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English II -Cl-7(Annual Exam, 2014)

Cl. VII                                                                                                          Full Mark: 100
English Paper II                    Reading & Literature                                     Writing Time: 2 hrs          

Read the following Directions carefully:
* In this paper there are three sections A, B& C. Each section has two sets of questions. Set I and II. Set I comprises of question No Ia and Ib. Set II corresponds to question No.2 across all sections. You must attempt one set of questions from each section.
*You must attempt three sets of questions in all. Your choice must include one set II (Q No.2) from any of the three sections.
* Read the directions to each question carefully.
* Write all answers in the answer sheet provided separately. Do not forget to copy the section, set and question numbers correctly.
Section A: short story (35 Marks)
Direction: From the two sets of questions under this genre, choose ONE SET and answer them. The questions are based on the story “Like Two Feet of a Traveler”

SET I                               (35 Marks)
Question 1 a: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answer and write in your answer sheet.                                                                (1 x15 Marks)
I.                   The author of this story is
a.       Tshering Gyeltshen    b. Naomi Waken    c. Ruskin Bond   d. Dorji Penjore
II.                Who is the main character in the story?
a.       Aum Wangmo             b. Sherab                     c. Ap Tawla     d. The Paw
III.             The story  takes place in a:
a.       Remote village                        b. outskirts of a town  c. city     d. deep forest
IV.             What did Ap Tawla light with the match?
a.       A butter lamp  b. a gas stove   c. a kerosene lamp       d. a bonefire
V.                Who was Sherab?
a.       Ap Tawla’s brother   b. The local Dungtsho   c. the local Paw           d. Ap Tawla’s son
VI.             Ap Tawla was filled with gratitude to a poor creature  because:
a.       It had disturbed his sleep                                            b it had saved Sherab’s life          
 c. woke him up in time to get medicine for Sherab   d. chased away  evil spirits
VII.          Ap Tawla had woken up many a times at night to attend to his sick child. Which sentence tells us about it?
a.       Ap Tawla woke up from his deep early morning slumber
b.      The pain of farm work, like an opium, drugged him to sleep
c.       Ap Tawla’s night was punctuated by mid-night activities
d.      Ap Tawla woke up drowsily and reluctantly
VIII. There is no time to stare or spare. The words stare and spare are examples of:

a.       rhyme    b. rhythm   c. hyperbole      d. simile
IX. What is the antonym of the word ‘compulsory’?
a.       mandatory       b voluntary    c. necessary         d. essential
X. Ap Tawla ‘who embodies modern values’ clashed with the traditional values of Aum Wangmo.  The Italicized phrase means:
a. opposes modern values                                  b. stands for modern values                                                  c. has heard of modern values                         d. doesn’t like modern values
XI. The process of modernization meandering across the country …. .The appropriate phrase to complete this sentence would be:
a.        alters the very topography of Kinjung               b .marks the passage of time in Kinjung               c .bypasses Kinjung                                       d. counts and recounts the endless drama of life.        XII. This story is an example of:
a.       fantasy            b. folktale        c. contemporary realistic fiction          d. novel
XIII. Some events of the story are:
A.    Sherab falls ill after being immunized.
B.     Ap Tawla gets modern treatment while Aum Wangmo gets traditional treatment.
C.     Sherab is cured but his parents continue to quarrel.
D.    Ap Tawla and Aum Wangmo quarrel over the kind of treatment.
The correct order of the events is:
a.       A, B, C, D       b. D, A, C, B        c. D, C, B, A       d. A,D,B,C,           
XIV. Most villagers supported Aum Wangmo in her opposition to the suggestion of calling a health worker. It shows that villagers …
a.       Are very eager to accept modernization                  b.  know what is best for themselves
c.   are to be left on their own             d. have more faith in the traditional than the modern

XV. The moral of the story is:
a.      Tradition is better than modernism        b. tradition and modern must exist side by side           c. villagers are better than towns people         d. modernism is better than tradition                                                                                        
Question I b – 20 Marks
Direction: Answer the following questions in complete sentences of your own.
I.                   Why did Ap Tawla Curse the rooster?                                                                              (2)
II.                What is the setting of the story?                                                                                        (3)
III.             Ap Tawla and Aum Wangmo stands for two opposing viewpoints. What are they?        (5)                   
IV.             Compare Ap Tawla and his wife. Who do you like better? Why? Explain in detail.       (5)
V.                What was the problem/conflict of the story? Is it solved at the end? How was it solved?    Are you happy with the solution?                                                                                (5)

SET II – 35 Marks
Q2. Answer the following questions briefly in about 60 words each.                                       (5x7)
I.                   Desribe Kinjung and the life of the people of Kinjung.
II.                Draw a handy story map for ‘Like Two Feet of a Traveller’ showing the elements of the story.
III.             Compare Ap Tawla and Aum Wangmo. Who do you like best? Give reasons for your answer.
IV.             Compose an imaginary interview that a journalist (newspaper reporter) has with Ap Tawla about Sherab’s illness and treatment. Each should speak five times.
V.                Identify some traditions and cultural practices that are disappearing from your community. Is it a good thing? Why do you think it is happening?   Explain in detail
Direction- Read the essay given below carefully. From the two sets of questions on this text, choose one set and write your responses on the answer sheet.

