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Annual Exam English II (2013) class VII

Cl. VII                                                                                                          Full Mark: 100
English Paper II                    Reading & Literature                                     Writing Time: 2 hrs   

Read the following Directions carefully:
* In this paper there are three sections A, B& C. Each section has two sets of questions. Set I and II. Set I comprises of question No Ia and Ib. Set II corresponds to question No.2 across all sections. You must attempt one set of questions from each section.
*You must attempt three sets of questions in all. Your choice must include one set II (Q No.2) from any of the three sections. Read the directions to each question carefully.
* Write all answers in the answer sheet provided separately. Do not forget to copy the section, set and question numbers correctly.
Section A: short story (35 Marks)
Direction: From the two sets of questions under this genre, choose ONE SET and write your responses on the answer sheet. The questions are based on the story “The Dauntless Girl

SET I                               (35 Marks)
Question 1 a: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answer and write in your answer sheet.                                                                (1 x15 Marks)
I.                 The author of this story is
a.      Tshering Gyeltshen                b. Naomi Waken    c. Ruskin Bond   d. Kevin Crossley-Holland
II.               Who is the main character in the story?
a.      The Sexton                  b. A farmer                 c. Mary           d. A blacksmith
III.             The main character of the story is:
a.      A brave girl                b. a greedy man          c. an irresponsible father     d. a cruel squire
IV.            What did Mary bring from the inn?
a.      a skull bone    b. a thighbone             c. a bottle of whisky   d. a bag of gold
V.              Who was Mary?
a.      Miller’s daughter   b. farmer’s daughter   c. farmer’s servant          d. farmer’s niece
VI.            The miller and the blacksmith were delighted because:
a.      Mary was not afraid of anything        b Mary brought another bottle of whisky          
 c. Mary was young and beautiful      d. Mary promised to do anything they asked
VII.          Who commented that Mary was ‘bold as brass’?
a.      The farmer           b. the blacksmith         c. the miller          d  the sexton

VIII. The greediest character in the story is:
a.      The farmer    b. the blacksmith   c. the sexton      d. the miller
IX. Bold as brass is an example of:
a.      simile              b hyperbole    c. metaphor           d. personification
X. The old sexton’s “eyes popped out of his head”. The underlined phrase means:
a. became blind    b. he was shocked   c. he was excited            d. eye balls came out of  sockets
XI. The low moaning sounds that came out of the unoccupied house at night….The appropriate phrase to complete this sentence would be:
a.      made him shine like a lantern      b. scared him out of his wits       c. made him bold as brass                      d. made his eyes pop out.      
XII. This story is an example of:
a.      fantasy            b. folktale       c. contemporary realistic fiction        d. novel
XIII. Some events of the story are:
A.    sexton dies
B.    The squire marries Mary
C.    Mary goes to work for the squire
D.    Mary goes to the inn  to fetch wine
E.     Mary shuts the church door behind her
The correct order of the events is:
a.      A,B,C,D,E       b. D,E,A,C,B         c. E,D,C,B,A       d. A,C,B,D,A         
XIV. Mary was angry in the dead house because:
a.       she was alone                     b.  she saw the sexton hiding there
c.   she heard a voice           d. she did not see any skull bone
XV. The death of the sexton teaches us the moral that:
a.     We should be brave                                            b. greed leads to harm                                                                                 c. don’t travel alone at night                              d. don’t listen to others
Question I b – 20 Marks
Direction: Answer the following questions in complete sentences of your own.
I.                 Why Mary is considered a dauntless girl?                                                                       (2)
II.               What is the setting of the story?                                                                                       (3)
III.             How did the sexton die? Who is responsible for his death?                                            (5)
IV.            What was the problem/conflict of the story? Is it solved at the end? How was it solved?    (5)
V.              Do you consider Mary to be a hero? Explain your thinking in detail.                               (5)

SET II – 35 Marks
Q2. Answer the following questions briefly in your own words (5x7)
I.                 What are the reasons for calling Mary a dauntless girl? Was she also a clever girl? Explain.
II.               Draw a handy story map for ‘The Dauntless Girl’ showing the elements of the story.
III.             Compare Mary and other characters in the story. Who do you like best? Give reasons for your answer.
IV.            Compose an imaginary interview that a journalist (newspaper reporter) has with Mary about her early life. Each should speak five times.
V.              Mary is a clever girl who used the opportunities that she got to rise in her life from the position of a drunkard farmer’s daughter to the wife of the squire. Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer in detail.
Direction- Read the essay given below carefully. From the two sets of questions on this text, choose one set and write your responses on the answer sheet.

