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Annual Exam History (2012) class VII

History                                                                                                                    Writing Time- 2 Hours
Class VII                                                                                                                 Total Marks – 100

                                          READ THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY
1.     Do not write for the first FIFTEEN minutes. This time is to be spent reading over the questions. After having read over the questions, you will be given two hours in which to answer all questions.
2.     In this paper there are two sections, A and B. You must answer all questions in each section.
3.     Read the directions to each section carefully and write your answers in the space provided in the question booklet itself.
4.     Be sure to write your name, section and roll No. in the place provided.
SECTION A (25 Questions – 50 Marks)
Answer ALL questions
Direction: Each question in this section is followed by four possible responses. Choose the correct response and write your answer in the space provided in the question booklet.
1.     ‘PemaThangyig’ is the biography of:
·       PemaLingpa                          *  Guru Rinpochhe
·       Zhabdrung                             * Je Khenpo

2.     Which of the following statements is incorrect aboutPemaLingpa’s childhood?
·       He could build temples and stupas.
·       He could write scripts on leaves.
·       He learnt the art of blacksmithing.
·       He received good training in religion.
3.     The religious sects which the Zhabdrung spread in Bhutan was:
·       Drukpa Kagyu                   * Nenyingmapa
·       Kathogpa                           * Chagzampa

4.     ZhabdrungRinpochhe ruled the country for:

·       35 years
·       51 years
·       10 years
·       25 years

5.     The three important persons responsible for assisting the Zhabdrung were:
·       ZhungDronyer, ZhungKalyon and Gongzim
·       Desi, poenlops and dzongpoens
·       Je khenpo, Desi and poenlops
·       Desi, ZhungDronyer and Gongzim.
6.     Who was the first Desi?

·       Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay
·       ChhoegyalMinjurTenpa
·       La Nyoenpa Tenzin Drugdra
·       Umze Tenzin Drugyel

7.     Which of the following dzongs was not constructed by Zhabdrung?

·       PunakhaDzong
·       ParoDzong
·       JakarDzong
·       WanduephodrangDzong

8.     Which is the oldest dzong built by the Zhabdrung?

·       ParoDzong
·       DagaDzong
·       SemtokhaDzong
·       JakarDzong

  (The statement below is to be used with Question 8)
      This is the dance of the Lords of the Cremation Grounds and is performed by four dancers. They all wear white costumes and white skull masks.
9.     Identify the dance described above.

·       RakshaMarchham
·       DurdagChham
·       Paccam
·       ZhanaChham

10.  In 1690, the British East India Company moved its headquarters to:

·       Cooch Behar
·       Darjeeling
·       Calcutta
·       Chichocotta

11.  What was the purpose of George Bogle’s Mission to Bhutan?
·       To establish trade links with Butan.
·       To capture Bhutan
·       To congratulate the 18thDesi on his ascent to the throne.
·       To examine the Bhutanese claim over AmbariFalakata
12.  The failure of Pemberton’s  Mission led him to suggest that the real power of Bhutan was in the hands of the:
·       Trongsa and DagaPoenlops      * Trongsa and ParoPoenlops
·       Paro and JakarPoenlops             * Punakha and ThimphuDzongpoens.
13.  Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the ancient Roman Empire?
·       The Roman Empire was divided into two parts.
·       Constantinople was the capital of Eastern Empire.
·       The western Empire was known as the Byzantine Empire.
·       Constantine was a great Emperor of the Roman Empire.
14.  All the following statements about Charlemagne are true EXCEPT:
·       He established law and order in his vast empire.
·       He encouraged trade and agriculture.
·       He made Christianity the state religion of his Empire.
·       He ruled the Empire for forty years.
15.  Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about medieval towns?
·       The medieval towns were small and crowded.
·       The medieval towns were built closely together.
·       The towns had good drainage system.
·       The streets were narrow.

16.  The medieval fairs were very interesting places because:
·       They were busy and noisy.
·       They were organized by feudal lords.
·       They provided wonderful opportunities for entertainment.
·       There were costly articles in the fairs,
17.  There was no spirit of nationalism under the feudal system because:
·       The people were loyal to the feudal lords and not to the king.
·       The kings treated the people badly.
·       The people were uneducated.
·       The people were loyal to the kings.
18.  The first nation state of Europe was:

·       France
·       England
·       Spain
·       Germany

19.  The system of trial by jury was introduced in England by:

·       King John
·       Edward I
·       Henry II
·       Richard I

20.  England and France are separated  from each other by the:

·       English Channel
·       Iberian Peninsula
·       Mediterranean Sea
·       Pacific Ocea

21.   The ‘Hundred Years’ War’ was fought between:

·       England and Spain
·       France and Spain
·       England and France
·       France and Portugal

22. Which of the following is mismatched?
* The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer
* Divine Comedy – Shakespeare
* Decameron –                   Boccaccio
* Utopia – Thomas More
23. Who invented telescope?

* Galileo
* Copernicus
* Kepler
* Harvey

24. Which of the following is NOT a constitutional body?
* The Royal Audit Authority
* The Royal Civil Service Commission
* The Election Commission
* Judiciary
25. Who is the head of the LhengyeZhungshog?

