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Annual Exam English I (2013) class VII

CLASS VII              Subject: English Language & Writing Paper I                 Time: 2 hrs.     Marks: 100
Directions: There are two sections in this paper- Section A and Section B. Section A has two questions I and II. Question I is for writing an essay and question II is for writing a friendly letter. You must write one Essay and one Letter from the choices given. Section B is compulsory. You must attempt all the questions.
You must answer all the questions on t he Answer Sheet provided separately. Don’t forget to copy the question numbers correctly.
Question I Essay                                                                                     40 Marks
Direction: write a descriptive essay of about 300 words on any ONE of the following topics.
1.     A busy market
2.     An unforgettable day in your life
3.     The most beautiful place you have ever visited
4.     A funny person you know
Question II- Friendly letter                                                                    20 Marks
Direction: You are Sangay Tenzin, a student of Jigmeling Lower Secondary School under Sarpang Dzongkhag. Write a letter on any ONE of the following situations in three well written paragraphs. Marks will be awarded for correct layout, language, and content.
1. Your brother who is working as a teacher in Thimphu is planning to leave his job and go to Australia in search of a better paying job. Write a letter to him about what you feel about this.
2. Write a letter to your pen pal who is from Japan asking him to come and spend a few days with you in Bhutan. Tell him about some of the interesting things you want him to see in Bhutan.
3. You are invited by your friend Amber to attend his sister’s marriage ceremony, but you are unable to attend it. Write a reply to your friend expressing regret.

Question III. Information Transfer – 15 Marks
Read the following notes and rewrite it in a short paragraph of not more than five sentences.
-furry mammal
-looks somewhat like a long slender cat
-found in Africa, southern Asia, southern Europe
-maybe black, brown, gray or tan
-dark spots, on tail rings of light and dark fur
-climbs well and spends much time on trees
-moves about chiefly at night
-eat birds, insects, rodents, fruits
Question IV (Grammar) - 25 Marks
Question 1 Choose the correct answers form those given below each question and write in your answer sheet.                                                                                                           (1x5)
a.      They are not working seriously,
  are they?      . aren’t they?    . are they not?       . are not they?
b.     Which of the following is an example of a regular verb?
                 Withstand,       shout,   mistake      understand
c.      Which of the following is an example of a complex sentence?
The cycle hit a stone and Dorji fell down.
             The town in which I live is very clean.
             I failed the exam, but my mother told she still loved me.
            God made the country and man made the town.
d.     Which of the following has a prefix?
Prefer,  prepare, preview, present
e.      When I do not know the exact meaning of a word, I………… in a dictionary.Look it down          look on it          look it up         look towards it

Question 2: Make a derivative from each of the following words by adding: il, in, im, ir, dis, mis, ing, un or ly.                    (0.5×10) 
a. Probable            b. just                    c. inquire             d. satisfy           e.  Quarrel                                      f.    Legal              g.  Management     h. justice              i. spite              j. respect  
Question 3: Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each sentence. Make sure the meaning is not changed. (1X10)
a. .A snake had been injured by Namgay.                                    (End…a snake.)
b. Our teacher will like this work.                                                (End…by our teacher)
c. Who has cleaned this classroom?                                                (Begin: By whom ...)
d. Dorji was being followed by his pet dog.                                 (Begin: His pet dog ….)
e. You must work hard. You must face the consequence.       (Combine into a compound sentence using: either…or)
f. The villagers love nature. They do not harm trees or animals. (Combine into a compound sentence using: “therefore”.
g. When you called me, I …….dinner.(Complete using the correct form of ‘have’.
h. Namgay has given up his habit of chewing areca nut,………….(Use a question tag.)
i. Lend me your pen…                                                 (Use a question tag.)
j. Yangdon found the exam very easy. She had prepared well. (Combine into a complex sentence using: ‘as’.)
Question 4: Rewrite the following sentences using the correct punctuation marks.     (1x5)
a.        She said, United we stand, divided we fall.
b.     The cherry tree is an interesting short story.
c.      Hurrah. We have won the match.
d.         Is it good to laugh when somebody is talking.
e.      Tsherings mother is a popular artist.

                                                BEST OF LUCK


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