In Puerto Rico many years ago near Condalo Lagoon there lived a poor fisherman. He lived alone in a hut. His only companion was his dog.
The fisherman and his dog were devoted to each other. They might be seen strolling on the white sandy beach. Or they might be seen coming through the tangle of vines along the road that led to San Juan .However; there was one place where nobody saw them together. That was in the fisherman’s boat. The man never took the dog along with him.
But the dog was always beside his master as the fisherman made his little boat ready to sail. When the man pulled out to sea each morning, the dog would hamper up on the high ridge that separated the Condalo Lagoon from the open sea. There he would sit and watch all day. The dog never moved until late afternoon when he saw the little boat return. Then he would race back to the shore to greet his master. And together the man and the dog would set off for San Juan to sell the fresh-caught fish.
As the years went by, the fisherman grew older. So did the faithful dog. The fisherman still went out to sea. The dog still watched for his return, sitting on the high ridge above the lagoon.
One morning early in September, the fisherman was getting his little boat ready. All at once the dog began to bark and howl. He circled around the fisherman and tugged at his trousers. The fisherman could not remember when he had seen his dog act so strangely. He patted the dog’s back, thinking the dog wanted to play. But nothing made any difference. The dog kept barking. The fisherman laughed and continued getting ready. Finally he gave the dog another pat. Then he climbed into the boat and sailed away. The dog went to his watching place, still barking and howling.
There were other fishing boats out that morning. The sky was blue and the breeze soft and fresh. Suddenly the soft breeze changed. It began to blow wildly. The fisherman’s boat was seized by the wind and whirled around. The day darkened. Rain began to fall.
“It’s a hurricane!” said the fisherman”. A hurricane blowing onshore!”
The man thought of his dog at once. Had the dog left the ridge and run home? Or was he still sitting there? The fisherman tried to steer his boat and turn it toward the shore. Suddenly a great wave swept over his head and tossed the boat away.
When dawn came next morning, the hurricane was over. The families of other fishermen ran to the shore and watched for the return of their boats. They waited and waited but none returned.
Then the people went slowly back to their homes to endure their grief and start a new life. As they rebuilt their village, no one gave a thought to the fisherman’s dog.
Several months later a group of villagers was out gathering sea shells. They noticed what appeared to be the figure of a dog sitting high on the ridge above the lagoon.
“Look!” said one.”Isn’t that the old fisherman’s dog?” “How could it be, after all this time?”said another.
To prove his point, the first man climbed the ragged stony ridge to get hold of the dog. But when he reached the spot, he found only a rock- a rock shaped like a dog.  The man came down quickly. But as soon as the people looked up again, they saw the stone dog. His head was held high. His body alert, as if ready to spring into the sea. He just sat there on top of the ridge, waiting ,waiting…
And there he sits today for anyone to see.
Question 1a- Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answers and write them on your answer sheet.                                                                                              (15)
I.                 This is an example of:
a.      Narrative writing  b. descriptive writing c. persuasive writing  d. argumentative writing
II.               Where does the story take place?
a.      In Portugal                  b. In Puerto Rico         c. In Poland                 d. In an unknown land
III.             The only place where nobody saw the dog and fisherman together was:
a.      The white sandy beach                             b. on the road to San Juan                                       c. in the fisherman’s boat                         d .in the fisherman’s hut
IV.            How often did the fisherman take the dog in his boat?
a.      always         b. once in a while      c. once in his lifetime             d. never