They closed in on him-two boys and one girl-silently, menacingly slow, with their hands deep inside the pockets of their jeans.
The girl spoke first.”It was him.”She pointed an accusing finger at the boy.”He kicked me purposely, I am sure. He made me spill my lunch all over the place, and ran away leaving me to face the music.”
The boy stared at her, his face a mask of fear and concentration. He hadn’t learned much English in the six months of his stay in London, despite the special language classes for foreign students in the afternoons.
His fists clenched and unclenched nervously as he desperately searched for words. But all that came to him was a confused jumble of Iranian words.
He backed away. His eyes darted around the empty schoolyard-nobody was in sight, not even the house keeper.
“Look here, you bully!”The leader’s words hit him like a lash. “Teasing the girls, eh? Come on, apologize”.
The boy drew back.
“Proud? Eh?” The other boy sneered.”Too proud to apologize? Proud of what, you potato?”
He kicked the gravel, sending a hail of sharp pebbles flying at the boy.
The boy stared at the children, bewildered. “No,” he murmured, “no.”
“Apologize,” insisted the leader, jabbing his finger under the boy’s chin.”Come on, apologize.”
The boy’s lips quivered. Shielding his face with his hands he retreated further.
“Apologize!” the girl echoed with a cruel smirk.”Apologize! Or is it against your pride?”
The boy didn’t answer.”Speak up!” The leader struck the boy sharply on the shoulder.
The boy didn’t move. The next blow landed on his nose. It stung like a thousand needles. For a moment he thought he would cry. But he didn’t. He wiped his face with the back of his sleeve. Anger burnt in him, hot and explosive. That frightened him.
“Come on,” one of them said. “He is asking for it. They fell on him, pell-mell, punching him with knotted fists. Blows rained down on him – left – right – left…
“Hold it! Stop it!” a voice cracked like a whip. Strong hands grabbed the children by their collars and pulled them away. They stood there, shifting uncomfortably, avoiding the eyes of the tall boy in the blue and yellow sweat- shirt.
“What’s going on here?”thundered Jan van de Meer, the captain of the school’s football team. “Why have you picked on him? All of you? This is not the way to settle an argument.”
He looked sharply at the leader. “Why were you thrashing him?”
“He …,”stuttered the hefty boy. He… doesn’t want to apologize.”
“You see,’ cried the girl, “he hit me hard. The least he can do is apologize. But he will not.”
The tall lad turned to the Iranian boy, looking at him with dark, serious eyes.
“Come on, boy,” he said kindly.”Reach out a hand and apologize.”
The boy didn’t move. He stood there thin and tense, his brows knitted. His lips quivered.
“Come on,” urged Jan van de Meer.”Be a sport. Apologize to these wild cats.”
The dark eyes of the Iranian boy filled with misery. He swallowed hard.”Come on, boy, why don’t you?”
A dry sob broke from the boy’s lips.”No. No.”
“Why not? For God’s sake, Why not?”
“Because,” the boy’s voice rose.”Because I not know ‘apologize’. I no understand ‘apologize’. I speak little English-very little English. Please forgive!”
Question 1a- Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answers and write them on your answer sheet.                                                                                              (15)
I.                   This is an example of:
a.       Narrative writing   b. descriptive writing  c. persuasive writing   d. argumentative writing
II.                Where does the story take place?
a.       Holland                       b. Iran  c. England                   d. In an unknown land
III.             All the characters in this incident are:
a.       tourists                              b. factory workers               c. students                       d .foreigners
IV.             The two boys and the girl advanced menacingly because they were
a.       Angry with the boy    b. happy with the boy    c. threatened by the boy    d. asked by others
V The boy looked at them with fear and concentration because he
 a. had not done his work                    b. did not want to e friends with them                                               c .was unable to understand why they were threatening him    d. wanted to fight with them
VI. What is the nationality of the boy?
a.       Dutch                       b. English         c. Iranian                         d. Indian
VII .What kind of story is this?
a.       Realistic fiction          b.  folktale           c. fable       d. novel
VIII.       The boy had stayed in London for
a.       One year   b. six months                        c. six years    d. all his life
IX.             What was the boy accused of?
a.       Teasing the girl                   b. stealing the girl’s purse
b.      bullying other boys      d. not learning English
X.                Why was it that the boy did not apologize?

