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Annual Exam Geography (2013) class VII

                                                  Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Annual Examination : 2013
Class VII                                                                                  Writing Time: 2 hours Geography                                                                                 Total Marks:  100
                            Read the following directions carefully
-DO NOT write for the first FIFTEEN MINUTES. This time is to be spent   reading the questions. After having read the questions, you will be given TWO HOURS to answer all the questions                                                                        
  -Answers to all questions must be written in the answer sheet provided by your teacher.                                                                                                                   
  -In this paper there are three sections. A, B and C. You must answer all the questions. Marks are given in the brackets.                                                      
-Read the directions to each question CAREFULLY and answer accordingly.
SECTION A     [ 1 x 30 ]
DIRECTION: Read the following questions carefully. For each question there are four alternatives. Choose the correct alternative and write your answer.

1.     Yotong La  is  between Mangde and Bumthang,  Thrumshingla La is between

A.     Bumthang and Mongar
B.     Shar and Thed
C.     Ha and Thimphu
D.    Ha and Paro.

2.     The climate condition in the country can be divided into

A.     Three Zones      B.Two Zones              C. One Zone         D. Four Zones                                        

     3.  Strong winds and thunderstorms are a feature of weather in

A.     Summer and Winter
B.     Spring and Autumn
C.     Winter and Spring
D.    Summer and Autumn

4.     When the water inside a kettle is being heated, we can see the water vapor rising upward. This is because

A.     Water vapor is heavier than air               C. Water vapor always goes up
B.     Water vapor is lighter than air                 D. All of the above

5.     Which way do the prevailing winds blow in summer?

A.     From North-East to South-West
B.     From East to West
C.     From  North to South
D.    From  South-west to North-East

6.     A soil that does not allow water to pass through is called

A.    Impermeable     B.  Porous     C.  Permeable    D. None of the above

7.     To overcome the loss of nitrogen from soil,           farmers    can   do  the   following things, EXCEPT

A.     Leave the land fallow
B.     Grow legumes crops
C.     Plough the fields
D.    Grow nitrogen-fixing crops

8.     Above an altitude of 3500 meters from the sea level, small bushes are found to mark the

A.     Tree line               B. Snow line               C.Pasture            D. Territory

9.     The boundary between two drainage basins is called the

a.     Tributaries       B. water shed        C.dendritic         D. water fall

10.  It is a deposit of rock materials and fertile mountain soils carried down by the rivers.                                                                                                                                                        The above statement correctly describes

A.    Alluvial fans     B. Pot holes         C.  rapids           D. spurs

11.  The word “Monsoon” is derived from an Arabic word “Mausim” which means

a.     Rainy                 B.   Sunny                C. Season            D. Cloudy

12.   Our forest contains varieties of herbs, such as Berberous, Yartsa Guenbub and Blue Poppy,  therefore in the past our country was also called

a.     Land of Thunder Dragon
b.     The land of cypress tree
c.      The land of Herbal Medicines
d.     The land of flower

13.   The process of manufacturing new things from old one is called

a.     Reuse      B.  Remanufacture       C.  Remake         D. Recycling

14.  The natural destructive events of environment are called

a.     Natural control
b.     Natural hazard
c.      Natural management
d.     Natural protection

 (The map below is to be used with question number 15 and 16)
15.  The shaded portion on the map shows

A.Sub-tropical forest   B.Temperate forest  C. Sub-alpine forest   D. Alpine forest

16.  The mountain range marked with a triangle            on the map is

a.     Jomo Lhari     C. GangkarPunsum               C. Masang  Gang   D.  Rig-Nag

17.  Which of the following  are the natural causes of forest degradation?

                          I.          timber extraction      
                        II.          Bark beetles
                      III.          forest fire made by men       
                      IV.          land slide

                   Choose the correct combination

a.     I & II              B.  I & IV                 C.  II & III    D. II & IV

18.  The total area of our country is

a.     45,500 Sq.Km    B. 46,500 Sq.Km     C. 38,394 Sq.Km   D. 37,384 Sq.Km

19.  Which layer of atmosphere is dry and has no cloud or rain fall, and provides flying condition for jet aircraft.

A.    Ionosphere         B.  Mesosphere     C.  Stratosphere      D.  Troposphere

20.  The wind which blow from Sub-Tropical High Pressure to Equatorial Low pressure is called

a.     Trade Winds      B.  Anti-Trade winds    C.   Polar Winds   D.  Westerlies

