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Maths Cl-7 (Annual Exam 2014)


Class seven                                                                                         Time: 2hours
Mathematics                                                                                       100 marks                                                                                                                                        
                                                           SECTION A
15 Questions-30 marks
Answer ALL Questions

Direction: Read the following questions carefully. For each question there are four alternatives A, B, C and D. Choose the correct alternative and write it in the answer sheet provided.

1)      Select the correct order from least to greatest.
a)     -3,-1,-4,0,+1,+3
b)    0, +1, +3, -1, -3,-4
c)     -4, -3, -1, 0, +1, +3
d)    +3, +1, 0, -1, -3, -4
2)      The circumference of the circle with the diameter 14cm is
a)      22cm             b) 44cm      c) 42m             d) 28m

3)      To change from greater unit to smaller unit
a)     Multiple each step by 10 up
b)    Divide  each step by 10 down
c)     Multiple each step by 10 down
d)    Divide  each step by 10 up
4)      Calculate    as percent

a)     5 %          b) 40 %       c) 30%          d) 20 %

5)      If 3apples cost Nu 15. What is the cost of 6 apples?

a)     Nu. 5      b) Nu. 20        c) Nu. 10       d) Nu. 30

6)                which symbol makes it true

a)     <         b)  >     c)   =       d) None

7)      Whole number is divisible by 3 if…..
                  a)  the ones digit is 0,2,4,6, or 8                
                  b)  the sum of the digit is multiple of 3      
                  c)  the sum of the digit is multiple of 9            
                  d) the ones digit is 0

8)      Two integers which are less than +4 and more than -2 are
a)     -1 and +2         b)-5 and -3    c) -1 and -5           d)-2 and +5

9)      , 2 is read as
a)     Power          b)Base       c)Exponent        d)Cube

10)   The sum of angles in a triangle is…
a)          b)       c)      d)

11)  The probability of drawing a club if you draw a card from the deck is
a)             b)          c)            d)

     12)  The probability of tossing a coin and getting khorlo (K) is
                  a)         b)        c)           d)
    13) Sum of a number and its double is
               a) 2 + n        b) 2n +4       c) n + 2n    d) 2n +2

   14)  The measurement unit to measure capacity is…
          a)  hectometer (hm)      b) litre (l)     c) centigram (cg)      d) millimeter (mm)

   15) 1L is equal to how many millilitres?

a)     100 ml      b) 10ml    c) 1000ml   d) 1 ml
                                                     SECTION B
Q1. Calculate
a)     L.C.M (40 and 42)                   (2 marks)
b)    G.C.F (12 and 20)                   (2 marks)

Q2. Order from least to greatest. ,  (2 marks)

Q3. (a) Add  +  +   (2 marks)

(b) A recipe for ema datshi serves 4 people. It calls for 2 tomatoes. How many tomatoes you need to serve each?      (3 marks)
                i. 2 people       ii. 4 people         iii. 12 people

Q4.    Construct a angle. (USE compass)               (3 marks)

Q5. a)  Draw a vertical number line and mark each temperature on your number line. (2 marks)
              +11°C, +2°C, 0°C, -7°C

       b) Add using counters.                                 (2 marks)
          i. (-3) + (+7)
          ii. (+ 8) + (-5)

Q6. If you add a negative integer to a positive integer, when is the sum positive? Explain your thinking. (3marks)

Q7. (a)  Identify the variables, co-efficient and constant for the expression 5n + 3.       (2 marks)

         (b)  Translate words to expression using variable. (2 marks)
a.     4 more than  a number
b.     The difference between 30 and a number
Q8. (a) Use guess and test to solve the expression 8k – 62 = 26  (3 marks)

        (b) Identify the outliers, gaps and clusters from the following set of data.
          (3 marks)
Q9. (a) choose a method for collecting each type of data. Explain your choice. (3marks)
i.                   To find out the favourite colour of every student in your class.
ii.                 To find out if animals have colour preference.

     (b) What would be an easy way to calculate mean, median, mode and range of the following      set of data? (4 marks)
                53, 54, 55, 55, 55, 57, 58, 59, 59, 60

Q10. Rewrite the question to make it better. (2 mark)
a)     How would you rate your enjoyment of studying math, science, and English?
b)    How effective is homework in improving your learning?

                                                       SECTION C
Q11. a) Which is greater in each pair?        (1 mark)
i.                    or
ii.                 or

         b)write in exponential form. (1 mark)
·        118,000,342

Q12. (a) A class voted on whether to use red or yellow on a school banner? (3 marks)
·          of the class voted for red
·        of the class voted for yellow

i.                   Which colour got more votes?
ii.                 What is the difference between the fractions?

       (b)  A dozen banana cost Nu. 24. Complete the table. (5marks)
No. of bananas
Cost (Nu)


Q13.sonam reads 10 pages of a book on night 1. Each night after that, she reads 4 pages  more than the night before.(7 marks)
a)     Create a table that shows the number of pages  and the night number up to night 4.
b)    Graph the relationship in part a)
c)     On what night will she reads 78 pages?

Q14. a) Which two opposite integers are 12 units apart from 0 on the number line? Show your work. (2 marks)

(b) Tell whether each statement is True or false. Explain your thinking?        (4 marks)
         i. The farther an integer is from zero on a number line, the greater it is.
         ii. No positive integer is less than +1

Q15. (a)  Find the circumference. (3 marks)

(b)Tally and record the given data in a frequency table and display it in a histrogram. (4marks)

Data values were collected about the age of whales in a pod of 50 whales.

Age of whales
17          57          12          35          18
13          10          69           8           42
11          20          14          58          13
62          13          11          62          19
15          35          14          27          22
36          16          36          55          28
32          46           7            8            9
10          12          11          24          19
29          28          52          46          14
31          17          25          32          13  

                          xxxxxxxxxx ALL THE BESTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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