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English I Cl-8 (Annual exam 2014)

CLASS: VIII                                                                                    WRITING TIME: 2 Hours
ENGLISH I                                                                                      TOTAL MARKS: 100
Read the following directions carefully:

1.      Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is meant for reading the questions.

2.      Answer to ALL questions must be written neatly in the answer sheets provided.

3.      There are TWO sections – Section A and B. Section-A has Two questions. Question I is for essay and Question II is for writing a letter. You must write one each from the given choices.
Section – B is compulsory. You must attempt ALL questions. This section contains summarization and grammar.
4.      Read the directions to each question carefully and write your answers. Remember to number your answer. Write down the section and question number.
5.      Do not forget to write your name, roll number, class and class section on the answer sheet, neatly. 
6.      If you complete writing your answer before the time, revisit it.

WRITING – 60 Marks
Question I (40 Marks)
Direction: Write a narrative essay of about 300 – 350 words on any ONE of the topics given below. Marks will be awarded for correct layout, appropriate language and content.

1.      Narrate a regretful incident in your life: the details of the incident and the reasons for regretting that the incident occurred.

2.      Imagine that the time is late at night. You are at home when the telephone rings. Create a story that includes this scene.

3.      One morning you look out of the window and discover a huge castle has appeared overnight. You rush outside to the castle and hear strange sounds coming from it. Someone is living in the castle! The castle door creaks open. You go in. Write a story about who you meet and what happens inside the castle.

4.      Imagine that as you are taking a shortcut through the woods, a tree topples surrounding you underneath. Explain how you freed yourself.

Question II (20 Marks).
Direction: You are Tashi, studying in class VIII in Gasa Middle Secondary School, Gasa. Write a letter on ONE of the following situations given below. Marks will be awarded for correct layout, appropriate language and content.

1.      You have been advised by the doctor to go for further treatment to the Referral Hospital in Thimphu. Write a letter the Principal of your school, seeking for leave. Mention the reasons and duration of your leave.

2.      You have broken your classroom window glass and the class teacher has asked you to repair it or pay for the damage caused. Write a letter to your father who lives at Babesa, Thimphu, explaining about the incident and requesting him to send you a sum of Nu. 1000 as soon as possible.

3.      You and your family went on a camping trip during the weekend.  Your friend Karma, who has never been camping, wants to know what it was like. Write a letter to him/her telling about your camping trip
4.      Your friend is studying in Jangchubling Lower Secondary School, Sarpang. Write a letter to your friend Reena congratulating him/her brilliant success in the annual examination.

LANGUAGE – 40 Marks

Question I (10 marks)
Direction: Study the graph below and write a short paragraph on what it conveys in not less than FIVE sentences.
-          Your summary should make good sense.
-          It should include the most important points.
-          It should have minimum five short sentences.
-          Unnecessary details should be left out.
-          There is no need to give the title to your summary.
Health facilities in Bhutan
4. Health Facilities








Indigenous hospitals


Population per doctor


Safe drinking water (%)


Health Coverage (%)


Question II (5 marks)
Direction: For each of the question there are FOUR alternative answers. Choose the most correct answer and write it.
1.      He finished his work patiently. What part of speech is the underlined word in the context of the given sentence?
i.                    verb.           ii. adjective             iii. adverb                 iv. preposition
  1. If I had seen you, I -------------------------------------------------------.
i.                    will have waited.                                 iii. would have waited.
ii.                  will have been waiting.                       iv. would have been waiting.
  1. Which of the following words has been spelt incorrectly?
i.                    constricting        ii. irrevocably          iii. rummaging      iv. accumulateing     
  1. You must work hard to pass your examination. In this example “to pass” is   
i.                    gerund            ii. participle              iii. infinitive            iv. phrase apposition 
  1. The synonym for the word ‘brute’ is
i.                    scoundrel              ii. cunning            iii.modest              iv. damage
Question III (5 marks)
Direction: There is an error in each of the following sentences. Identify the error in each of them and rewrite the sentences correctly.
  1. Radha said, I am going to the market.
  2. He have to reach home by this evening.
  3. This is the big aircraft I have ever seen.
  4. My sister hear the news yesterday itself.
  5. Neither Chimi nor her friends been responsible for the mistake.
Question IV (5 marks)
Direction: Rewrite the following sentences correctly by correcting the words in the brackets. You may have to use extra words.
  1. We need to be careful so that we (would) not hurt other people’s feelings.
  2. I signed up for the mathematics tuition (because) I could get better marks.
  3. It is difficult to trap the tiger as it is the (cunning) animal.
  4. I (walk) home when I met Wangmo.
  5. I have been living here (from) 2000.
Question V (5 marks)
Direction: Use the correct form of the words given in the table to fill the blanks and complete the passage. Do not copy the passage.

The first day of a new session is always exciting. Friends meet after a long winter vacation. There are many things to tell each other. Then there is the shuffling of the students and ---- 1 ----- them to different sections, something that is always dreaded by the students.
For the last week I have been looking forward to this day. What an anticlimax it turned out to be! We all wanted to be in the same section again. Prem even prayed hard for it. When Mr. Pasang, the class teacher of VIII D started reading his list during the assembly, I ---- 2 ----- all ears. My name was soon called out. I was in his class. What about karma, Ratney and Srijana? Their names were read out much --- 3 --- by another class teacher.
I was the odd one out, my bad luck! The English teacher was Mr.Gyeltshen Dorji. Dejected, I --- 4 --- with other students to the new class. I looked around. Thank God, the students seemed --- 5 ---. I spotted few dejected souls like me, all in the same boat, I presumed. Soon I forgot all my disappointment. The day wasn’t bad, after all.
Question VI (5 marks)
Direction: Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in the brackets.
  1. My mother said, ‘I have prepared dinner.’  (change into indirect speech)
  2. Do not insult the poor. (change into passive voice)
  3. I am going to school. I want to meet your teacher.(combine the two simple sentences into a single simple sentence by using an infinitive)
  4. She was somewhat annoyed with me. (change into negative sentence)
  5. As soon as I began my homework, the telephone rang. (use: No sooner ----- than)
Question VII (5 marks)
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the most correct articles. (a, an and the)

  1. Many -------- man was injured.
  2. This is -------- honorary post.
  3. I bought -------- house in Gelephu.     --------- house is in a rural area.
  4. She is ---------- actress.


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