 * DrukGyalpo
* Prime Minister
* Chief Justice
* Speaker

SECTION B- 50 Marks
Answer all the questions.
Part 1- Bhutan History
1.     What were the achievements of PemaLingpa?  (3)
2.     Describe any two achievements of ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal? (2)
3.     ZhabdrungRinpochhe is worshipped throughout Bhutan. Explain the reason.                                     (2)
4.     Who introduced the term ‘Desi’ to our country? What does it mean? (1+2)
5.     Why were the dzongs mostly built on mountain spurs overlooking the whole valley?(2)
6.     ‘Ever since it was built, the PunakhaDzong has played an important role in the country’s history.’ Justify the statement.            (2)
7.     Describe the im[portance of mask dances.     (3)
8.     Why did Guru Rinpochhe perform the GingSholingChham? (2)
9.     What was the outcome of George Bogle’s Mission to Bhutan? (2)
10.  What was the importance of the Duars to the Bhutanese? (2)
11.  Analyze the causes of the failure of Pemberton’s Mission? (3)
Part- 2 World History
12.  What were the two divisions of the ancient Roman Empire? (2)
13.  What was the condition of Europe after Charlemagne’s death? (2)
14.  What do you understand by the term ‘Guild’? (2)
15.  Why was the life in the medieval towns very uncomfortable? Give two reasons. (2)
16.  Explain the meaning of the term ‘Nation’. (2)
17.  Explain any two factors that contributed to the rise of the power of the French kings in the thirteenth century.                                 (2)
18.  Who were the Moors?                               (2)
19.  Who invented the printing press? How did it help in spreading knowledge in European countries?                                        (1+3)

Part- 3 Civics
20.  Define ‘government’.  (2)
21.  What are the two forms of governments under indirect democracy?   (2)
22.  What kind of democratic government do we have in our country? (2)

Model Answer

SECTION B – 50 MARKS Answer ALL questions
Part 1- Bhutan History
1.      What were the achievements of PemaLingpa?     (3)
Ans. 1.He discovered many treasures.
2.      Composed many religious texts and rituals.
3.      Gave initiations and teachings to the people.
4.      Composed many sacred dances.
5.      Established monasteries.
6.      Spread the teachings of Lord Buddha.

2.      Describe any two achievements of ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal.  (2)
Ans. 1. Religious unification
         2. Making a nation state.
         3. Introduction of chhoesi system of administration.
         4. Codification of laws.
         5. Construction of dzongs.
         6. Creation of a unique national identity.
3.      ZhabdrungRinpochhe is worshipped throughout Bhutan. Explain the reason.                                                                        (2)
Ans.He was a great religious leader. He unified the country under Drukpa Kagyu. He created customs, traditions, dress, ceremonies and rituals.
4. Who introduced the term ‘Desi’ to our country? What does it mean?                                                          (1+2)
Ans. ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal.
Desi was a title given to the person who looked after the political matters in the country.

5.      Why were the dzongsmostly built on mountain spurs overlooking the whole valley?                                            (2)
Ans. Dzongs were mainly constructed to serve as an effective defence against any attack or invasion.
6.      ‘Ever since it was built, the PunakhaDzong has played an important role in the country’s history’. Justify the statement (2)
Ans. * Winter capital of Bhutan till 1955.
·        The Machey of Zhabdrung is kept in the Dzong.
·        King UgyenWangchuck was crowned in the dzong.
·        National Assembly was held in the dzong.
7.      Describe the importance of mask dances.               (3)
Ans. * Mask dances form a part of the cultural tradition.
·        They convey religious messages.
·        Performed during Tshechus.
8.      Why did Guru Rinpochhe perform the GingTsholingChham? (2)
Ans.Tosubdue the demons who were preventing the construction of Samye Monastery in Tibet.
9.      What was the outcome of George Bogle’s Mission to Bhutan? (3)
Ans. Established trade relations between Bhutan and British India.
10.   What was the importance of the Duars to the Bhutanese?    (2)
Ans. The Duars were fertile. Bhutanese used these areas for the production of their food and for trade.
11.   Analyse the causes of  the failure of Pemberton’s Mission? (2)

Ans. * The Bhutanese refused to acknowledge the arrears in the compensation.
·        The TrongsaPoenlop objected the treaty.
·        The Desi was powerless to act against the TrongsaPoenlop.

Part 2 – World History
12.   What were the two divisions of the ancient Roman Empire? (2)
Ans.TheEastern Empire and the Western Empire.

13.   What was the condition of Europe after Charlemagne’ death?(2)
Ans.There was lawlessness and disorder throughout Europe.
The life and property of the people were not safe.
14.   What do you understand by the term ‘Guild’?            (2)
Ans. Guild is an association of the people who do the same job.
15.   Why was the life in the medieval towns very uncomfortable? Give two reasons.  (any Two)                                     (2)

Ans. They were small and crowded.
·        The houses were built closely together.
·        The streets were narrow.
·        There was no provision for disposal of garbage.
·        The drainage system was not good.
·        Diseases broke out.
16.   Explain the meaning of the term ‘NATION’?                                (2)
Ans. Decline of feudalism.
·        Freeing of serfs.
·        Strong desire for peace and order.
·        The rise of vernacular of national languages and literature.
17.   Explain any two factors that contributed to the rise of the power of the French kings in the thirteenth century.           (2
Ans.  Decline of feudalism.
·        The rise of the middle class.
·        Strong desire of the French people to live together under one govt.
·        Crusades (Holy Wars)

18.   Who were the Moors?                                              (2)
Ans. The Moors were an Arabian Muslim tribe.
19.   Who invented the printing press? How did it help in spreading knowledge in European countries?              (1+3)
John Guttenberg.
Printing made books cheaper and easily available.
It helped in spreading knowledge of old Greek and Roman literature.

Part 3 – Civics
20.   Define ‘Government’.   (2)
Ans. Govt. is a group of people who looks after and manages the work of the state/ country.
21.   What are the two forms of government under indirect democracy?(2)
Ans. Presidential form of govt. and parliamentary form of govt.
22.   What kind of democratic government do we have in our country? (2)
Ans. Parliamentary form of govt.



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