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History Cl-8 (Annual Exam 2014)

Annual Examination: 2014
CLASS: VIII A, B, C, And D                                                         WRITING TIME:   2 Hours
HISTORY & CIVICS                                                                    TOTAL MARKS:   100

Read the following directions carefully:
  1. Do not write for the first fifteen minutes.
This time is to be spent reading over the questions.
  1. Be sure to write your name, roll number, class and section on the answer sheet provided to you. 
  2. Remember to number your answer. Write down the question number and sections properly.
  3. In this paper, there are two sections-A and B.  Section ‘A’ has multiple choice questions and Section ‘B’ has questions on Bhutan History, world History and Civics, All the questions are compulsory in both A and B.
  4. If you complete writing your answer ahead of time, revisit all the answers once.  
           SECTION: A
30 Questions – 30 Marks
Direction: Write down the most suitable answer from the options given. Answer should be written on the answer sheet provided to you.
1.      Druk Gyelpo Ugyen Wangchuck was born in the year:
*1861                        *1862                            *1863                               *1864
2.      The battle of Changlimithang ended in the year:
*1875                        *1885                           *1895                               *1906
3.      Increasing Chinese influence in Tibet led Ugyen Wangchuck to
*build fortress at the borders.                                      *make military alliance with British.            *help Tibet secretly to fight with Chinese.                  *sign the Treaty of Punakha.
4.      Which of the following development did not take place during the reign of   Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck?                                                                                                                      
*one school was set up in Haa.
*Some students were sent to study in Kalimpong.
*26 students were getting modern education by 1914
*small school was set up in Bumthang for the Crown Prince.

5.      All of the following prepared Jigme Wangchuk for his future role as king EXCEPT
*he was brought up under strict discipline.
*he was sent to London to continue his studies.
*he was given a good training in administration.
            *he received a good education in Buddhist literature.      
6.      Druk  Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuck was appointed as Trongsa  Dronyer in 1922 at the age of
            *17                  *18                   *19                     *20
7.      “Druk GyalpoJigme Wangchuck ruled the country when some very important historical events were taking place in the world.”
Q: Which historical events mentioned above marked the total collapse of the world’s powerful economy?
*Communist Revolution                                  *Japanese Invasion
*Tibetan Invasion                                            *Second World War
8.   Druk Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuk reduced the government officials mainly to
      *centralize the administration.                                     *reduce the tax burden on people.
      *make the administration efficient.                             *reduce the power of regional leaders

9. Which of the following statement is NOT true about the Druk Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuck?
    *a dispute between the monastery of Tawang and Bhutan was peacefully settled.
    *indo Bhutanese treaty was signed between the two countries.
    *number of government officials was reduced
    *Bhutan’s door was opened to the outside world.

10.   King Jigme Dorji Wangchuk is well known as the Father of Modern Bhutan because:
*he abolished the slave practices in Bhutan
*it was at his time that the country joined the UN
*he gave up the age-old policy of isolation and opened Bhutan’s door to outside world
*he distributed lands to the landless people.

11.  Gyalyong Tshogdu and Lodoe Tshogde were established in:
*1963 and 1953 respectively         *1953 and 1963 respectively
*1962 and 1952 respectively          *960 and 1964 respectively
12.  The most important foreign official that visited Bhutan in the capacity of a  position holder in 1958 was:
*Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru                                        *Smt. Indra Gandhi
*President Zail Singh of India                           *Dr. B.R Ambedkar
13.  The then crown prince Jigme Singye Wangchuk was officially crowned as the fourth king on:
*2nd June 1971                               *2nd June 1972
*2nd June 1973                               *2nd June 1974

14.  His majesty jigme Singye Wangchuck strongly believed upon the need for the government and the people to work hand-in –hand towards achieving the national objectives. As a result, the king came up with the goal of:
*five year plan                                          *end of isolation
*national identity                                      *people’participation.

15.  “One of the most far reaching decisions taken by Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuk was to decentralize the system of government.”

Q: The above objective was fulfilled by
     *reducing taxes on people.                                  *establishing DYT and GYT.
     *establishing more schools and hospitals.          *improving transport and communication.

World History
16.  Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?
*Karl Marx                     -------Socialism and Communism
*Benito Mussolini       --------Fascism
*Adolf Hitler                --------Nazism
*Joseph Stalin             --------Imperialism
17.  Which of the following is TRUE about the condition of Italy after the First World War?
*It’s economy was in a strong economic position.
*the socialists brought peace and order in the country.
*group of middle class people armed themselves to oppose the Communists and the Socialists.
*Italians were satisfied with the Treaty of Versailles.

