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Annual Exam IT (2013) Class VII

Annual Examination Class – 7
Annual Examination – 2013
Class – 7
CODE – BHU – AE (Answer Key)
Duration: 2 ½ Hours Total Marks: 100
Part I
Fill in the Blanks (15 X 1 = 15)
1. Mouse Pointer
2. Icons
3. Minimize
4. Search Engines
5. Sound
6. File
7. Internet
8. Screen Saver
9. Action
10. Colour Themes
11. Protocol
12. Uniform Resource Locator
13. Home
14. AND
15. Favorites
Part II
Choose the Correct Answer (15 X 1 = 15)
1. a – F5
2. c – Recycle Bin
3. b – Hyper Text Mark Up Language
4. d – Title Only
5. d – Slide Sorter
6. c – System
7. b – Refresh
8. a – -
9. d – Ribbon
10. a – ASDF
11. a – Start
12. c – Title
13. b – Operating System
14. a – Sentence
15. b – Search
Part III
State True or False (15 X 1 = 15)
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. True
Annual Examination Class – 7
9. True
10. False
11. True
12. False
13. False
14. True
15. True
Part IV
Rearrange the Steps (3 X 5 = 15)
1. a, b, e, d, c
2. a, b, d, c
3. b, c, d, a, f, e
Part I
Answer the Following (10 X 2 = 20)
1. Question: Explain the OR and AND operators that are used to search for information using Internet Explorer.
Answer: The AND operator is used if all the keywords must appear in the results. Alternatively the + sign can be used. Common words such as in, of, and, is etc. can be included in the search by putting a + sign in front of it. Some search engines, such as Google, do not support the AND operator; instead, the + sign can be used.
The OR operator is used if any of the keywords in the search box can appear in the results. For example, you can type Gardening Tips + Shrubs OR Herbs in the Search box and click the Search button. A list of Web pages with information on Gardening either about Shrubs or Herbs will be displayed.
2. Question: Define the term ‘modem’.
Answer: Modem stands for modulator-demodulator. It helps your computer communicate with another computer by converting digital signals to analogue signals and vice versa.
3. Question: Write the steps to empty the Recycle Bin.
Answer: To empty the Recycle Bin,
1. Double click the Recycle Bin icon.
2. Click the Empty the Recycle Bin option on the left pane.
3. A warning dialog box is displayed asking for the confirmation.
4. Click Yes.
4. Question: What is the use of Notes Page View in PowerPoint?
Answer: The Notes Page View displays a smaller version of the slide and notes below the slide. In this view notes, pictures, tables and information about the slide can be added in the notes area. The notes page includes the slide and the notes.This view is used in cases where you want to take printouts of the notes along with the slides
To open the Notes Page View,
1. Click the View tab.
2. Click the Notes Page option.
5. Question: Write the steps to create a slide with a number and bulleted list.
Answer: To create a slide with a numbered list,
1. Select the text.
Annual Examination Class – 7
2. Select the Home tab.
3. Click the numbering option in the Paragraph group. A numbered list is created.
To create a slide with a bulleted list,
1. Select the text.
2. Select the Home tab.
3. Click the Bullets option in the Paragraph group.
A bulleted list is created.
6. Question: Explain the different ways to align text in a slide.
Answer: Text in a slide can be aligned to left, right and centre or it can be justified. By default, text in the Title area will be centre-aligned while text in the Text area will be left-aligned.
 To align your text to the left, click on the Align Text Left button.
 To align your text to the middle, click on the Centre button.
 To align your text to the right, click on the Align Text Right button.
 To align your text as justified, click on the Justify button.
7. Question: What is the use of the Control Panel and how will you access it?
Answer: Control Panel contains a set of specialised tools, which help you change the settings and behaviour of the Windows OS. The tools are also used to know details about the computer, such as computer name, memory capacity, hard disk space etc.
To access the Control Panel,
1. Click the Start button.
2. Click the Control Panel option on the menu.
8. Question: What is Internet?
Answer: The Internet is a network of networks used for accessing information. The networks comprise countless computers all over the world
9. Question: Define Web site and Web page.
Answer: A Web page refers to a document on the Web. It may include text, images, sound and video. A Web site is a collection of Web pages.
10. Question: What is a Computer?
Answer: The computer is a machine. It is used for drawing and painting pictures, playing games, talking with friends and a lot of other useful things. It is very fast, always correct and never gets tired or bored.
Part II
Answer the Following (2 X 5 = 10)
1. Question: Write a note on Internet Services.
Answer: The Internet provides the following services:
 E-mail – Sending letters on the Internet is known as e-mail. E-mail is very fast compared to postal services. You can send and receive messages instantly. Moreover, you also do not need to pay.
 Newsgroups – These special groups are formed to discuss on a wide range of topics online. Some newsgroups are commercial in nature, where you have to pay a certain sum of money to be a part of the group.
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – The FTP service is used to transfer files between computers.
 Search engines - Search engines are used to search for various types of information on the Internet. Some well-known search engines are Yahoo, AltaVista and Google.
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 Chat rooms – Chat rooms allow users to chat with other users who are also connected to the Internet at the same time. Chatting on the Internet is similar to having a telephone conversation. The difference is that here, the conversation is done through exchange of typed messages.
 Electronic commerce – Electronic commerce or e-commerce refers to buying and selling on the Internet. For example, you can buy a stuffed toy from a store in India without leaving your home.
2. Question: Write a note on Favorites feature of Internet.
Answer: Favorites store addresses of the most frequently visited sites. It eliminates the need to remember addresses of various sites and allows you to organize and link to frequently visited Web pages. Adding a Web Page to Favorites You can easily add any Web page to your list of favourite pages.
To add a Web page to Favorites:
1. Click the Add to Favorites option on the Favorites menu.
2. Type a name in the Name text box.
3. Select the Make available offline check box to be able to view the Web site offline.
4. Click the OK button.
Accessing a Web Page from Favorites
The user can quickly access frequently visited sites stored in Favorites. This saves time taken to search for a particular Web page repeatedly. To access a Web page from Favorites,
 Click the Favorites button on the Standard buttons toolbar.
 A list of stored Web pages appears on the left side of the screen.
 Click the name of the Web page you want to visit.
 The Web page will be displayed.
Part III
Answer the Following (1 X 10 = 10)
1. Question: Write a note on the various buttons on the browser toolbar.
Answer: Internet Explorer provides various buttons to enable the user to navigate the Web pages. The functions of the key buttons are given below:
Back Button
The Back button allows the user to return to the pages visited earlier.
To return to the previous page, click the Back button once and keep clicking the button to view the pages that were already visited.
Forward Button
The Forward button allows the user to move one page forward. To move one page forward, Click the Forward button once and keep clicking the pages to view the subsequent pages.
Home Button
The button with the picture of a house on it is the Home button. The Home button is used to move to the home page of a Web site.
Click the Home button once to return directly to the home page from the current Web page.
Annual Examination Class – 7
Stop Button
The button with a cross sign on it is the Stop button. This button is used to terminate the current operation performed by a browser.
Sometimes, the browser may be very slow and may take a long time to download a Web page. You can terminate this operation by clicking the Stop button once.
Refresh Button
The Refresh button allows you to update the contents of a Web page with the latest content.
When you click the Refresh button once, the Web page gets updated with the recent changes and the latest version is displayed.


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