V. What did the dog do all day while the fisherman was at sea?
 a. went in search of crabs                    b. collected dead fish from the sea shore                                               c .sat on the high ridge and watched    d. set off to San Juan to sell the fresh fish
VI. What is the best adjective to describe the dog?
a.        helpful                       b. careful           c. faithful                          d. honest.
VII .What kind of story is this?
a.      Realistic fiction          b.  folktale           c. fable       d. novel
VIII.        Why do you think the dog acted strangely on that September morning?
a.      Because the fisherman was getting his boat ready   b. because the fisherman laughed                        c. because he could sense the coming hurricane       d. because he was hungry
IX.            When the hurricane came the fisherman first thought of his dog. This shows his:
a.      Love for the dog                                                    b. dependence on the dog                                               c. hope that the dog will come to help      d. hope that the dog will run back home
X.              What happened to all the fishermen who were at sea on that day?
a.      Drowned    b. eaten by sharks     c. returned home            d. reached another place
XI.            An antonym for the word  forget  used in this passage is:
a.      memorize     b. remember     c. give a thought     d. appeared
XII.          A synonym for the word devoted that we can find in the passage is :
a.      trusted       b. loyal          c. faithful           d. honest
XIII.        At the end of the story, the dog turns into a dog. Such supernatural things happen in ;
a.      poems         b. folktales      c. short stories           d. realistic fiction
XIV.       Which phrase in the story tells us that all the boats and fishermen were lost at sea?
a.      Tossed the boat   b. none returned     c. it’s  a hurricane        d. endure their grief
XV.         A suitable title for this story would be:
a.      A faithful fisherman     b. a man and his dog       c. a faithful dog          d. going to sea
Question b – 20 Marks
Direction- Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.
I.                 In which country did the story take place?                                                                 (2)
II.               How did the fisherman and the dog spend most of the day?                                      (3)
III.             What do you think was the reason for the dog’s strange behavior? Do you feel the story would have been different if the fisherman had taken the dog seriously?                 (5)
IV.            The man loved his dog very much. Prove it with evidences from the story              (5)
V.              What features of this story prove that this is a folktale                                              (5)
SET II- 35 MARKS     
Question: 2    Direction: Answer the following questions briefly in about 60 words each.  (5x7)
I.                 What was the usual routine of the dog and the fisherman?
II.               Explain why you consider this story to be a folktale.
III.             How did the dog show his loyalty to the fisherman?
IV.            Do think this is a true story? Give reasons to support your answer.
V.              What are the lessons that we learn from this story? Explain in detail. Write about five sentences.
Directions: Read the Poem given below by William Brightly Rands carefully. Then choose ONE SET of questions given below and answer in the answer sheet.

Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world,
With the wonderful water round you curled,
And the wonderful grass upon your breast,
World, you are wonderfully drest.

The wonderful air is over me,
And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree,
And talks to itself on the tops of the hills.
It walks on the water and whirls the mills.

You friendly earth, how far do you go,
With the wheat fields that nod and the rivers that flow,
With the cities and gardens and cliffs and isles,
And people upon you for thousands of miles?

Ah! You are so great and I am so small,
I tremble to think of you, world at all,
And yet when I said my prayers today-
A whisper inside me seemed to say,
“You are more than the earth, though you are such a dot,
You can love and think and the earth cannot.”

Q.I a Direction- Choose the most suitable answer and write in your answer sheet.  1x10)
I.                 The poem consists of
a.      three stanzas    b. five stanzas    c. four stanzas     d. one stanza
II.               The author of the poem is
a.      Robert Frost                      b. John Milton          c. William Shakespeare         d. William Brightly Rands
III.             The words ‘world’ and ‘curled’ in the first stanza are examples of
a.      Alliteration     b. assonance    c.onomatopea         d. rhyming words
IV.            What dress is there on the breast of the world?
a.      Water        b. grass            c. sky        d. trees
V.              Which of the following is not done by air?
a.      shakes the trees   b. talks to itself c. walks on the water  d. whirls the hills
VI.            Why does the poet feel that he is better than the earth?
a.      Because he can love and think                 b. because he can say prayers                     c.  because he is smaller than earth                d. because the earth is friendly
VII.          Which word in the poem mean”to shake with fear”?
a.      Wonderful           b. tremble       c. whisper         d. shake
VIII.        The speaker in the poem is:
a.      An old man        b. an adult       c. a child       d. an old woman
IX.            A suitable title for the poem would be:
a.     Child and  man                         b. Wonderful World                                              c. Wind and the Sea                 d. Boy and Trees

X.              This poem expresses all of the following EXCEPT:
a.      speakers appreciation of earth’s beauty
b.     speaker’s sense of wonder at the acts of air 
c.      speaker’s feeling of self worth
d.     speaker’s  anger towards earth                                                                                                                                              
Question I b-          20 Marks

   Directions: Answer these questions in your own words.

I.                 Give the name of the author of the poem.                                                                   (2)
II.               What are the clothes of earth made of?                                                                       (3)
III.             What are the four things that the wind does?                                                               (5)
IV.            Write down two pairs of rhyming words from the second stanza                                (5)      
V.              What was the realization that the speaker had during his prayer?                                (5)

SET II-       30 Marks

Question 2:
Direction: Read the following questions carefully and answer them in about 50 words each.                                                                                                                            (5x6)

I.                 Rewrite the second stanza of the poem in your sentences.
II.               Describe how the world is dressed.
III.             What are the things that the world does?
IV.            Suggest a title for the poem. Explain in detail why you suggest it.
V.              What are the messages the poet tries to convey to us through this poem?



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