18.  Beginning with the earliest, what is the correct order of events in Adolf Hitler’s life?
I.                   Formed a Political Party
II.                Won the election and became the Chancellor.
III.             When the First World War broke out, he joined the German Army.
IV.             He was arrested and put in prison.
19.  Which of the following personality is blamed by many historians for the outbreak of the Second World War?
*President Woodrow Wilson of USA
*Joseph Stalin of Russia
*Adolf Hitler of Germany
*Benito Mussolini of Italy
20.  The country that conquered Manchuria- a province of China in 1931 is
21.  Which of the following was the immediate cause of the Second World War?
*invasion of Manchuria by Japan
*invasion of Abyssinia by Italy
*invasion of Poland by Russia
*invasion of Poland by Hitler.
22.  The Second World War was fought mostly between six countries. Which of the following shows the correct list of countries?
*USA, England, France---------   Germany, Italy, Japan
*Germany, Japan, Russia-----    USA, England, France
*Germany, Italy, Japan--------   USA, England, Russia
*Germany, Italy, Japan --------- USA, Russia, France.

23.  The international organization established officially on October 24, 1945 is:
*League of Nation                         *International Labour Organization                          
      *United Nations                            *International Court of Justice
24. Which of the following is NOT a permanent member of the UN Security Council?
      *England                    *Germany                      *Russia                       *China

25.  The Non- UN world body formed by the countries that did not want to join any power bloc is   called
     *Warsaw Pact            *SEATO Pact             *NATO Pact             *Non –Aligned Group
26.  In the Bhutanese system of government, the legislative power is vested in the hands of
*the prime minister, the Gyalyong Tshogdu and the Gyalyong Tshogde.
*the Monarch, the Gyalyong Tshogdu and the Gyalyong Tshogde.
*the Council of Ministers and the people.
*the Council of ministers, National Assembly and the National Council.

27.  Which of the following is NOT true about the Bhutanese constitution?
*it is an unwritten constitution.            *it talks about the Bhutanese form of government.

*it starts with a Preamble.                    *it guarantees fundamental rights to all its citizens.

28.  “It is the basic responsibility to be performed by the citizens for the welfare of the people and in the interest of nation.”
Question: The above statement describes the:
*directive principles of state policy                                    *Fundamental Rights.
 *Fundamental Duties.                                                         *Independence of Judiciary.

29.  As per the Citizenship Laws of Bhutan, the three ways of becoming Bhutanese citizen are:
*citizen by birth, citizenship by donation, and citizenship by naturalization.
*citizenship by birth, citizenship by registration, and citizenship by naturalization.
*citizenship by birth, citizenship by registration, and citizenship by allegiance.
*citizenship by birth, citizenship by registration, and citizenship by residence.

30.  Which of the following statements about voting is TRUE for Bhutan?
I.                   all the citizens who are 18 years and above and mentally sound have the right to vote.
II.                all the citizens should be members of a political party.
III.             all the citizens should vote for the right candidate.
IV.             Voting is a fundamental right as well as fundamental duty of all the citizens of Bhutan.
*I, II, and III                        *I, III, and IV                *II, III and IV                    *III, IV, and I

SECTION: B   (70 Marks)

Answer ALL Questions.

Bhutan History: 35 Marks
1.      What reforms did Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck bring in the area of  education in the country.(5)

2.      Why did the Monk-body and the Council of ministers decide to have a king instead of the Desi System? (4)

3.       Why was there a need to reform the administration during the reign of Druk Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuk? Give two reasons.       (4)

4.      Bhutan was not affected by the major historical events like Great economic Depression and the Second World War during the time of Druk Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuck. Explain two reasons.  (4)

5.      What was one of the greatest achievements of Druk Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck? How did it help Bhutan? (1+2)

6.      Explain some of the steps taken by Druk Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck to bring an end to Bhutan’s isolation. (5)

7.       In which year and date, was king Jigme Singye Wangchuck crowned? (2)

8.      List down any five goals identified by Druk Gyalpo, to fulfill his plan for the country, which was evident from his speech delivered during his coronation on 2nd June, 1974. (5)

9.      What does SAARC stands for? Write down its important function. (1+2)

World History: (25 marks)
1.      Evaluate the achievement of Mussolini in both the social and political fields. (5)

2.      “Joseph Stalin was a visionary leader who brought great economic, political and social changes in Russia.” Prove this statement with evidence of his achievements. (5)

3.      The unjust terms of the treaty of Versailles were responsible for the Second World War. Analyze this statement.   (5)

4.      “Those who use violence to achieve their goals bring misery to themselves and their friends.”
Support this statement by analyzing what happened to Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, and Japan in the Second World War. (5)
5.      “The cold war did serious harm to a large number of nations. Explain this with evidences. (5)

Civics (10 marks)

1.      Define the term ‘government’ and write down at least three functions of government.(2+3)

2.      Explain why it is important for the people to exercise both Fundamental Rights as well as Fundamental Duties. Give one example of  each.(3+2)

The End 


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