21.  The wind which blow from  land to  sea is called

a.     Land breeze     B.  sea breeze    C.   wind breeze   D.  ocean breeze

22.   The following are all Planetary Winds  Except

                 A.  Trade winds       B.  Land breezes           C.   Westerlies           D.  Polar winds

       23.  The Sea breezes are caused during the

A.     Day                  B.  Night               C.  Day and night          D.  Cloudy weather

24.    Anti-trade winds are also called

A.    Polar winds    B.  Trade winds      C.  Westerly Winds    D.   Horse latitude

25. Air pressure is measured by an instrument called

A.    Rain gauge     B.  Barometer        C.  Thermometer        D. Wind vane

26.   Which of the following countries are known as Scandinavian countries?

                           i.          Finland       ii. Italy         iii. Norway         iv. Iceland            v.  Denmark

                         Which of the following combination is correct?

                  a) i, ii, iii and iv     b)  i,ii,iii, and v      c)  i,iii,iv, and v          d)  i,ii,iv, and v

27.   Which one of the following country is known as “The Country of Ten Thousand Lakes”

a.     Poland               b.  Finland       c.  Sweden         d. Russia

28.  It is in the extreme north in northern Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway. The vegetation consists mostly of mosses and Lichens. Trees do not grow and is always frozen.
The above statement correctly describes

a.     The coniferous Forest         c.  The Deciduous Mixed Forest
b.     The Grasslands                     d.  The Tundra Vegetation

29.  The longest River in Europe is

a.     River Brahmaputra     b. River Danube     c. River Volga       d.  River Nile

30.    When the soil is saturated with water we call it

a.      water-holding soil,                  c.  water-full soil,
b.      water-logged soil,                   d.  water-saturated soil

                                          SECTION B                    [60 MARKS]
DIRECTION: Answer all the questions in the answer sheet provided to you.                              Marks for each question are given within the brackets.

                                   Question I       [15 Marks]
a.      Define the terms afforestation and reforestation. (2)
b.     Describe how storms are formed?  (2)
c.      State two uses of Lemon Grass. (2)
d.     Name four Natural Threats of Bhutan? (2)
e.     Describe briefly the seasons. (2)
f.       State four values of forests. (2)
g.      Name two agents of weathering in formation of soil (2)
h.     Define land reclamation? (1)

                 Question II (2x7=14marks)

a.     What makes the Troposphere most important for us?
b.     State two importance of air pressure.
c.      Name two Periodic winds.
d.     Air can become saturated in two ways. What are they?
e.     Name any four different forms of condensation.
f.      Write at least four major types of vegetation found in Europe.
g.     Name two rivers which flow into Black Sea.

                 Question III   (17marks)

a.      Discuss three disadvantages of mineral extraction in Bhutan? (3)
b.     How do the forests protect us from soil- erosion and land-slide?  Write three points. (3)
c.      Bark beetles pose threat to the forest and it is the natural causes of degradation. Explain how  these  insects  harm  the  forest?  (3)
d.     Fill in the blanks by choosing correct word from the list given : (4)
( mineral , organic , rocks , surface , nitrates )
Soils cover the ...1..... of the ground in a thin layer . Soils are made of ....2...  ,  ....3......
Matter , water and air . Soils are produced from the weathering of .....4.......   .
Ans.    1..............           2................          3....................        4....................
e.      Explain  the  soil  Profile  with  the  help  of  a  diagram    (4)

                                          Question IV    (14marks)

a.     The greatest density of population is found in industrial areas, why? (2)
b.     Why  is  the  region  lying  near  the  equator  hotter  than  any  other  parts               of    the  Earth ?    Write  three points.      (3)
c.      Define the following terms in your own words. (4)
                                               I.          Intensive Farming
                                             II.          Extensive Farming
                                            III.          Mixed Farming
                                           IV.          Crop Rotation

d.     Draw a detailed diagram showing five layers of atmosphere and label them. (5)

Section C         [10 Marks]
DIRECTION :   In the given outline map of Bhutan, locate the following.[1x5]
  1. Mark TR where Trongsa and SD where Sarpang Dzongs are located.
  2. Shade a region where Inner Himalaya is found.
  3. Mark and name the rivers Amochhu and Punatsang Chhu.
  4. Mark with a Triangle and name Dochu La and Thrumseng La
  5. Shade and name Phibsoo wild life sanctuary and Manas wild life sanctuary.

DIRECTION :   In the given outline map of Europe, locate the following. [1x5]
1.     Mark  with * and locate NW  for Norway and FR  for France .
2.     Shade and name the Baltic Sea and Black Sea.
3.     Mark               and name river Volga and Elbe.
4.     Mark               and name  mts. Kjolen and Ural
5.     Shade a region  where  Mediterranean  forest  is  found.


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