a.       He was too proud    b. he did not want to apologize to  a girl
c.       he did not understand them            d. he was innocent
XI.             Who do you think is the bad character in the story?
a.        Jan van de Meer    b. the Iranian boy     c. the girl     d. the hefty boy
XII.          A synonym for the word threateningly that we can find in the passage is :
a.       sneered       b. menacingly         c. jabbing        d. clenched
XIII.       The idiom ‘to face the music’ in the second paragraph means ;
a.       To sing a song                                       b. to listen to a song                                                                                        c. to deal with the consequence           d. to dance  along with music
XIV.       Who is the main character of the story?
a.       The girl   b.  captain of the football team   c. the  Iranian boy    d. Jan van de Meer     
XV.          A suitable title for this story would be:
a.       The football captain                    b. the language problem                                                           c. being a foreigner                     d. learning to apologize
Question1 b – 20 Marks
Direction- Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.
I.                   In which country did the story take place?                                                                 (2)
II.                What was the girl’s complaint against the boy?                                                          (3)
III.             What did the two boys think when the Iranian boy did not apologize? How did they react? Do you support their behavior? Why?                                                                         (5)
IV.             The boys were not very strong or brave themselves. Prove it.                                     (5)
V.                What are the messages that we get from this story?                                                     (5)
SET II- 35 MARKS     
Question: 2    Direction: Answer the following questions briefly in about 60 words each.  (5x7)
I.                   Why did the two boys attack the Iranian boy?  Was it a fair fight? Why?
II.                Explain why you consider the girl and her friends guilty of bullying.
III.             How did the football captain try to settle the problem? Do you think he was fair to the Iranian boy? Explain.
IV.             Do think this story can happen in your school? If you see a similar incident in your school how will you react?
V.                Imagine you are the school captain who stopped the bullies from further beating the Iranian boy. Write a short letter to the principal of your school about the day’s incident. Write about five sentences.
Directions: Read the Poem given below by Alfred Tennyson carefully. Then choose ONE SET of questions given below and answer in the answer sheet.

Home They Brought her Warrior Dead
Home they brought her warrior dead;
She nor swooned, nor uttered a cry:
All her maidens, watching said,
“She must weep or she will die.”

Then they praised him, soft and low,
Call’d him worthy to be loved,
Truest friend and noblest foe;
Yet she neither spoke nor moved.

Stole a maiden from her place,
Lightly to the warrior stept,
Took the face cloth from the face;
Yet she neither moved nor wept.

Rose a nurse of ninety years,
Set his child upon her knee-
Like summer tempest came her tears-
“Sweet, my child I live for thee.”

Q.I a Direction- Choose the most suitable answer and write in your answer sheet.  1x10)
I.                   The poem consists of
a.       three stanzas    b. five stanzas    c. four stanzas     d. one stanza
II.                The author of the poem is
a.       Robert Frost                      b. John Milton          c. William Shakespeare         d. Alfred Tennyson
III.             The words ‘dead’ and ‘said’ in the first stanza are examples of
a.       Alliteration     b. assonance    c. onomatopoeia         d. rhyming words
IV.             What happened to the warrior?
a.       died     b. was taken prisoner         c. cried         d. swooned
V.                Which word in the poem means ‘soldier’?
a.       Maiden    b. nurse c. warrior  d. tempest
VI.             Why did they want her to cry?
a.       Otherwise she would be angry                 b. otherwise she would die                     c.  because they wanted her to suffer       d. because they were jealous of her

VII.          Which narrative voice does the poem use?
a.       First person narrator                                           b. second person narrator                                              c. third person narrator                                       d. fourth person narrator
VIII.       “Like summer tempest came her tears. ‘The figurative language used here is
a.       simile        b. hyperbole       c. metaphor       d. personification
IX.             Another title for this poem would be:
a.      Child and  mother                            b. man and woman                                   c. Warrior’s death                            d. Woman’s Grief

X.                This poem tells us that
a.       Women will die if they don’t cry
b.      A mother lives for her child
c.       Women cry only when they see a child
d.      Some women are very cruel
Question I b-          20 Marks

   Directions: Answer these questions in your own words.

I.                   Give the name of the author of the poem.                                                                   (2)
II.                What was wrong with the wife of the warrior?                                                           (3)
III.             What are the two things the maidens did to make her cry and release her sorrow?   (5)                                                         
IV.             Identify a simile used in the poem and tell why you consider it as a simile.              (5)      
V.                What is the message that the author tries to convey through this poem?                    (5)                                

SET II-       30 Marks

Question 2:
Direction: Read the following questions carefully and answer them in about 50 words each.                                                                                                                            (5x6)

I.                   Rewrite the first two stanzas of the poem in your sentences.
II.                Describe how the maidens tried to make the woman cry and release her sorrow.
III.             What features of poems can you identify in this piece of writing?
IV.             Suggest another title for this poem. Explain in detail why you suggest it.
V.                Imagine you are one of the maidens who were present during this incident. Retell the incident mentioned in the poem as a story.



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