 70 marks
(Answer ALL the questions)

31. Fill in the blanks (5 marks)
               a) These high pressure belts are also called……………………
b) The altitude of Greater Himalayan range is…………………
          c) The Earth intercepts only a minute portion of the sun’s energy.
                 This is known   as…………………….
d) Land Breeze takes place during ………………………
                e)……………… used to measure temperature.

     32. Write True or False.         (5 marks)
a.     According to the altitude, relief of Bhutan is divided into four zones.
b.    Revolution of the Earth causes seasons.
c.     Seasonal winds are commonly known as the monsoons.
d.    Blizzards are strong dry winds.
e.     Rain cause by depression is also known as the “Frontal Rain” in North Polar regions.

     33. Match the following. Rewrite the correct pairs in your answer sheet. (5 Marks)

1. Glaciers                            a. Like a tree
2.Dendritic                           b. Westerlies        
3.Anti-trade winds               c. Moving ice
4.Spring                               d. Depressions
5.Temperate Cyclone          e. Plants start germinating

34. Give one word answer for the following questions.              (5 marks)
a)    Name one Dzongkhag where rich undergrowth of lemon grasses are found.
b)    Write one land form made by rivers.
c)    What is the height of Mount Everest?
d)    Name one place which falls under Sub- Himalayan Foothills.
e)    Which is the most common type of precipitation that occurs in Bhutan?

35. Define   (5)
a)    Humidity   b)Precipitation   c)Drainage Basin  d)Blizzard  e)Isotherms

      36. Study the table given below showing temperature and answer the
            following    questions                         (15)



                      a. Which is the coldest month in P/ling? (1)
                      b. What is the warmest month in Mongar? (1)
                      c. Which station has the lowest temperature? (1)
                      d. Write down the range in temperature for each station. (6)
                      e. Calculate the average temperature for each station. (6)
37. a. What are the four types of forests in Bhutan? (2)
      b.Which is warmer? (2)
           i. direct sun or shade     ii. Standing on the wind or out of the wind.
       c.  Name the instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure. (1)
38.   Complete the sentences by choosing the correct  words given .(5)
        (    Watershed, Cosmetics, Season, Hail,  Frontal rain,  )
a.     The rain caused by depressions is also known as …………..
b.    Lemon grass is recognized as an important raw material for ………….
c.     The boundary between two drainage basins is called…………
d.    The time of  the year during which special climatic conditions prevail
  is called……..
e.     Ice pellets falling from clouds is named as ……………..

      39.  Draw and  label  sea breeze and land breeze . (5+5=10 )
                                            Section C
     40. On the outline map of Bhutan, show the following.             (10)
a)    Mark with a line and name Amo chhu and Drangme chhu.
b)    Mark and name Chele La and Dochu La .
c)    Mark and name gateway of Bhutan and the capital of Bhutan.
d)    Mark and name Tsirang and Trashigang Dzongkhag.
e)    Mark and name the Greater Himalayas and Gangkar Puensum .

                             WISH YOU ALL THE BEST


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